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1. Welcome and apologies

1. Welcome and apologies. Apologies were received from Dany Vandromme (Renater), Lajos B álint (HUNGARNET), Siavash Shashahani (IPM), Jan Weglarz and Stanislaw Starzak (PCSS), Stefano Zatti (ESA), Yves Poppe (BCI/Teleglobe), ……….. Proxies: Slawomir Niwinski represents PCSS with proxy.

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1. Welcome and apologies

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  1. 1. Welcome and apologies Apologies were received from Dany Vandromme (Renater), Lajos Bálint (HUNGARNET), Siavash Shashahani (IPM), Jan Weglarz and Stanislaw Starzak (PCSS), Stefano Zatti (ESA), Yves Poppe (BCI/Teleglobe), ……….. Proxies: • Slawomir Niwinski represents PCSS with proxy

  2. 2. Approval of Agenda3. Minutes and Actions List • The GA is asked to approve the agenda • The GA is asked to approve the minutes of the 17th GA meeting (Limerick, 5-6 June 2002)

  3. 4a. Admission of new members 4b. Changes in membership • The GA is asked to note that the TERENA membership of FRCU/EUN (Egypt) has been terminated from 1 September 2002 4c. New representatives

  4. 4d. Outstanding Membership Fees Member ctry 2000 2001 2002 total GRNET GR 28,200 28,200 IPM IR 28,200 28,200 ANSTI/RNC RO 20,298 20,298 SURIS IS 4,477 5,208 9,685 MARNET MK 5,384 5,384 KPNQwest/EUnet 2,350 2,350 BCI/Teleglobe 2,614 2,614 ------- ------- ------- -------- TOTAL 0 4,477 92,254 96,731

  5. 5. SERENATE update

  6. SERENATE basics • Strategic study into the evolution of research & education networking in Europe over the next 5-10 years. Looking into the technical, organisational and financial aspects, the market conditions and the regulatory environment. Will provide inputs to the policy-making of the EC, national governments and funding bodies, research institutions and research & education networks. • May 2002 – September 2003 • Project partners: TERENA, DANTE, CTI, Academia Europaea, ESF. With strong involvement of national research & education networks. • Needs active participation from all stakeholders!

  7. SERENATE’s 14 work items • Initial Workshop • Transport Infrastructure • Regulatory Situation • Operators Workshop • Infrastructure Forecast • NREN Models • Infrastructure Scenarios • Equipment • User Needs • Overall Strategic Scenarios • Extensions of Research Networks • Geographic Coverage • Final Workshop • Final Report

  8. Where are we today?

  9. Initial Workshop (1) • took place at La Hulpe from 17-18 September 2002 • 94 participants from: national research & education networks, researchers, government and funding bodies, telecom operators, equipment manufacturers • interesting plenary presentations: • researcher’s, educationalist’s and librarian’s view • policies/politics (EP, EC, ENPG) • the view from the campus (FR, UK) • the continental view (GÉANT, Internet2) • optical networking • problems in real life • breakout discussion sessions on Technology, Economics, Geography, Researchers’ Needs, Other Users’ Needs

  10. Initial Workshop (2) • breakout discussion sessions on five questions: • Security inhibits user-to-user connectivity. Discuss. • Is geographically ubiquitous connectivity for European researchers (a) sustainable? (b) extensible? • What should Europe do about connectivity to “neighbouring areas”? • How should the national research & education networks community transfer their experience and/or expertise to other communities? • Can (should) we recommend a minimum/average/acceptable level of service for each European researcher? • plenary session, including preliminary impressions

  11. Initial Workshop (3) Some preliminary impressions (1): • From hardware to services: Research networking is evolving fast. It is not so much just getting “hardware connectivity” to the researcher’s desk, but it is increasingly about delivering a set of services needed by researchers (and others). The user wants information access, collaborative tools, “disciplinary Grids”. AAA and Web/Grid services will be part of the delivery mechanism. • Research & education networks are a resource: Lots of expertise. Growing understanding by government of the importance of ICT as a driver for economic prosperity. Growing understanding by governments of the value of their research & education network’s expertise. Increasing requests to capitalise on that expertise.

  12. Initial Workshop (4) Some preliminary impressions (2): • Technology: The “optical wave” is a powerful one. We need to find a coherent approach to the “steadily increasing amplitude” of optical networking. • Economics: We need a clear understanding of any regulatory barriers that we could face in deploying pan-European fibre. Does it matter whether you actually own fibre, or lease it on a long-term basis, or maybe even lease wavelengths? • Geography: There is a conflict between two fundamental EU-policy concepts: equal opportunities for researchers wherever they are (ERA)  subsidiarity. • Researcher-User Needs: As much as they can get (and afford). AAA, Grids etc.

  13. Initial Workshop (5) Some preliminary impressions (3): • Other Users’ Needs: Could one develop benchmarks for schools, libraries, hospitals etc.? • Policy and funding: Dialogue with governments and politicians (national and European level) needed. www.serenate.org/workshop1.html

  14. Transport Infrastructure • fact-finding on the transport and infrastructure market – deployment and trends, incl. pricing and availability and market development as well as global connectivity issues • carried out by DANTE and CTI • started in June 2002 • material GÉANT procurements as one of the inputs • confidential interviews with European-level operators • study to be completed in November 2002 • taking into account results of Operators Workshop • report in December 2002

  15. Regulatory situation • study into the status of regulatory development in: • each of the EU Accession States • Portugal, Greece • the other EU Member States as a whole • carried out by CTI and Antelope Consulting • started in May 2002 (one month before schedule) • lot of information already gathered • study to be completed in November 2002 • report in December 2002

  16. Operators Workshop (1) • will take place in Amsterdam on 8 November 2002 • organised by TERENA and DANTE • directed at traditional and “alternative” operators: • new pan-European operators • traditional operators that have developed pan-European capabilities • unreconstructured monopolists • regional operators

  17. Operators Workshop (2) • discussion sessions on: • technology: “Protocol Wars: Return of the Circuit Switch” • pricing and geography: “How to close the Digital Price Divide in Europe?” • stability of the industry: “Will we see more operators getting into serious problems?” • relations between operators and research networks: “Business relationship or partnership?” www.serenate.org/workshop2.html

  18. NREN Models • case studies on novel infrastructure acquisition initiatives • analytic report • carried out by CTI • results to be discussed in workshop aimed at NRENs, organised by TERENA on 5 February 2003 in Noordwijkerhout (NL) • started in August 2002 • study to be completed in February 2003 • end-report in March 2003

  19. Equipment • study into the availability and characteristics of equipment for next-generation networks • carried out by DANTE and TERENA • contributions from technical experts from TF-NGN • started in July 2002 • questionnaire developed; interviews with equipment manufacturers to take place between 20 October and 30 November 2002 • study to be completed in December 2002 • report in January 2003

  20. Researchers’ Needs • study of the networking needs of users in the European research community • carried out by Academia Europaea and ESF • started in August 2002 • Web questionnaire developed and large number of researchers invited to respond • draft report to be discussed in workshop in Montpellier from 17-19 January 2003 • study to be completed in February 2003 • end-report in February 2003

  21. 8. TERENA Activity Plan 2003

  22. TERENA Activity Plan 2003Introduction • The Activity Plan 2003 is a document of the TERENA Executive Committee, describing its plans for TERENA for the next year

  23. TERENA Activity Plan 2003“State of the Union” • Europe has established itself as a very major player in research and education networking • Some milestones: • GÉANT • IPv6 experimental rollout • Major player in Grids • Other technical development work (QoS, middleware, etc.) is also at the forefront • Now the time to look at strategic issues for the future: SERENATE • How to achieve the ERA’s goals of equal opportunities for researchers throughout Europe: need to narrow this digital divide

  24. TERENA Activity Plan 2003TERENA’s mission • Fostering new activities • among others, investigating feasibility of ideas and developing and piloting new services • Technical Programme • support to joint European work in developing, evaluating, testing, integrating and promoting new networking, middleware and application technologies • workshops and ad-hoc meetings to exchange experiences and to plan for joint activities • Knowledge Transfer • conferences, workshops and seminars • knowledge transfer to less-advanced networks • Promoting members’ interests • political, policy and industrial contacts, and liaison with other continents

  25. TERENA Activity Plan 2003“State of TERENA” • Facilitator for joint technical work. Increased visibility of the organisation. • TERENA has a small Secretariat to support and facilitate activities carried out by the community • Increased participation of the Secretariat in Framework Programme projects, co-funded by the EC. Creates challenges for the available staff and for management and financial administration. • New projects co-funded by the EC have positive effect on TERENA’s finances • Need to consider carefully balance between EU-funded activities and other work. Need to ensure continuity.

  26. TERENA Activity Plan 2003Priorities for 2003 • Provide inputs to policies of many stakeholders. SERENATE and its follow-up. • Promote participation of the community in FP6. TERENA itself also to participate in FP6 project proposals whenever appropriate. • Continue support to successful task forces and projects. Develop new activities in Technical Programme. • Take initiatives to support research networking in underserved countries.

  27. TERENA Activity Plan 2003Representation of members’ interests • SERENATE • TERENA Compendium of National Research & Education Networks • Continue liaison with EC, ENPG, ICANN • Continue intensive collaboration with Internet2 • Continue to arrange European representation in CCIRN meetings • Information dissemination via the TERENA website

  28. TERENA Activity Plan 2003Technical Programme (1) • TF-AACE successful and continuing • TF-CSIRT successful and growing • TF-LSD to be limited to tasks related to ongoing projects • TF-NGN successful and continuing with new list of activities • New task force on Mobility to be established • Initiative for IP Telephony Cookbook project

  29. TERENA Activity Plan 2003Technical Programme (2) • Follow Grids developments. Support exchange of information between Grids and research-networking communities. • Promote discussions on how to organise and structure the interaction with the campus level • Discuss role of NRENs and TERENA in content delivery and the integration of content and networking services • Ongoing major projects: “Adding Certificate Retrieval to OpenLDAP” and “Directory Schema Registry” • New edition of the GNRT to be published

  30. TERENA Activity Plan 2003Technical Programme (3) Projects (co-)funded by the EC in which TERENA participates: • 6NET • 6LINK • SCAMPI • TRANSITS • SEEREN

  31. TERENA Activity Plan 2003Conferences and knowledge transfer • Organise support to research networking in underserved countries • Funding for participation from “poorer” countries obtained in SERENATE and TRANSITS • Provide more support on a bilateral basis. • Collaborate with CEENet on NATO workshop • Establish “help-desk” function • Organise TERENA Networking Conference 2003 • Zagreb, 19-22 May 2003 • Together with CARNet Users’ Conference 2003 • Possibly combined with Cisco and/or Juniper events • Organise mini-symposium at October GA meeting

  32. TERENA Activity Plan 2003Services • Continue function as clearinghouse for Trusted Introducer service, now established on a permanent basis Memberships • Review TERENA’s membership of the Internet Society Information dissemination and publicity • Establish group of PR officers of TERENA member organisations

  33. 9b. Contribution categories of National Members • The GA is asked to decide that all TERENA National Members will be in the same membership category in 2003 as they are in 2002.

  34. (kEUR) 2001 2002 2002 result budget outlook EXPENDITURE personnel costs 733 854 860 accommodation 106 125 128 office running costs 154 192 186 travel & meetings 52 59 54 membership 6 6 5 financial expenses 6 11 16 representation interests 3 2 2 technical meetings 20 29 39 technical travel 32 35 22 minor projects funding 32 62 44 depreciation debtors 0 0 55 ---------------------------------------- TOTAL 1144 1375 1411 INCOME contributions 918 964 966 interest 54 45 47 charged hours + other income 80 414 594 depletion Special Project Fund 6 39 1 ---------------------------------------- TOTAL 1058 1462 1608 OPERATING RESULT -8787 197 project results -1 -209 -197 NET RESULT -86 -122 0 9c. Projected outlook 2002

  35. (kEUR) 2001 result 2002 budget 2002 outlook INCOME contributions 918 964 966 project income 158 350 652 other income 17 45 14 ---------------------------------------- TOTAL 1093 1359 1632 DIRECT EXPENDITURE project costs -159 -559 -849 Technical Programme -84 -126 -105 ---------------------------------------- TOTAL -243 -685 -954 INCOME LESS DIRECT EXP.+850 +674 +678 INDIRECT EXPENDITURE personnel costs -662 -446 -279 other administrative costs -321 -384 -375 ---------------------------------------- TOTAL -984 -830 -654 OPERATING RESULT -134 -156 +24 interest received 54 45 47 financial expenses -6 -11 -71 ---------------------------------------- TOTAL 48 34 -24 INCOME LESS EXPENDITURE -86 -122 0 RESERVES AT YEAR START951 865 865 RESERVES AT YEAR END865 743 865 9c. Projected outlook 2002

  36. (kEUR) 2002 2002 2003 proposed budget outlook budget EXPENDITURE personnel costs 854 860 939 accommodation 125 128 131 office running costs 192 186 191 travel & meetings 59 54 64 membership 6 5 6 financial expenses 11 16 14 representation interests 2 2 2 technical meetings 29 39 40 technical travel 35 22 25 minor projects funding 62 44 50 depreciation debtors 0 55 0 ------------------------------------------ TOTAL 1375 1411 1462 INCOME contributions 964 966 942 interest 45 47 45 charged hours + other income 414 594 693 depletion Special Project Fund 39 1 26 ------------------------------------------ TOTAL 1462 1608 1706 OPERATING RESULT 87 197 244 project results -209 -197 -538 NET RESULT -122 0-294 9d. Proposed budget 2003

  37. (kEUR) 2002 budget 2002 outlook 2003 prop.budget INCOME contributions 964 966 942 project income 350 652 557 other income 45 14 29 ---------------------------------------- TOTAL 1359 1632 1528 DIRECT EXPENDITURE project costs -559 -849 -1095 Technical Programme -126 -105 -115 ---------------------------------------- TOTAL -685 -954 -1210 INCOME LESS DIRECT EXP.+674 +678 +318 INDIRECT EXPENDITURE personnel costs -446 -279 -249 other administrative costs -384 -375 -394 ---------------------------------------- TOTAL -830 -654 -643 OPERATING RESULT -156 +24 -325 interest received 45 47 45 financial expenses -11 -71 -14 ---------------------------------------- TOTAL 34 -24 31 INCOME LESS EXPENDITURE -122 0 -294 RESERVES AT YEAR START865 865 865 RESERVES AT YEAR END743 865 571 9d. Proposed budget 2003

  38. 9d. Budget 2003 and membership fees 2003 • The GA is asked to adopt the TERENA budget for 2003 as shown in document GA(02)022 and to determine that the membership fee for 2003 will remain unchanged at EUR 4700 per unit.

  39. 12. Secretariat matters TERENA Secretariat staffper October 2002 Karel Vietsch Secretary General John Dyer Chief Technical Officer Yuri Demchenko Project Development Officer (leaves 31 Oct) Valentino Cavalli Project Development Officer Kevin Meynell Project Development Officer Licia Florio Project Development Officer Alex de Joode Senior IT Support Officer (20/39) Dick Visser System/Network Manager (30/39) Jeroen Houben Webmaster Bert van Pinxteren Chief Administrative Officer Carol de Groot PR & Conference Officer Wilma Overdevest Financial Administrator (24/39) Raquel Corredoira Workshop Organiser (24/39) Roos Stouthamer Secretary

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