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http://howtogetbacktomyex.com: Relationships: Get My Ex Back! And Perfect Love...What do you want out of life? Perfect Love? Mountains of money? Both? A perfect social life/lots of friends? Loads of sex without consequences? What else? Each of us have differing opinions as to what would make us truly happy or please us the most.
Relationships: Get My Ex Back! And Perfect Love...What do you want out of life? Perfect Love? Mountains of money? Both? A perfect social life/lots of friends? Loads of sex without consequences? What else? Each of us have differing opinions as to what would make us truly happy or please us the most. Whatever your preference is, more often than not it is up to you to make it happen. Let's take the 1st one above, Perfect love, does it really exist? And how does "Perfect Love" tie in with "My Ex?" Well, I believe that perfect love does exist but that doesn't mean to say that this Love comes without problems or stresses. Let's chip away at this...
I believe that it is possible to love someone to the exclusion of all else, there is absolutely nobody else who exists outside of that love and that is the most perfect love. I also believe that there can come a time in that love where you can break up, and then discover the agonising need to ask yourself this question..."My Ex! How do I get my ex back?" WOW! OK, this is a confusing issue. I love my ex with all that I am! But I need to get him or her back! With all the love in my heart, how can I have broken up with my ex?
Love can be all-consuming. Right? Love can turn your heart upside-down and inside-out, of that there is no doubt. Your love can take up all of your thoughts and dreams and hopes and desires, there is little else you can think of. And this where the problem can creep in. You see, love is blind...I'm sure you've heard that one... and it can blind you to reality, so that when reality strikes it strikes very hard! You had heard or know of others dealing with painful issues to do their getting ex back and it always seemed to be someone else's problem, detached from you...but now that it is you with that question hanging in your heart and thoughts all day and all night, the reality of what other have been through has crashed home.
"Get My Ex Back"...Ummmm, what? Does this really now apply to me? Sleepless nights, days at work where nothing seems real any more, going home, to any empty chair. You feel like that old song "Home isn't home any more without you there..." and it goes on to talk about an empty table and empty chair. Yeah OK, you get the message. So what now? I think I get the message across, as in that I know what's going on. So what can I suggest that is going to help you? How can I, a complete stranger, help you?
" What I'm saying here is that even among all those feelings and the depression that I know go along with such painful separation, there is HOPE! Because you have a human heart, because you are an emotional being, because you are looking for help and a solution...there is a tried and trusted solution to your problem within you reach. Human psychology is common to ALL humans and that includes you, this doesn't mean that you are a basket case (even thigh you may feel like one right now) but rather that you can have the hope in you that this terrible pain in your heart can be remedied..
Others who have gone through this, and still others who have not - but possess a keen feel for human suffering have paved the way for your relief and healing. You can resolve this relationship problem you are in at the moment, you can get your ex back with you, you can have a new and long-lasting relationship after this. This break-up will never disappear but the hurt will just be a reminding-memory of what you suffered and how you got throughYou can discover something for yourself that will not only get your ex back, but will pave the way to a new and far deeper love and understanding of each-other.
You gain a new and proper understanding of how to get along with opposite sex, what makes them tick, how to avoid trouble before it even happens. You can find a way for both of you to get into something that will clear away the fog of misunderstanding and hurt that could actually prevent your relationship ever getting back in order, healed, and settledThis sense of dislocation, hurt, even anger and blaming you feel right now can easily prevent you from taking the right action. You would do well to take a deep (psychological) breath, count to ten, make up your mind to assume control of your heart and get on with the real task of getting your ex back!
Once the two of you have been through the painful and pleasing process of getting back together you will once again realise that perfect love does exist, and that sometimes it just needs to go through something of a refining fire to purify it. Once done, you will wonder why you ever thought that it was all over, forever. Your heart will again be filled with that chest-bursting love that threatens to overwhelm you, to overload all of your senses, and yet it is a love that enhances life, that makes it all worthwhile, makes colours brighter, music sweeter, touch more sensitive, life more worth living...and love more perfect!
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