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Our chakras are the gateway to our physical, emotional, and spiritual health. And when we learn how to open chakras and harmonize our energy, we feel happier, healthier, and better balanced. <br>So, is there a way to learn how to open chakras on your own? Absolutely! But you’ll need to understand what chakras are and how to identify which of your chakras may be blocked first.
How To Open Chakras For Physical and EmotionalHealing Powerful Our chakras are the gateway to our physical, emotional, and spiritual health. And when we learn how to open chakras and harmonize our energy, we feel happier, healthier, and better balanced. So, is there a way to learn how to open chakras on your own? Absolutely! But you’ll need to understand what chakras are and how to identify which of your chakras may be blockedfirst. How Do ChakrasWork? A chakra is an energy center. Each chakra is unique and is responsible for a number of physical and emotionalfunctions.
Thetraditionalchakramodelidentifiessevendistinctchakras,butothermodels identify twelve. For our purposes, we’re going to stick with the seven chakrasystem. • For a quick breakdown of the seven chakras, check out this handy chakra map. You’ll see where the different chakras are located and what they’re responsiblefor. • How Can I Tell If I Have A Blocked Chakra? • So, how can you tell if you have a blocked chakra? Greatquestion. • Here are some of the telltale signs and symptoms that you’re suffering from one or more blockedchakras: • Difficultysleeping • Difficultyconcentrating • Chronic depression oranxiety • Moodswings • Troublecommunicating • Difficulty connecting withothers • Feeling“stuck” • Which Of My Chakras IsBlocked? • Giving your chakras a little TLC all boils down to one thing: knowing which of your chakras are blocked. After all, if you want to put the knowledge of how to open chakras to good use, you’ll need to know which of your chakras needtending. • So, how can you tell which chakra you need to workon? • If something feels like it’s out of balance in your life, you can usually trace this imbalance back to an energy blockage in one of yourchakras. • Are you having difficulty speaking up for yourself? Your throat chakra could be blocked. Do you suffer from chronic anxiety? Your root chakra could be out ofwhack. • As Deborah King, Author of Mindvalley’s Be A Modern Master Program, explains, “All spiritual progress is born out ofself-awareness.”
Take a step back and examine your life. Where you do see lack and imbalance? Listen to your instincts to identify the chakras you need to work onopening. 4 Ways To Open Your Chakras For BetterWellbeing When it comes to learning how to open chakras on your own, there are a few different ways you can go aboutit: 1. ChakraMeditation This is perhaps one of the most powerful and reliable ways to open your chakras. But chakra meditationdoes require a more active approach than most. If you feel ready to take matters into your own hands, this is a fantastic place to start. A guided chakra meditationwill take you through the steps of focusing your energy where your body needs it most. It’s best to practice this more than once for lasting effects, but it’s worth it in the longrun.
Intensifying Mudras Mudras are special hand positions that can help activate and open your chakras. Each chakra has its own corresponding mudra. You can practice mudras with focused intention on their own, but mudras are best practiced alongside a chakrameditation. Cleansing Mantras Yet another way you can intensify the effects of your chakra meditation is by adding in some mantras. Each chakra has an associated sound. By chanting the sound of a chakra, you help activate the stagnant energy blocking the chakra you’re trying toopen. ChakraJewelry When we interact with crystals, their energetic frequency influences ours. Certain crystals even have the potential to affect our physical and mentalhealth. Each chakra is responsible for a number of different physiological and spiritual functions. By wearing certain crystals or keeping them nearby in our homes, we can encourage the movement of energy through certain blockedchakras. Here are the best stones to wear for eachchakra: Root Chakra: Garnet, onyx, red jasper,hematite Sacral Chakra: Carnelian, orange zincite, amber, tiger eye, orange coral Solar Plexus Chakra: Citrine, yellow sapphire, moonstone, sunstone Heart Chakra: Rose quartz, green tourmaline, malachite, garnet, jade Throat Chakra: Blue lace agate, lapis, azurite,sapphire Third Eye Chakra: Sodalite, turquoise, opalite, pearl, bluetopaz