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Twenty Questions

Twenty Questions. Brain-teasers. Twenty Questions. 1. Pronounced as one letter but look and you’ll see that really it’s written with three. Read from both sides the same either way. Eye (10). 2. How many ready made words can you find inside the word GRANDMOTHER?.

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Twenty Questions

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Twenty Questions Brain-teasers

  2. Twenty Questions

  3. 1. Pronounced as one letter but look and you’ll see that really it’s written with three. Read from both sides the same either way Eye (10)

  4. 2. How many ready made words can you find inside the word GRANDMOTHER? Grand, gran, ran, rand, an, and, mother, moth, other, he and her (10)

  5. Memory test 20 points

  6. 4. Fill in the missing letter in the following sequence J_M A M J J A S O (15 points)

  7. 5. Can a wife marry his brother’s wife’s mother in law? No, you can’t marry your own mother (5 points)

  8. Translate the followingR|E|A|D • Read between the lines (10 points)

  9. 7. Anagram worksheet (10 points)

  10. 8. Team wordsearch 20 points)

  11. What are the fore mistake in this sentence (10 points) • Fore should be four • Mistake should be mistakes • No question mark • There are only three errors

  12. 10. Below you will find a number of words with only their endings remaining (15 points) Pencil Bronze Cheese Deluxe Tattoo Vacuum

  13. 11. Two boxers are in a boxing match. The match ends after six rounds after one boxer knocks out the other boxer. This is regular boxing but no man throws a punch. How is this possible? (15 points) The boxers are female

  14. 12.What is the middle of nowhere?(5 points) The letter H

  15. In Oklahoma you cannot take a picture of a man with a sign. Why not? (10 points) You can only take a picture of someone with a camera

  16. A murderer is condemned to death. He has to choose three rooms. Room one is full of raging fires. Room two is full of assassins with loaded guns. The third is full of lions that haven’t eaten in three years. Which room is safest for him? (10 points) Room three – the lions are dead

  17. See paragraph (20 points) There is no letter e in the piece of text

  18. What five letter word can you add to the beginning or end of the words below to make a familiar word or phrase (10 points Water

  19. Work out this well known proverb.It’s vastly preferable to remain unscathed than to be forced into apologising (20 points) Better safe than sorry

  20. Each pair of clues below relate to two words. One of the other words is the other one spelled backward?(20 points) Live/evil Straw/warts Reward/drawer Guns/snug

  21. 19. Add together each of the defined words to make a whole new wordA vehicle + an animal palThe ocean + a father’s boyLight brown colour+ to leave Carpet, season and tango

  22. 20. What happened in 1961 and will not happen again until 6009? (10 points) The year reads the same upside down

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