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Delve into various qualitative research paradigms and methods including social action, symbolic interaction, grounded theory, phenomenology, and more. Understand the nuances between quantitative and qualitative approaches in research.
METODE PENELITIAN KUALITATIF: Penjelajahan Paradigma Tanpa Batas
METODE KUALITATIF: “Yang Mana?” • Social Action: Weber (Verstehen) • Symbolic Interaction : Herbert Mead (Self=I+Me) Herbert Blumer (The Three Prepositions) Erving Goffman (Dramaturgy) • Grounded Theory: Strauss (inductive approach) • Phenomenology: Edmund Huserl (Internal Human Mind: Classification) Alfred Schutz (Common-sense knowledge: Typification) • Ethnomethodology: Harold Garfinkel (DocumentaryMethod: Making Sense) • Hermeneutics: Habermas (Text and Context) • Ethnography:(Thick Description) • Postmodernism: Foucault (Discourse Analysis) • Feminist Methodology: Kasper (Active Listening)
the Three Approaches to Research (1) Neuman, W Lawrence; Social Research Methods; Qualitative and Quantitative Approaches
Metode Kualitatif = Percakapan Paradigma • Paradigma: • “cara pandang” tentang sesuatu yang di dalamnya mengandung sejumlah: • asumsi yang tertentu • teori yang tertentu • metode yang tertentu • model yang tertentu • solusi yang tertentu • asumsi mendiktekan yang lainnya; • antara yang satu dan lainnya memiliki konsistensi internal
Quantitative—Qualitative: competing discourses main-stream discourse: Quantitative—Qualitative: It’s a continuity disappearing discourse: Qualitative: It’s a complementary/supplementary to quantitative alternative discourse: Quantitative—Qualitative: It’s a belief!
The Central Plank of Positivism __“universal truth”__ __“objectivity”__“generalisation”__ __”patterns”__”testing theory”__”hypothesis”__ __”variable”__”operational definition”__”indicator”__ __”instrumentation”__”validity”__ ”reliability”__ __”accuracy”__”precision”__ ”scale”__ __”close-ended questionaire”__ __”respondent”__“probing”__”coding”__ __”statistics”__”population”__ __”sample”__”random”__
The Language of Qualitative Methods __“meanings”__“subjective interpretation” __“reality as social construction”__ __”multiplicity of truths”__ __”theory building”__”voices”__ __”reflexivity”__”subject/informan”__ __”representation”__”authenticity”__ __”narration”__”thick description”__ __”subject as the expert”__”good rapport”__ __”getting-in, getting along, getting out”__ __”in-depth interview”__”oral history”__
Some Problematic Issues: Macro Vs Micro: instititutions as the objective driving forces Vs individuals as producers of subjective meanings Structural Vs Non-Structural determination of structure Vs creative individuals Positivism Vs Non-Positivism objective reality Vs perceived reality Quantitative Vs Qualitative number Vs voice
Qualitative Methods: Some Implications Tidak tunggal tetapi jamak; • Bukan protokol tetapi pendekatan penuh asumsi; • Teori dan metode tak dapat dipisahkan; • Rekonstruksi teori yang relevan dengan data adalah tujuan penting; • Pemahaman data menurut perspektif subjek/informan adalah esensi dalam pengumpulan dan analisis data;