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Learn about breaking products into modules for maximal internal relationships and minimal module interactions, enhancing reusability and maintenance.

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  2. WHAT IS A MODULE? • A lexically contiguous sequence of program statements, bounded by boundary elements, with aggregate identifier. • Methods for breaking up product into modules? UHD::CS3320::CHAP6

  3. EXAMPLE • A computer architect decides to build an ALU, shifter and 16 registers using AND, OR and NOT gates (rather than NAND or NOR gates). UHD::CS3320::CHAP6

  4. UHD::CS3320::CHAP6

  5. COMPUTER DESIGN--CNTD • Computer architect realizes that it is better to build a chip using one type of gates ==> Partitions the system so that one gate type on each chip. UHD::CS3320::CHAP6

  6. COMPUTER DESIGN--CNTD • Two designs functionally equivalent • Second design • hard to understand • hard to locate faults • difficult to extend or enhance • cannot be reused in another product • Modules must be selected with • maximal relationships within modules • minimal relationships between modules UHD::CS3320::CHAP6

  7. COMPOSITE/STRUCTURED DESIGN • Method for breaking up product into modules for • maximal relationships within modules • minimal relationships between modules • Module cohesion • Degree of interaction within module • Module coupling • Degree of interaction between modules UHD::CS3320::CHAP6

  8. C/SD--CONTD • Module: function, logic, and context • A module is identified with its function Example: a module computes square root of double precision integers using Newton’s algorithm • Module should be names compute square root UHD::CS3320::CHAP6

  9. MODULE COHESION • Seven categories or levels of cohesion: 1. Coincidental cohesion (worst) 2. Logical cohesion should be avoided 3. Temporal cohesion 4. Procedural cohesion 5. Communicational cohesion 6. Informational cohesion desirable 7. Functional cohesion (best) UHD::CS3320::CHAP6

  10. 1. Coincidental Cohesion • Module performs multiple, completely unrelated actions • Example: • Module: print next line, reverse string of characters in second argument, add 7 to third argument, convert fourth argument to floating point • Why is Coincidental Cohesion so bad? • Degrades maintainability • No reuse UHD::CS3320::CHAP6

  11. 2. Logical Cohesion • Module performs series of related actions, each is selected by setting the value of a parameter • Example: • Module performs all input and output ops • Why is logical Cohesion so bad? • Interface difficult to understand • Code for more than one action may be intertwined • Difficult to reuse UHD::CS3320::CHAP6

  12. 3. Temporal Cohesion • Module performs a series of actions related in time • Example: • open input file, open output file, initialize table of records, read first record (i.e. Initialization actions) • Why is temporal cohesion so bad? • Actions weakly related to one another, but strongly related to other actions in other modules UHD::CS3320::CHAP6

  13. 4. Procedural cohesion • Module performs series of actions related by procedure to be followed in product. • Example: • read part number then update repair record • Why is procedural cohesion so bad? • Actions still weakly connected, so not reusable. UHD::CS3320::CHAP6

  14. 5. Communicational Cohesion • Module performs series of actions related by procedure to be followed by product, but in addition all the actions operate on same data • Example: • calculate new coordinates and send them to terminal • Still lack of reusability UHD::CS3320::CHAP6

  15. 6. Informational Cohesion • Module performs a number of actions, each with its own entry point, with independent code for each action, all performed on same data structure. • This is essentially an Abstract Data Type UHD::CS3320::CHAP6

  16. 7. Functional Cohesion • Module with functional cohesion performs exactly one action • More reusable • Maintenance easier UHD::CS3320::CHAP6

  17. Cohesion Case Study • Compute average daily temperatures at various sites. UHD::CS3320::CHAP6

  18. Cohesion Case Study UHD::CS3320::CHAP6

  19. Coupling • Degree of interaction between modules • File categories of coupling ( some goo some bad): 1. Content coupling Worst 2. Common coupling 3. Control coupling 4. Stamp coupling 5. Data coupling Best UHD::CS3320::CHAP6

  20. Content Coupling • One module directly references content of another module. Example: • One module branches into local label of another • One module references local data of another UHD::CS3320::CHAP6

  21. Common Coupling • Two modules are commonly coupled if they have access to global data. UHD::CS3320::CHAP6

  22. Control Coupling • Two modules are control coupled if one passes an element of control to another • Example: • Module p calls module q • Module q is supposed count the number of characters in a text file and return the result to module p. • If module q fails (e.g. Can read from file) it return -1. ==> the two modules are data coupled UHD::CS3320::CHAP6

  23. Control Coupling--Example CNTD Suppose: • Module p calls module q • Module q is supposed count the number of characters in a text file and return the result to module p. • If module q fails (e.g. Can read from file) returns a message that module p is supposed to output. ==> the two modules are control coupled UHD::CS3320::CHAP6

  24. Control Coupling-- CNTD • If q passes information back to p and p decides what actions to take ==> data coupling • If q passes information back to p but also informs p what actions to take ==> control coupling • What’s so bad about control coupling • module are not independent: module q must know structure and logic of p. • Affects reuse UHD::CS3320::CHAP6

  25. Stamp Coupling • Two modules are stamp coupled if data structure is passed as parameter, but called module operates on some but not all of individual components of data structure. • What’s so bad about Stamp coupling • Not clear, without reading entire module which part of data structure is changed • Pass more data than necessary • uncontrolled data access can lead to security problems UHD::CS3320::CHAP6

  26. Data Coupling • Two modules are data coupled is all parameters are homogeneous data items (i.e. Simple data items, or data structures all of whose elements are used by called module) Examples: • display_time_of_arrival(flight_number) • Compute_product(first_num, second_num) • get_job_with_highest_priority(job_queue) UHD::CS3320::CHAP6

  27. Data Coupling--CNTD • Why is data coupling so good? • Difficulties of all other couplings not present • Module interface is explicit • No side effects • Maintenance is easier UHD::CS3320::CHAP6

  28. Object-Oriented Paradigm • Data Encapsulation • Information Hiding • Inheritance • Polymorphism UHD::CS3320::CHAP6

  29. Data Encapsulation • Data structure together with the actions done on those data are encapsulated in the same “module”--the class • A class is an Abstract Data Type • An object is an instance of a class • Why is encapsulation so good? • A class is a module with informational cohesion • functional cohesion: at the method level UHD::CS3320::CHAP6

  30. UML Representation ClassName ClassName Data members Actions • Short hand notation UHD::CS3320::CHAP6

  31. UML Representation ClassName <instance of> objectName Watch myHandWatch UHD::CS3320::CHAP6

  32. Data Encapsulation and Development • Data Encapsulation allows abstraction during product analysis and design • When extracting and design the classes: • what objects are needed to be modeled? • what are the data attributes of each object? • what actions are to be performed on the data of each object? What are the interactions between objects UHD::CS3320::CHAP6

  33. Stepwise Refinement Step 1. Design in terms of high level concepts • concern with behavior of data structure Step 2. Design low level components • concern with implementation of the that behavior UHD::CS3320::CHAP6

  34. Information Hiding • Implementation details of the data attributes and methods of a class are hidden from outside the class. • Control access to data attributes • thru public methods • private members • Why is information hiding good ? • Interaction between classes occurs through explicitly declared interfaces. • No side effects: change in one module does not effect others • I.e. data coupling between classes. UHD::CS3320::CHAP6

  35. Inheritance Define HumanBeing to be a class • A HumanBeing has attributes, such as name, age, height, gender • Assign values to attributes when describing object Define Teacher to be a subclass of HumanBeing • A Teacher has all attributes if HumanBeing, plus attributes of his/her own (discipline, school, department) • A Teacher inherits all attributes of HumanBeing UHD::CS3320::CHAP6

  36. UML Representation HumanBeing Teacher <Sub-class of> UHD::CS3320::CHAP6

  37. Inheritance • Inheritance is essential to object-oriented language such as Smalltalk, C++, and JAVA • Does it improve cohesion? Coupling? • Provides further data abstraction • Improves reuse UHD::CS3320::CHAP6

  38. Composition/Aggregation • A class may contain other classes Example: A State contains many Counties which contain many townships A PoliceState is composed of PoliceOfficers A Directory contain Files UHD::CS3320::CHAP6

  39. UML Representation--Aggregation State County Township UHD::CS3320::CHAP6

  40. Polymorphism • Classical paradigm • function sort_integer_list • function sort_float_list • function sort_string_list • must explicitly invoke correct version UHD::CS3320::CHAP6

  41. ListClass virtual method sort IntListClass Implementation of method integer sort StringListClass Implementation of method string sort FloatListClass Implementation of method float sort • All that is needed is myList.sort( ) • correct method is invoked dynamically • Method sort() is polymorphic UHD::CS3320::CHAP6

  42. Summary Objects with high cohesion and low coupling Objects Information Hiding Abstract Data Types Data Encapsulation Modules with high cohesion and low coupling Modules UHD::CS3320::CHAP6

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