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What is Development?

Use the Development Compass Rose to analyze various aspects of development in different places by asking specific questions related to natural, economic, and social factors. Enhance your understanding of More Economically Developed Countries (MEDCs) and Less Economically Developed Countries (LEDCs) using this tool.

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What is Development?

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  1. What is Development?

  2. Stuck for questions?.... • Geographers must ask smart questions • The Development Compass Rose can help you. N N = Natural W = Who decides? W E E = Economic S S = Social Objective: To use the Development Compass Rose to analyse levels of development in different places.

  3. What is the Development Compass Rose? TASK: Using the 3 photo’s of different homes on page 6-7. Create a small DCR for each photo. Aim to ask different questions for each photo. (one question for each compass point) • A question framework to help you to find out about people and their lives. W = Who decides? Questions about who’s in charge, who makes decisions, who gains, who loses. E.g. Do the fishermen need permission to work here? N = Natural Questions about the environment (air, soil, water, climate, wildlife) and how people are affecting it. E.g. Does this sea get stormy? N E W E = Economic Questions about money, earning a living, pay, and where the profits go. E.g. How much can the stilt fishermen earn a day? S = Social Questions about how people live, and how their society behaves. E.g. Is it bad for the fishermen’s health? S Objective: To use the Development Compass Rose to analyse levels of development in different places.

  4. In between questions….. TASK: Write one ‘in between’ question for each section of your DCR • To explore links between areas. Natural & Economic What other resources are there for earning a living? N E W Economic and Social Do the fishermen benefit from the tourists? S Objective: To use the Development Compass Rose to analyse levels of development in different places.

  5. The DCR and Development • MEDC = More Economically Developed Country e.g. Spain • LEDC = Less Economically Developed Country e.g. Ghana • The Development Compass Rose can help you determine how developed a country is. Objective: To use the Development Compass Rose to analyse levels of development in different places.

  6. What are the general characteristics of MEDCs? N = Natural MEDCs often have a suitable climate for farming and many resources. However this is not always the case. W = Who decides? MEDCs tend to have democratic rule and more equality between different groups of people. N W E E = Economic MEDCs tend to be richer countries S = Social MEDCs tend to have more social security such as free education and healthcare S Objective: To use the Development Compass Rose to analyse levels of development in different places.

  7. What are the general characteristics of LEDCs? N = Natural LEDCs often have a difficult climate to live in. However, lots of LEDCs have abundant natural resources which they trade with MEDCs. W = Who decides? LEDCs often have less equality between different groups of people such as a lack of womens rights. N W E S = Social LEDCs tend to have less social security such as free education and healthcare E = Economic LEDCs tend to be poorer countries, often in debt to MEDCs. S Objective: To use the Development Compass Rose to analyse levels of development in different places.

  8. Use the Development Compass Rose to help you decide if each of these photos represents an MEDC or an LEDC Objective: To use the Development Compass Rose to analyse levels of development in different places.

  9. Objective: To use the Development Compass Rose to analyse levels of development in different places.

  10. Objective: To use the Development Compass Rose to analyse levels of development in different places.

  11. Objective: To use the Development Compass Rose to analyse levels of development in different places.

  12. Objective: To use the Development Compass Rose to analyse levels of development in different places.

  13. Objective: To use the Development Compass Rose to analyse levels of development in different places.

  14. Objective: To use the Development Compass Rose to analyse levels of development in different places.

  15. Objective: To use the Development Compass Rose to analyse levels of development in different places.

  16. Objective: To use the Development Compass Rose to analyse levels of development in different places.

  17. Objective: To use the Development Compass Rose to analyse levels of development in different places.

  18. Beware! • The Development Compass Rose is a useful tool for analysing images. • Make sure we are aware that images can deceive us though! We must be aware of our own stereotypes and perceptions of different countries. Objective: To use the Development Compass Rose to analyse levels of development in different places.

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