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Intermediate CIT Course TCOLE Course # 3841 Texas Commission On Law Enforcement PARTICIPANT HANDOUT. AND. UNIT SIX Through UNIT EIGHT. BCCO PCT #4 PowerPoint. BCCO PCT #4 PowerPoint. Unit Goal: 6.0.
Intermediate CIT Course TCOLE Course #3841 Texas Commission On Law Enforcement PARTICIPANT HANDOUT AND UNIT SIX Through UNIT EIGHT BCCO PCT #4 PowerPoint BCCO PCT #4 PowerPoint
Unit Goal: 6.0 Internalize the crisis intervention skills involved in communicating with individuals with a mentalillness.
6.1 Basic Strategies for Communicating in Crisis Situation 1.____________- breathe deeply to become calmer 2. Be _________- avoid “crowding” the individual, give them time to calm down
6.1 Basic Strategies for Communicating in Crisis Situation Continued 3. ________-_________ information by restating what you hear 4. Use the individual’s ___________ in talking to them 5. Give __________ or _________ one at a time, and allow time for the person to comply
6.1 Basic Strategies for Communicating in Crisis Situation Continued 6. The _______ and _____ of a person with mental illness has little to do with whether a back-up officer should be called 7. Remember that a person with a mental illness may exhibit _________________strength
6.1 Basic Strategies for Communicating in Crisis Situation Continued 8. __________ is pivotal - keep trying 9. Don’t _____________ the power of hallucinations or delusions - they are real from the individual’s point of view and can be very frightening, so try to be understanding
6.1 Basic Strategies for Communicating in Crisis Situation Continued 10. Never______________ about a delusion, since arguing only solidifies the conviction - simply accept and move on
6.1 Basic Strategies for Communicating in Crisis Situation Continued 11. Ask about ______________ in the past - sometimes that can help with offering potential solutions to the current situation 12. Remember that ______________ medications have side effects that make them hard to take
6.1 Basic Strategies for Communicating in Crisis Situation Continued 13. Don’t __________disapproval 14. Persons in mental health crisis need more personal _______ - watch for cues
6.2 Four Effective Communication – Interaction Skills 1. _________- Your personal safety comes first. a. ____________the surroundings. b. ________harmful obstacles from the surroundings.
6.2 Four Effective Communication – Interaction Skills – Cont’d 2. ________- The person in distress is usually excited, alarmed, or confused. a. _____________ is very important to persons in crisis. b. When people feel _________, which translates to lack of control, they may respond with sudden violence.
6.2 Four Effective Communication – Interaction Skills – Cont’d 3.______________– a. Use the person’s ____________. b. Talk______________. c. Speak______________. d. Use a calm tone of ___________. e. Avoid direct __________________.
6.2 Four Effective Communication – Interaction Skills – Cont’d 3.Language– f. Avoid______ and _____________. g. Limit the number of _____________, and give them one at a time. h. Be _______ and ______________. i. Reactions and verbal ___________ may be slower than you expect.
6.2 Four Effective Communication – Interaction Skills – Cont’d 4._____________ - Be aware of body movements. a. People in crisis often need more ____________ space. b. If possible, _____________yourself at or below the individual’s eye level. c. Keep all _______________ slow and deliberate.
6.2.a. Nine Helpful Hints 1. Ask the person about available support, a._________, b.________, c._______________, d.____________.
6.2.a. Nine Helpful Hints Continued 2. Don’t be __________ to reveal your own emotions, e.g. “Mr. Smith, you’re making me nervous.” 3. ________________ yourself clearly
6.2.a. Nine Helpful Hints Continued 4. You may need to re-____________ yourself, as well. 5. Try to find ways to establish _____. 6. Keep your own ___________ under control.
6.2.a. Nine Helpful Hints Continued 7. Allow ______________. 8. _________, but be realistic, don’t lie. 9.____________ actively.
StrategiesReview • Don’t underestimate the power of hallucinations or delusions • Ask about treatment history • Don’t express disapproval • Stay calm • Avoid crowding • Restate • Use persons name • Give instructions one at a time • Engagement is pivotal
DEFINE & PROCESS List & Explain 6.1:The basic strategies that are necessary when communicating in crisis situations. Process: 20
DEFINE & PROCESS List & Explain 6.2:Four effective communication interaction skills used when dealing with persons with a mental illness Process: 21
DEFINE & PROCESS List & Explain 6.3:The knowledge obtained in coursework to class exercises and scenarios for role play Process: 22
Unit Goal: 7.0 The legal process; evaluation and techniques for appropriateness of apprehension (arrest) and/or detention. Legal
7.1. Appropriateness of a warrantless apprehension (arrest) A. “Least restrictive alternative” is the treatment that: 1. is ____________ 2. provides the consumer with the greatest possibility of ______________
7.1. Appropriateness of a warrantless apprehension (arrest) – Cont’d A. “Least restrictive alternative” is the treatment that: 3. is no more ___________________ of consumer’s physical or social libertiesthan is necessary to provide the consumer with the most effective treatment and to protect adequately against any danger the patient poses to himself or others.
7.1. Appropriateness of a warrantless apprehension (arrest) – Cont’d B. References: 1. Reference: Texas Health and Safety Code, Sec. 571.004 2. Reference: Texas Health and Safety Code, Sec. 574.103
7.2 Step-By-Step Emergency Detention Court Order A. Application for emergency detention: A statement that the officer has reason to believe that the risk of ____________is imminent unless restrained.
7.2 Step-By-Step Emergency Detention Court Order – Cont’d A. Application for emergency detention: 1. This information may be obtained from a _____________ party. 2. The officerdoes not have to __________ the behavior personally.
7.2 Step-By-Step Emergency Detention Court Order – Cont’d A. 3. A statement that the officer’s beliefs are derived from specific a. recent ____________, b. overt acts, attempts or threats that were ______________ or reliably reported
7.2 Step-By-Step Emergency Detention Court Order – Cont’d A. 3. A statement that the officer’s beliefs are derived from specific d. The individuals name and ________________ to the apprehended person who reported observing the behavior. 1.) List _______, 2.) ________
7.2 Step-By-Step Emergency Detention Court Order – Cont’d A. 3. d. The individuals name and relationship to the apprehended person who reported observing the behavior. 3.) __________, 4.) __________, 5.) __________, and 6.) __________.
7.2 Step-By-Step Emergency Detention Court Order – Cont’d B. Emergency Detention Order: Serves as a magistrate’s order for emergency apprehension and detention 1. Is a civil court ________ issued by a magistrate
7.2 Step-By-Step Emergency Detention Court Order – Cont’d B. Emergency Detention Order: Serves as a magistrate’s order for emergency apprehension and detention 2. Provides for emergency____________ and ________________ for evaluation (not guaranteed admission)
7.2 REFERENCE Reference: Texas Health and Safety Code, Sec. 573.011
7.3 Criteria for taking mentally challenged person into custody for their safety 1. A peace officer, without a ____________, may take a person into custody if the officer believes that the person is mentally ill and that, because of that mental illness, there is a substantial risk of serious harm to the person or
7.3 Criteria for taking mentally challenged person into custody for their safety – Continued: 1. Cont’d: or others unless the person is immediately __________; and believes there is not sufficient time to obtain a warrant.
7.4 Assessing Justification Proper Use-Of-Force 1.Keep the situation in ________________ 2. The officer may use force _____________to any other legal duty when a person is resisting arrest 3. The force must be _____________
7.4 Assessing Justification Proper Use-Of-Force – Cont’d 4. Goal is to obtain care and treatment for the mentally ill person Reference: Texas Penal Code, Sec.9.51
7.4 Behavior intensity level indicators of an individual heading toward violence A. Agitated Behavior - trying to keep feelings inside but begin displaying such behaviors 1.) as __________, 2.) hand __________, 3.) _______ pulling, etc.
7.4 Behavior intensity level indicators of an individual heading toward violence – Continued: B. Disruptive Behavior - outward displays of behavior to include 1.) ________________, 2.) ________________, and 3.) refusal to ________ with requests
7.4 Behavior intensity level indicators of an individual heading toward violence – Continued: C. Destructive Behavior - begins to ________ items in the environment. Physical force will probably be needed to intervene depending on circumstances
7.4 Behavior intensity level indicators of an individual heading toward violence – Continued: D. Out of Control - individual is a danger to himself and others. The individual is out-of-controlpsychologically and is being threatening. Deadly force may be an option.
7.5 Officer Limitation of Liability A. People acting in good faith, __________________and without negligence are not civilly or criminally liable. B. Reference: Texas Health and Safety Code, Sec. 571.019(a)
7.5 Confidentiality A. Communication between a ____________ and a _______________, as well as records of the identity, 1.) _______________, 2.) _____________, or 3.) _____________ of a patient that are created or maintained by a professional, is confidential. MEDICAL RECORDS
7.5 Confidentiality – B.EXCEPTIONS 1._____________ to medical or law enforcement personnel a.) if there is a probability of imminent physical injury by the patient or b.) others, or c.) there is a probability of immediate mental or d.) emotional injury to the patient
7.5 Confidentiality – B. EXCEPTIONS - Cont’d: B. include: 2. When the patient __________ 3. To health care personnel of a jail if it is for the __________ purpose of providing health care
7.5 Confidentiality – B. EXCEPTIONS - Cont’d: B. include: 4.“Memorandum of Understanding” MOU (refer to the definition section of the IRG) C. Reference: Texas Health and Safety Code, Sec. 611.002, 611.004
7.6 Assistance (Back Up) during approach A. Size and age of a person with mental illness has very little to do with whether a back-up officer should be __________
7.6 Assistance (Back Up) during approach – Cont’d B. Like any other person under stress, a person with a mental illness may exhibit extraordinary__________. 1. Persons with a mental illness may, but not always, be ____________ and _______________.
7.6 Assistance (Back Up) during approach – Cont’d B. Like any other person under stress, a person with a mental illness may exhibit extraordinary ___________. 2. ___________ is very individualized.