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Best Practices in the Modules

Dive into EngageNY modules to identify practices supporting all learners. Analyze lessons for evidence, create gist statements, and reflect in journal.

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Best Practices in the Modules

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  1. Best Practices in the Modules Grades 3-5 EngageNY.org

  2. Creating a Culture of Achievement Introductions: - Introduce yourselves - Where you work - Your role - How you are doing meeting your goal you set from the norms for collaboration this morning. EngageNY.org

  3. Learning Target(s) I can analyze the modules to determine the embedded best practices that support all learners. EngageNY.org

  4. Research about Best Practices • We are going to jump right into an approximation of the close reading process. • You will need: - Summaries of Research and Best Practice: Accelerating Literacy, -the English Language Learners at School book - the Text Rendering Protocol which includes the recording form. EngageNY.org

  5. Text Rendering Protocol Read texts depending on your preference. Select the texts from either “English Language Learners Focus” OR “Special Education” The initial reading is a quiet, independent reading. Read closely! You have 20 minutes. EngageNY.org

  6. Reread and Answer You now have 10 minutes to reread to answer the three questions posed on the protocol. You should underline or highlight the evidence that supports your answers. Capture your evidence on the Text Rendering Protocol Recording Form. EngageNY.org

  7. Share in groups • Each person in the group should share the significant findings from their reading that most impacted their thinking. • Then follow up with open discussion for about 3 minutes (timekeepers!). The facilitator needs to make sure that everyone gets a chance to offer at least one significant finding. • Take about 10 minutes for this. EngageNY.org

  8. Check on the Norms Once your discussion is completed, check on the Norms of Collaboration. How did your team do? Take 3 minutes to do this  EngageNY.org

  9. Journal Reflection Reflect on the learning target in your journal. Take 5 minutes to write and reflect on your own. EngageNY.org

  10. Analyzing the Modules Now you are going to analyze a lesson for evidence of best practices. You will need your Hold Your Thinking Document: Best Practices in the Modules (in your spiral notebook) and an appropriate grade level lesson (in your red folder). EngageNY.org

  11. The analysis You should look in several sections of the lesson, including opening, work time, and closing/assessment. You will also look in the section “Meeting students’ needs.” This section specifically addresses scaffolding and differentiation. You will record your evidence on your “Hold Your Thinking” document. EngageNY.org

  12. Synthesizing your thinking in a “gist statement” Spend 2 minutes creating a “gist statement” of 20 words or less that synthesizes your thinking on the question: What new understanding do you have about how the modules support all learners? Then spend 5 minutes discussing your gist statements within your groups. EngageNY.org

  13. Journal Learning Target: I can analyze the modules to determine the embedded best practices that support all learners. Spend 2 minutes writing in your journal as you reflect on the target. EngageNY.org

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