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Carbon Nanomaterials and Technology

EE 6909. Carbon Nanomaterials and Technology. Dr. Md. Sherajul Islam Assistant Professor. Department of Electrical and Electronics Engineering Khulna University of Engineering & Technology Khulna, Bangladesh. Introduction. Nano. Nano = 10 -9 or one billionth in size

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Carbon Nanomaterials and Technology

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  1. EE 6909 Carbon Nanomaterials and Technology • Dr. Md. Sherajul Islam • Assistant Professor Department of Electrical and Electronics Engineering Khulna University of Engineering & Technology Khulna, Bangladesh

  2. Introduction Nano • Nano = 10-9 or one billionth in size • Materials with dimensions and tolerances in the range of 100 nm to 0.1 nm • One nanometer spans 3-5 atoms lined up in a row • Human hair is five orders of magnitude larger than nanomaterials 10-9 10-6 10-3 100 103 106 109 m

  3. Introduction device energy display Advaced Graphene Synthesis bio flexible military Large domain / High quality Transfer free / Large scale etc. communication automobile New wonder material !!! One material Versatile application Graphene Desalination Graphene latest miracle

  4. Introduction Why graphene promising ? Electron mobility ~ 200,000 cm2/(V·s) (Si at RT~1400 cm2/(V·s)) Current density ~ 108 A/cm2(Copper ~ 400 A/cm2) Graphene Light transmittance 97.7 % Graphene 200 times stronger than structural steel Mass less Dirac fermions Graphene could replace other materials in existing applications

  5. Introduction

  6. Introduction

  7. Introduction

  8. Introduction Carbon • Melting point: ~ 3500oC • Atomic radius: 0.077 nm • Basis in all organic componds • 10 mill. carbon componds

  9. Introduction

  10. Introduction

  11. Introduction

  12. Introduction

  13. Introduction Nanocarbon • Fullerene • Tubes • Cones • Carbon black • Horns • Rods • Foams • Nanodiamonds

  14. Introduction Nanocarbon • Fullerene • Tubes • Cones • Carbon black • Horns • Rods • Foams • Nanodiamonds

  15. Introduction Nanocarbon • Fullerene • Tubes • Cones • Carbon black • Properties & Application • Electrical • Mechanical • Thermal • Storage

  16. Properties Bonding Graphite – sp2 Diamond – sp3

  17. Properties Nanocarbon Shenderova et al. Nanotechnology 12 (2001) 191.

  18. Properties Nanocarbon 6 + 6 pentagons 1 – 5 pentagons 12 pentagons

  19. Properties Fullerene ”The most symmetrical large molecule” • Discovered in 1985 - Nobel prize Chemistry 1996, Curl, Kroto, and Smalley • C60, also 70, 76 and 84. • - 32 facets (12 pentagons and 20 hexagons) • - prototype Epcot center, Paris ~1 nm Architect: R. Buckminster Fuller

  20. Properties Fullerene • Symmetric shape → lubricant • Large surface area → catalyst

  21. Properties Fullerene • Symmetric shape → lubricant • Large surface area → catalyst • High temperature (~500oC) • High pressure

  22. Properties Fullerene • Symmetric shape → lubricant • Large surface area → catalyst • High temperature (~500oC) • High pressure • Hollow → caging particles

  23. Properties Fullerene • Symmetric shape → lubricant • Large surface area → catalyst • High temperature (~500oC) • High pressure • Hollow → caging particles • Ferromagnet? - polymerized C60 - up to 220oC

  24. Properties Fullerene • Chemically stable as graphite - most reactive at pentagons • Crystal by weak van der Waals force Kittel, Introduction to Solid State Physics, 7the ed. 1996.

  25. Properties Fullerene • Chemically stable as graphite - most reactive at pentagons • Crystal by weak van der Waals force • Superconductivity - K3C60: 19.2 K - RbCs2C60: 33 K Kittel, Introduction to Solid State Physics, 7the ed. 1996.

  26. Properties Nanotube • Discovered 1991, Iijima Roll-up vector:

  27. Properties Nanotube • Discovered 1991, Iijima Roll-up vector:

  28. Properties Nanotube Electrical conductanse depending on helicity If , then metallic else semiconductor

  29. Properties Nanotube Electrical conductanse depending on helicity If , then metallic else semiconductor • Current capacity • Carbon nanotube 1 GAmps / cm2 • Copper wire 1 MAmps / cm2 • Heat transmission • Comparable to pure diamond (3320 W / m.K) • Temperature stability • Carbon nanotube 750 oC (in air) • Metal wires in microchips 600 – 1000 oC • Caging • May change electrical properties • → sensor

  30. Properties Nanotube High aspect ratio: Length: typical few μm → quasi 1D solid Diameter: as low as 1 nm

  31. Properties Nanotube High aspect ratio: Length: typical few μm → quasi 1D solid Diameter: as low as 1 nm SWCNT – 1.9 nm Zheng et al. Nature Materials 3 (2004) 673.

  32. Properties Nanotubes Carbon nanotubes are the strongest ever known material. • Young Modulus (stiffness): • Carbon nanotubes 1250 GPa • Carbon fibers425 GPa (max.) • High strength steel 200 GPa • Tensile strength (breaking strength) • Carbon nanotubes 11- 63 GPa • Carbon fibers 3.5 - 6 GPa • High strength steel ~ 2 GPa • Elongation to failure : ~ 20-30 % • Density: • Carbon nanotube (SW) 1.33 – 1.40 gram / cm3 • Aluminium 2.7 gram / cm3

  33. Properties Nanoscience Research Group University of North Carolina (USA) http://www.physics.unc.edu/~rsuper/research/ Mechanical • Carbon nanotubes are very flexible http://www.ipt.arc.nasa.gov/gallery.html

  34. Properties Cones • Discovered 1994 (closed form) Ge & Sattler • 1997 (open form) Ebbesen et al. Li et al. Nature 407 (2000) 409. • Closed: same shape as HIV capsid • Possible scale-up production (open form) • Storage? • → Hydrogen 19.2 o 38.9 o 60.0 o 84.6 o 112.9 o Scale bar: 200 nm Krishnan, Ebbesen et al. Nature 388 (2001) 241.

  35. Properties Carbon black • Large industry • - mill. tons each year • Tires, black pigments, plastics, dry-cell batteries, UV-protection etc. • Size: 10 – 400 nm

  36. Application Writing C60: 1000x better resolution than ink (Xerox) Carbon – graphite

  37. Application CNT / polymer composite • Current technology - carbon black - 10 – 15 wt% loading - loss of mechanical properties • CNT composites - 0.1 – 1 wt% loading - low perculation treshold

  38. Application CNT / polymer composite • Transparent electrical conductor • - Thickness: 50 – 150 nm • - High flexibility Wu et al. Science 305 (2004) 1273.

  39. Application Electric devices

  40. Application Transistor • Semiconductor, Si-based • - Nobel prize 1956, Shockley, Bardeen, and Brattain. • - 2000, Kilby. • Vacuum tubes - Nobel prize 1906, Thomson. IBM, 1952.

  41. Application Transistor • SWCNT - 2.6 GHz, T = 4 K - Logical gates Emitter Collector Base Bachtold, Dekker et al. Science 294 (2001) 1317. Li et al. Nano Lett. 4 (2004) 753.

  42. Application Antenna

  43. Application Antenna • Dipole Radio wave: ~ 3/4 m

  44. Application Antenna • Dipole Radio wave: ~ 3/4 m • Nanotube Optical wave: L Dekker, Phys. Today May (1999) 22

  45. Application Flat screen displays Plasma TV

  46. Application Flat screen displays • Field emission Saito et al., Jpn. J. Appl. Phys. 37 (1998) L346.

  47. Application Atomic Force Microscopy

  48. Application Atomic Force Microscopy Eldrid Svåsand, IFE, Kjeller

  49. Application Atomic force microscopy • Tube or cone • Chemical probe Wong, Lieber et al. Nature 394 (1998) 52.

  50. Application Yarn Zhang, Atkinson and Baughman, Science 306 (2004) 1358.

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