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This article discusses the design and evaluation parameters of the UMON - 235U(n,f) flux monitor for measuring neutron flux and detection efficiency. The article includes details on the detector size, target specifications, activity level, and relevant cross-section data. It also discusses the expected amplifier performance and the need for lab tests to verify the electronics. The pros and cons of different design options are also presented.
detection efficiency ≈ geometrical efficiency 1 detector: e ≈ 32 / (4π x 42) ≈ 4.5% 2 detectors: e ≈ 9% 4 detectors: e ≈ 18% 3 cm 6 cm 4 cm 2.1 cm (3s) Si detector U target
Evaluation parameters thickness 1.45µm (10x 235U(n,f) experiment) BIF according to flux specifications H2O2U (99.9% enriched in 235U) 5 cm diameter H2O2U (0.1% 238U) total activity: 3.7 kBq 15 days @ 70000 pulses/day
2 detectors (3cm x 3cm) folded the flux with cross section and the relevant parameters resulting counts and stat uncertainty worst case: < 5% • EAR1 flux from M.Barbagallo • (n,f) cross section from ENDF/B-VIII (25meV-30MeV) • (n,f) cross section IAEA 2015 (30MeV-1GeV)
Si detector with fast voltage amplifier (LNS) 5 MeV alpha + strong gamma background ≈ 20 mV, S/N ≈ 5 (from previous test for 7Be) 20-30 ns duration 100 MeV fragment: expected 400 mV max neutron energy: 100 MeV 5-20 ns additional flight time (target-to-detector in 45°config) expected amplifier dead time after g-flash: 800ns to be verified with lab test (laser)
conclusions • UMON - 235U(n,f) flux monitor seems feasible • 3.7 kBq activity sounds promising from RP point of view • lab tests needed to prove that the electronics is appropriate, i.e.: • withstands the g-flash • provides the expected signal for fragments pros: compact, simpler mechanics pros: single U layer, smaller ∆t for fragments cons: 2xU layers or extra thin backing cons: bigger, more complex mechanics