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Define & Compare Flowcharts of Each Method

Define & Compare Flowcharts of Each Method. Tom Delong. Overview of Methods. ANSI Process MIL-STD-882 Process Safety Cases SAE ARP 4761 Process Reports. Understanding Risk Drivers. Iterative. Risk Reduction Changes. ANSI Process. Program Initiation.

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Define & Compare Flowcharts of Each Method

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  1. Define & Compare Flowcharts of Each Method Tom Delong

  2. Overview of Methods • ANSI Process • MIL-STD-882 Process • Safety Cases • SAE ARP 4761 Process • Reports

  3. Understanding Risk Drivers Iterative Risk ReductionChanges ANSI Process Program Initiation • Document theSystem Safety Approach • Tasks• Schedule• Team• Tools • Recognize & Document Hazards Hazard Identification Risk Assessment • Assess Mishap Risk UnderstandingHazards MaturingDesign Life CycleMonitoring Continuous • HazardTracking Continuous • Identify Mitigation Measures • Reduce Risk to Acceptable Level • Verify Risk Reduction Risk Reduction Risk Acceptance • Residual Risk Review & Acceptance UnderstandingRisk Options T-05-00512

  4. ANSI Process

  5. MIL-STD-882 Process Element 1: Document the System Safety Approach Element 5: Reduce Risk Element 2: Identify and Document Hazards Element 6: Verify, Validate, and Document Risk Reduction Element 3: Assess andDocument Risk Element 7: Accept Risk and Document Element 4: Identify and Document Risk Mitigation Measures Element 8: Manage Life-Cycle Risk

  6. Safety Cases

  7. A Simple Goal Structure

  8. SAE ARP 4761 Process DO-178B Software Design Assurance Determine Impact of S/W Design Determine severity of failure conditions on the A/C or aircrew Determine S/W Levels A/B/C/D/E Allocate S/W functions to appropriate CSCIs CSCs, CSUs INTEGRATION TESING/ QUALIFICATION TESTING Software Requirements and Definition Software Coding And Unit Testing SIL Testing Ground Testing Flight Testing PDR CDR SOFTWARE DESIGN Software Safety IAW IEEE STD 1228 Ensure Compliance with Safety-Critical Requirements Determine S/W Safety Involvement Determine S/W Level Define S/W Safety Critical Requirements Conduct S/W Safety Analyses Per 1228 Determine S/W Safety Hazard Mitigations Define S/W Safety Verification Requirements Perform Test Safety Analysis & Develop S-C Test Requirements (FMETs/FTs/CWAs) PSSA Define Initial System Safety Design Requirements Refine Hazard Mitigations and Identify Derived Safety Reqmts SSA Analyze System Hazards SSPP per “882” FHA Integration Specs & SRSs TDOCs System Safety Engineering IAW ARP 4761

  9. Safety Cases Detail depends on theregulatory structure, etc.

  10. Typical Safety Case Contents • Following are key elements of most standards: • Scope • System Description • System Hazards • Safety Requirements • Risk Assessment • Hazard Control / Risk Reduction Measures • Safety Analysis / Test • Safety Management System • Development Process Justification • Conclusions

  11. Safety Assessment Report Purpose • Historical record • Comprehensive evaluation of risk • 60 days prior to test • 60 days prior to fielding • New phase of contract or completion • Sent to DTIC & MANPRINT Database • Provides manufacturer’s statement of risk control with justification Contents • Introduction • System description • System operations • System safety engineering • Conclusions (signed statement) • References

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