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Objectives. After studying this chapter, you should be able to:Plan an applicationComplete a TOE chartUse a text box and table layout panelExplain the difference between a primary window and a dialog boxFollow the Windows standards regarding the layout and labeling of controls. Microsoft Vis
1. Microsoft Visual Basic 2008: Reloaded Third Edition Chapter Two
Creating a User Interface
2. Objectives After studying this chapter, you should be able to:
Plan an application
Complete a TOE chart
Use a text box and table layout panel
Explain the difference between a primary window and a dialog box
Follow the Windows standards regarding the layout and labeling of controls
Microsoft Visual Basic 2008: Reloaded, Third Edition 2
3. Objectives (continued) Follow the Windows standards regarding the use of graphics, fonts, and color
Assign access keys to controls
Set the tab order
Designate a default button and a cancel button
Add a splash screen to a project
Microsoft Visual Basic 2008: Reloaded, Third Edition 3
4. Planning an Application Plan the application before creating the user interface
Work jointly with the user to ensure the success of the application
TOE (Task, Object, Event) chart:
Shows application’s tasks, objects, and events
Tasks, objects, and events should be identified in the first three steps of planning
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5. Microsoft Visual Basic 2008: Reloaded, Third Edition 5 Planning an Application (continued)
6. Sunshine Cellular Company Sunshine Cellular Company:
Takes orders by phone for cell phones priced at $100
Two colors: blue and silver
Currently the salespeople calculate the order total
Develop an order-taking application for this company
First, identify the application’s tasks
Microsoft Visual Basic 2008: Reloaded, Third Edition 6
7. Microsoft Visual Basic 2008: Reloaded, Third Edition 7 Identifying the Application’s Tasks
8. Identifying the Application’s Tasks (continued) First, review current user procedures and forms
Ask these questions:
What information must be displayed on screen or printed on a printer?
What information will the user need to enter into the UI to produce the desired display or printout?
What information will the program need to calculate to produce the desired display or printout?
How will the user end the application?
Will previous information need to be cleared from the screen before new information is entered? Microsoft Visual Basic 2008: Reloaded, Third Edition 8
9. Microsoft Visual Basic 2008: Reloaded, Third Edition 9 Identifying the Application’s Tasks (continued)
10. Identifying the Application’s Tasks (continued) Microsoft Visual Basic 2008: Reloaded, Third Edition 10
11. Identifying the Objects Assign each task to an object in the user interface
Text box: a control that allows the user to input information
Use a button to initiate the calculations
Use labels to guide the user Microsoft Visual Basic 2008: Reloaded, Third Edition 11
12. Microsoft Visual Basic 2008: Reloaded, Third Edition 12
13. Identifying the Events Next, determine which objects need an event to occur to allow the object to perform its task
Text boxes: no special events needed for user to enter the text
Labels: no special events needed to display the prompts
Buttons: action must occur when each button is clicked Microsoft Visual Basic 2008: Reloaded, Third Edition 13
14. Microsoft Visual Basic 2008: Reloaded, Third Edition 14
15. Identifying the Events (continued) Microsoft Visual Basic 2008: Reloaded, Third Edition 15
16. Designing the User Interface Next step is to design the user interface
Follow Windows standards for:
Ease of use
Familiar look and feel
Primary window:
The main window in an application
Dialog boxes:
Windows used to support and supplement a user’s activities in the primary window Microsoft Visual Basic 2008: Reloaded, Third Edition 16
17. Designing the User Interface (continued) Microsoft Visual Basic 2008: Reloaded, Third Edition 17
18. Designing the User Interface (continued) Primary windows can be resized, minimized, maximized, and closed by the user
Primary window’s title bar includes:
Minimize, Maximize, and Close buttons on the right
Control menu on the left
Dialog boxes can be closed only
Dialog box’s title bar includes:
Close button and optionally a Help button
No control menu Microsoft Visual Basic 2008: Reloaded, Third Edition 18
19. Designing the User Interface (continued) Use form to create primary window and dialog boxes
FormBorderStyle property:
Sets border style
Use default setting of Sizable for primary window
Use FixedDialog setting for dialog boxes
MinimizeBox property and MaximizeBox property control the existence of Minimize and Maximize buttons
Dialog boxes:
Set FormBorderStyle to FixedDialog
Remove Minimize and Maximize buttons Microsoft Visual Basic 2008: Reloaded, Third Edition 19
20. Designing the User Interface (continued) Splash screen: first image to appear when the application is started
Set FormBorderStyle to FixedSingle
Set ControlBox property to false to remove Close, Minimize, and Maximize buttons
Can delete Text property value to remove the entire title bar
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21. Designing the User Interface (continued)
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22. Arranging the Controls Design guidelines:
Information should flow either vertically or horizontally
Group related controls together using white space or container controls
Container controls include:
Group box control
Panel control
Table layout panel control
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23. Arranging the Controls (continued) Microsoft Visual Basic 2008: Reloaded, Third Edition 23
24. Arranging the Controls (continued) Microsoft Visual Basic 2008: Reloaded, Third Edition 24
25. Arranging the Controls (continued) Label guidelines:
Use a label to identify each text box
Left-align the label’s text
Position label to left of or above the text box it identifies
Labels and button captions should be one to three words only and appear on one line
Labels and captions should be meaningful
An identifying label should include a colon (:)
Use sentence capitalization for labels for identifying labels
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26. Arranging the Controls (continued) Sentence capitalization: capitalize first letter in first word and any other words customarily capitalized
Book title capitalization: capitalize first letter in each word (except articles, conjunctions, and prepositions that do not occur at the beginning or end of the caption)
Button guidelines:
Size buttons relative to each other: same height
If stacked horizontally, same width also
Most commonly used button should be first
Use book title capitalization for buttons
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27. Arranging the Controls (continued) Positioning guidelines:
Maintain a consistent margin from all edges of the form
Related controls should be placed close to each other
Minimize the number of different margins by aligning control borders where possible using snap lines or Format menu
Interface should not distract the user from doing the work
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28. Microsoft Visual Basic 2008: Reloaded, Third Edition 28
29. Including Different Fonts in the User Interface Font property: used to change the type, style, and size of the font
Font guidelines:
Use only one font type for all text in the interface
Recommended font is Segoe UI for Windows Vista
Avoid italics and underlining
Limit bold text to titles, headings, and key items
Change the form’s Font property before adding controls
Controls will default to what is set for the form Microsoft Visual Basic 2008: Reloaded, Third Edition 29
30. Including Color in the User Interface Human eye is drawn to color before B&W
Color guidelines:
Use color sparingly
Some people have trouble distinguishing colors
What is “acceptable” in colors is subjective
Color may have specific meaning in certain cultures
Use black or dark text on a white or light background
Use maximum of three different colors that complement each other
Do not use color as the only means of identification
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31. Assigning Access Keys Access key:
Allows user to select an object using Alt + access key
May or may not appear underlined on the control’s text
Can display temporarily or hide by pressing the Alt key
Is not case-sensitive
Access key guidelines:
Assign access keys to each control that can accept user input (exceptions: OK and Cancel buttons)
Each access key should be unique
Follow Windows standards for choice of access keys
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32. Assigning Access Keys (continued) Advantages of using access keys:
User does not need mouse to navigate and activate controls
Allows fast typists to keep hands on keyboard
Facilitates use of the application by people with disabilities
Include & in front of the character to be used as the access key:
&Calculate Order ? Calculate Order Microsoft Visual Basic 2008: Reloaded, Third Edition 32
33. Setting the TabIndex Property TabIndex property:
Determines the order in which a control receives the focus when the Tab key is pressed
Starts at 0
Assigned by default as the order in which controls are added to the form at design time
Should be set to the order in which the user will want to access the controls
Focus: the state of being able to accept user input
Set TabIndex using the Properties window or the Tab Order option on the View menu Microsoft Visual Basic 2008: Reloaded, Third Edition 33
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35. Setting the TabIndex Property (continued) Microsoft Visual Basic 2008: Reloaded, Third Edition 35
36. Setting the TabIndex Property (continued) Microsoft Visual Basic 2008: Reloaded, Third Edition 36
37. Designating Default and Cancel Buttons Default button: activated when user presses Enter key
AcceptButton property:
A form property that designates the name of the default button
Only one per form
Cancel button: activated when user presses Esc key
CancelButton property:
Form property that designates name of cancel button
Only one per form Microsoft Visual Basic 2008: Reloaded, Third Edition 37
38. Designating Default and Cancel Buttons (continued) Microsoft Visual Basic 2008: Reloaded, Third Edition 38
39. Adding a Splash Screen to a Project Microsoft Visual Basic 2008: Reloaded, Third Edition 39
40. Adding a Splash Screen to a Project (continued) Microsoft Visual Basic 2008: Reloaded, Third Edition 40
41. Adding a Splash Screen to a Project (continued) Must specify the startup form to be shown first when the application starts
Use the Project Designer window to specify the startup form’s name
Startup form is often a splash screen Microsoft Visual Basic 2008: Reloaded, Third Edition 41
42. Adding a Splash Screen to a Project (continued) Microsoft Visual Basic 2008: Reloaded, Third Edition 42
43. Adding a Splash Screen to a Project (continued) Microsoft Visual Basic 2008: Reloaded, Third Edition 43
44. Programming Tutorial Microsoft Visual Basic 2008: Reloaded, Third Edition 44
45. Programming Example Microsoft Visual Basic 2008: Reloaded, Third Edition 45
46. Summary Plan the application jointly with the user
Identify tasks, objects, and events, and then build the interface
Use a TOE chart to record an application’s tasks, objects, and events
Textbox control: allows user to enter data
Primary window: where the primary viewing and editing of the application’s data takes place
Dialog window: supports the primary window
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47. Summary (continued) Primary windows can be resized, minimized, maximized, and closed by the user, while dialog boxes can only be closed
FormBorderStyle property: specifies border style of a primary window or dialog box
Use MinimizeBox and MaximizeBox properties to control whether Minimize and Maximize buttons appear dimmed on a form
Set the ControlBox property to false on a splash screen Microsoft Visual Basic 2008: Reloaded, Third Edition 47
48. Summary (continued) Align controls to flow horizontally or vertically
Group related controls visually with white space or container controls, and maintain consistent margins
Identifying labels should be left-aligned, positioned above or to the left of the text box, and contain a colon (:)
Use meaningful labels with captions of one to three words in sentence capitalization
Button captions should use book title capitalization
Buttons should be same height; if stacked vertically, should be same width Microsoft Visual Basic 2008: Reloaded, Third Edition 48
49. Summary (continued) Align borders of controls horizontally and vertically wherever possible
Use graphics and colors sparingly
Use Segoe UI font type for applications running on Vista
Avoid italics and underlining, and limit bold text to titles, headings, and key items
Use TabIndex property to control where the focus goes when Tab key or an access key is used
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50. Microsoft Visual Basic 2008: Reloaded, Third Edition 50 Summary (continued) AcceptButton property designates which button on a form is activated with the Enter key
CancelButton property designates which button on a form is activated with the Esc key
Use Add New Item dialog box to add a splash screen to an application
Specify the splash screen as the startup form in the Project Designer window