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Operating System Support for Mobile Interactive Applications

Operating System Support for Mobile Interactive Applications. Thesis Oral Dushyanth Narayanan Carnegie Mellon University. Motivation: resource mismatch. 2 GHz, 1 GB, 3-D graphics. Resource intensive app. 200 MHz, 32 MB, no 3-D, no FPU. Resource-poor wearable. Poor performance!.

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Operating System Support for Mobile Interactive Applications

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  1. Operating System Support for Mobile Interactive Applications Thesis Oral Dushyanth Narayanan Carnegie Mellon University

  2. Motivation: resource mismatch 2 GHz, 1 GB, 3-D graphics Resource intensive app 200 MHz, 32 MB, no 3-D, no FPU Resource-poor wearable Poor performance!

  3. Focus: mobile interactive applications • speech recognition, language translation, augmented reality, … • Resource-heavy, but need bounded response time Columbia U. MARS project

  4. Strawman solution • Scale demand down to supply • degraded version of app • Supply varies dynamically • turbulent mobile environment • Demand varies dynamically • depends on app state, runtime parameters • Static solution  worst-case fidelity

  5. Multi-fidelity computation • Traditional algorithm  fixed output spec. • resource consumption varies • Multi-fidelity algorithm  many allowable outputs • different fidelities  different outputs, rsrc usage • bound performance despite resource variation • E.g. sort only first n of m items

  6. Using multi-fidelity computation • Make each interactive operation a multi-fidelity computation. • System chooses fidelity for each operation • relieves application programmer burden • using predictive resource management • predict resource supply • predict resource demand as a function of fidelity • predict performance from supply and demand • adapt fidelity to meet performance goals

  7. Thesis Statement • Multi-fidelity computation, with system support for predictive resource management, can significantly improve interactive response when mobile. • History-based resource demand prediction is feasible, and essential to such a system. • Legacy applications can use multi-fidelity computation with modest changes.

  8. Thesis validation • Multi-fidelity API, case studies • can real apps use multi-fidelity computation? • System architecture • can we support this programming model? • Evaluation • does history-based demand prediction work? • is application performance improved? • how much code modification is required?

  9. Outline • Motivation and thesis statement • What is fidelity? • System architecture • History-based demand prediction • Evaluation • Conclusion

  10. What is fidelity? • Fidelity  runtime tunable quality • Application-specific metric(s) • resolution for augmented reality rendering • vocabulary size for speech recognition • JPEG compression level for web images • …

  11. Fidelity in rendering 16 k polygons 160 k polygons

  12. Outline • Introduction • What is fidelity? • System support • Design principles • Architecture • History-based demand prediction • Evaluation • Conclusion

  13. Design principles • Middleware layer supports multi-fidelity API • user-level server running on Linux • no functionality in kernel • Gray-box approach to resource prediction • read load statistics from standard interfaces • use knowledge of kernel internals if necessary • Only supports application adaptation • allocation decisions left to OS

  14. begin_fidelity_op f=0.7 Demand predictor 0.9 Utility function Iterative Solver 0.8 sec, f=0.7 0.8 sec f=0.7 Supply predictor 4 M cycles Performance predictor 5 M cycles/sec f=0.7 Before each interactive operation Application API

  15. end_fidelity_op Demand predictor Demand monitor Logger f=0.7, 4.2 M cycles 4.2 M cycles f=0.7, 4.2 M cycles After each interactive operation Application API

  16. In the document … • Resource model • CPU, memory, network, file cache  latency • energy  battery lifetime • Iterative solver • gradient descent + exhaustive search • Supply predictors • sample/filter load observations • CPU, memory, network, energy, file cache

  17. Outline • Introduction • What is fidelity? • System support • History-based demand prediction • Case study • Evaluation • Evaluation • Conclusion

  18. Why demand prediction? • Resource demand varies • with fidelity • with runtime parameters • with input data Demand predictor rendering/CPU scene=“Notre Dame” fidelity=0.7 position=<1.3, 5.7, 0> orientation=<0.1, 0.5, 0> cycles=3.7e6

  19. Constructing a demand predictor • Static analysis not always sufficient • data-dependence, platform-dependence • History-based demand prediction • monitor, log, learn • static analysis can guide learning stage • online learning at runtime • Can be written by third party • with small amount of domain knowledge • predictor code is decoupled from app code

  20. Case study: GLVU • Virtual 3-D walkthrough • Rendering is CPU-bound • multi-resolution models to adjust demand 160 k polygons 16 K polygons

  21. CPU demand vs. resolution • CPU demand is linear in resolution • linear fit is within 10%, 90% of the time • for a given scene, camera position

  22. CPU demand with camera movement • Demand varies with camera position • even at fixed resolution (160k polygons)

  23. Dynamic demand prediction • Exploit locality: • camera moves along continuous path •  slope, offset change in small increments • Linear regression with online update • more weight for recent data • slope, offset updated after each operation

  24. Demand prediction: accuracy • Evaluated predictor in realistic scenario • user navigating scene • time-varying background load • Prediction error: 29% (90th pc) • static linear predictor had 61% • more tuning / better ML to improve further • Online update improves accuracy significantly

  25. Performance impact of demand pred. Latency bound: 1 sec • Demand prediction improves performance • supply prediction  further improvement

  26. Demand prediction for other resources • Better accuracy than GLVU/CPU • also have CPU predictors for Radiosity, speech

  27. Outline • Introduction • What is fidelity? • System support • History-based demand prediction • Evaluation • Performance improvement • Modification cost • Conclusion

  28. Evaluation scenario • Two concurrent applications • competing for CPU • GLVU is a “virtual walkthrough” [Brooks @ UNC] • moving user  renders continuously • 1 sec latency bound (best achievable on platform) • Radiator does lighting effects [Willmott @ CMU] • runs sporadically in background • 10 sec latency bound

  29. Evaluation objective • We want latency close to target value • too high  poor interactivity • too low  unnecessarily low quality • high variability  annoys users • Does dynamic adaptation help? • Compare with static option: • static-best: best possible static values • static-naive: arbitrarily chosen static values

  30. Mean latency

  31. Variation in latency

  32. Evaluation summary • Adaptation improves latencyand variability • static can improve mean at best, not variation • More experimental results (in document): • sensitivity analysis (peak load, frequency) • memory load variation • Other results (not in document): • adaptation for energy [Flinn99] • adaptive remote execution [Flinn01]

  33. Cost of modification • Legacy apps ported at modest cost • (also language translation, face recognition, LaTeX, …)

  34. Outline • Introduction • What is fidelity? • System support • History-based demand prediction • System evaluation • Conclusion • Contributions • Related Work

  35. Novel research Contributions • Multi-fidelity computation • subsumes approximate, anytime algorithms • Resource model • file cache state as resource • History-based demand prediction • as a function of fidelity • Predictive resource management

  36. Related Work • Other system components • remote execution [Flinn01] • energy adaptation [Flinn99] • Adaptation to network bandwidth [Noble97] • Application adaptation[Fox96, Noble97, Flinn99, de Lara01, …] • QoS • allocation is complementary to adaptation • good survey of QoS systems in [Nahrstedt01]

  37. Related Work (cont) • Solver • efficient heuristics [Lee99] • Resource prediction • Load (supply) [Dinda99, …] • Demand from prob. dist. [Harchol-Balter96] • Demand from runtime parameters [Kapadia99, Abdelzaher00] • User intent • mixed-initiative approach [Horvitz99]

  38. Conclusion • Multi-fidelity computation works • applications able to meet latency goals • with modest source code modification • History-based demand prediction is feasible • essential to good adaptation • not (yet) completely automated • Underlying OS limits user-level approach • scheduling constants limit granularity • system call overheads limit performance

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