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Madagascar: A Fun-filled Animated Comedy Journey

"Directed by Eric Darnell, 'Madagascar' (2005) is a computer-animated comedy film where four zoo animals - a giraffe, lion, zebra, and hippo - end up on the island of Madagascar. They meet the self-proclaimed lemur king, Julian, and face hilarious adventures. With voices of Ben Stiller and Chris Rock, the film showcases themes of friendship, humor, and adventure in an 86-minute story filled with lively music, stunning visuals, and memorable dialogues. An entertaining and emotional treat for all ages!"

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Madagascar: A Fun-filled Animated Comedy Journey

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Madagaskar

  2. Title of the movie is "Madagascar". The premiere of this film was in 2005. "Madagascar" directed by Eric Darnell is computer-animated comedy film. The film lasts 86 minutes. The voices of Ben Stiller and Chris Rock are featured. Basic Information Basic Information

  3. The plot The film is about four animals from the zoo. A giraffe, lion, zebra and hippo are true friends. Animals hit the island of Madagascar. Friends are terrified by the new place. They meet the king of the island. The king's name is Julian and he is lemur. Lemur is a self-proclaimed and unbearable. Friends miss their zoo, buy back there is not easy.

  4. My opinion I really like this movie. I think that this movie is very interesting and funny. The plot is really amazing and gripping. „ Madagascar" is a story of true friendship. Music in the film is energetic and dynamic. Special effects are beautiful and surprising. The dialogues are very funny. The ending is powerful and emotional.

  5. Everyone schould watch It I recommend it to Anyone It is worth seeing ! Recommendation

  6. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=feJhlG9XcJY

  7. Thank you for your attention :)

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