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Understanding Linear Algebra Fundamentals: Vectors, Eigenvalues, and More

Explore the concepts of linearly independent vectors, eigenvectors, span, similarity transformation, and least squares solutions. Learn about the rank and nullspace, as well as properties of Singular Value Decomposition (SVD). Discover how to solve problems using pseudoinverse and enforcing orthonormality constraints in rotation matrices. Dive into nonlinear parameter measurement techniques like Newton and Levenberg-Marquardt iterations.

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Understanding Linear Algebra Fundamentals: Vectors, Eigenvalues, and More

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  1. Some useful linear algebra

  2. Linearly independent vectors • span(V): span of vector space V is all linear combinations of vectors vi,i.e.

  3. The eigenvalues of A are the roots of the characteristic equation diagonal form of matrix Eigenvectors of A are columns of S

  4. Similarity transform then A and B have the same eigenvalues The eigenvector x of A corresponds to the eigenvector M-1x of B

  5. Rank and Nullspace

  6. Least Squares • More equations than unknowns • Look for solution which minimizes ||Ax-b|| = (Ax-b)T(Ax-b) • Solve • Same as the solution to • LS solution

  7. Properties of SVD si2 are eigenvalues of ATA Columns of U (u1 , u2 , u3 ) are eigenvectors of AAT Columns of V (v1 , v2 , v3 ) are eigenvectors of ATA

  8. Solving pseudoinverse of A equal to for all nonzero singular values and zero otherwise with

  9. Least squares solution of homogeneous equation Ax=0

  10. Enforce orthonormality constraints on an estimated rotation matrix R’

  11. Newton iteration f( ) is nonlinear parameter measurement

  12. Levenberg Marquardt iteration

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