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SPS Talk. Interests of 63 Mathematics Faculty. http://ww1.math.nus.edu.sg/staff.aspx.
SPS Talk Interests of 63 Mathematics Faculty http://ww1.math.nus.edu.sg/staff.aspx
ASLAKSEN, Helmer Differential geometry, Lie groups, astronomy, mathematics in artBAO Weizhu Bose-Einstein condensation, multiscale modelling and simulation, CFD, numerical analysis/scientific computingBERRICK, A Jon Algebraic topology, K-theory, cohomology of groupsCHAN Heng Huat Analytic number theory, basic hypergeometric series, elliptic functions, modular forms and modular equations, applications of modular equationsCHEN Hsiao Yun, Louis Applied probability, Stein’s method, computational biology CHEN, Oliver Financial mathematics with a concentration on credit risk and derivative pricingCHEW Tuan Seng Nonabsolute integrals and their applications, The Riemann approach to integration in infinite-dimensional spacesCHIN, CheeWhye Arithmetic algebraic geometry, automorphic representations, L-functions. CHOI Kwok Pui Martingale inequalities, Poisson approximation, Prophet inequalitiesCHONG Chi Tat Recursion/Computability TheoryCHU Delin Scientific and parallel computing, numerical linear algebra and numerical analysis, systems and controlCHUA Seng Kee Sobolev spaces, Fourier analysis, classical real analysisSobolev spaces, Fourier analysis, classical real analysisDAI Min Financial mathematics, applied partial differential equations, numerical analysis and scientific computationFENG Qi Set theoryGOH Say Song Wavelet theory and applications, univalent functions
HINZ, Juri Asset pricing theory, arising from applications to energy related commodities, services and permissionsJI Hui computer vision, visual psychophysics, robotic navigation JIN Hanqing Mathematical finance, operation research, and stochastic analysisKOH Khee Meng Partially ordered sets, lattice theory, graph theoryLANG Mong Lung Finite group theoryLAWTON, Wayne M Geometric and Harmonic Analysis, Mathematical Physics, Systems EngineeringLEE Seng Luan Spline functions, wavelet theory and applicationsLEE Soo Teck Representation theoryLEONG Yu Kiang Asymptotic analysis of matrix products, history of the genesis of modern mathematical ideasLEUNG Ho Hon, Denny Banach spaces, Banach latticesLEUNG Ka Hin Ordered rings, ring theory, quadratic forms, combinatoric designsLEUNG Man Chun Partial differential equations, Riemannian geometry, analysis on manifoldsLEUNG Pui Fai, Fred Differential geometryLIN Ping Scientific computing and numerical analysis, computational fluid mechanics, atomistic-to-continuum modeling and analysis, ordinary and partial differential equations with constraints, singular perturbationLOKE Hung Yean Number theory, representations of Lie groupsLOU Jiann Hua Limit theorems and inequalities in probability, self-similar processes, Brownian excursion
MA Siu Lun, Leo Combinatorial designs and difference sets, binary sequences and arrays, algebraic combinatorics, Hadamard matricesMcINNES, Brett T Applications of differential geometry in cosmology, particle theory, string theoryNATARAJAN Karthik Operations research, Optimization under uncertaintyNIEDERREITER, Harald Coding theory, cryptology, numerical analysis, simulation methods, number theory, finite fields, discrete Mathematics, applied algebraPANG Yu Hin, Peter Differential geometry, differential equationsPOH Kheng Siong, Roger The closed-set lattice of a graph, the path-chromatic numbers of graphsQUEK Tong Seng Commutative harmonic analysisSHEN Zuowei Approximation theory, wavelet theory and applications, mathematical ImagingSTEPHAN, Frank Theoretical computer science and mathematical logicSUN Defeng Optimization, operations researchSUN Yeneng Analysis, probability theory and their applications in economics and financeTAN Choon Ee, Roger Extrapolation methods, finite and continuous perturbations of matrix, eigensystems, numerical analysisTAN Eng Chye Representation theory of Lie groups and Lie algebras, invariant theoryTAN Hwee Huat Geometric modelling, wavelet theory and applicationsTAN Kai Meng Representation theory of symmetric groups and related algebrasTAN Ser Peow Geometric topology, geometric structures on manifolds
TAN, Victor Automorphic forms and representations, algebraic number theory, modular forms and elliptic functions, combinatorial designs and difference setsTANG Wai Shing Operator theory and operator algebras, wavelet analysisTAY Tiong Seng Rigidity of structures, combinatoricsTAY Y.C. Performance modeling, distributed computing, database systemsTO Wing Keung Differential geometry, several complex variablesTOH Kim Chuan Scientific computing, numerical optimizationWONG Yan Loi Low-dimensional topologyWU Jie Algebraic topology-homotopy theory, combinatorial group theory, Hopf algebras, configuration spaces, modular representation theoryXING Chaoping Number theory, algebraic curves, coding and cryptography, Quasi-Monte Carlo methodsXU Xingwang Partial differential equations, geometric analysisYANG Yue Recursion theory, Models of arithmeticYIP, Andy M Variational PDE methods in image restoration, data mining algorithmsZHANG De-Qi Algebraic geometryZHANG Louxin Applied discrete Mathematics, theoretical computer science, computational Biology and BioinformaticsZHAO GongYun Game theory, operational researchZHU Chengbo Representation theory of Lie groups
Challenges so many colleagues so many interests specialized jargon
Mathematics differs from both empirical sciences (physics, chemistry, biology) and observational sciences (geology, meteorology, astronomy) in its deductive methodology.
Mathematics deals with two subjects : Computation and Shape
Computation statistics numerical analysis algebra probabilities scientific computing differential equations financial prices functions : splines and wavelets combinatorics Fourier analysis set theory signals and image processing functions : splines & wavelets robotics recursion theory logic
Shape - Geometry Classical (Synthetic) Algebraic (Analytic) Differential Lie Groups and Symmetries Complex (Analysis) Banach Spaces Convex Geometry (Game Theory, Linear Programming) Topology – General and Algebraic Arithmetic Geometry