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Professional Issues in BME

Professional Issues in BME. Societies, Licensure, Ethics, Forensics/Consulting Chapter 22. Biomedical Engineering Societies. BMES annual mtg, newsletter, annals IBE joint mtgs, web newsletter AAMI yearly, largely instrumentation IEEE-EMBS yearly, joint, magazines, int.

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Professional Issues in BME

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  1. Professional Issues in BME Societies, Licensure, Ethics, Forensics/Consulting Chapter 22

  2. Biomedical Engineering Societies • BMES annual mtg, newsletter, annals • IBE joint mtgs, web newsletter • AAMI yearly, largely instrumentation • IEEE-EMBS yearly, joint, magazines, int. • AMIA biannual, magazine • RESNA rehab • ACM sigbio special interest group

  3. Societies, continued • SPIE international, bio apps • ASME, ASCE, AIChE • AdvaMed (Advanced Medical Technologies Assn.) www.himanet.com

  4. Standards Settings Groups: Society Based • IEEE • ASME • AAMI • AMA American Medical Assn. • AHA American Heart • ADA American Dental • ASQC Am. Soc. Quality Control • ANSI Am Nat. Stds. Assn.!!!!

  5. Standards Settings Groups: National Groups • NEMA electrical manufacturers • NSC safety council (ISTD) • NFPA fire protection • NCRP radiation protection

  6. Standards Settings GroupsU.S. Miscellaneous • UL underwriters lab • OSHA Gov’t. occ. Safety • FCC Federal Communications Comm. • JCAHO www.jcaho.org

  7. Major International Groups: • ISO International Standards Organization – 110 countries – ANSI is US rep. • IEC International Electrotechnical Commission – electric/electronic standards

  8. Professional Licensure • Why? Required for work involving public safety, certification of requirements, etc. $. Respect. Testimony. Promotions. Future job requirement?

  9. Professional Licensure, Continued • How? • BS in an ABET 4yr approved curriculum. • - few exceptions (equivalency) • Pass FE exam ->Engineering Intern • See www.ncees.org for more info & dates

  10. Professional Licensure, Continued • 4+ years of responsible engineering work +FE or 12 years responsible work • Pass Principles & Practice Exam & Presentation of Credentials • -> P.E. License (with stamp)

  11. Professional Licensure, Maintenance • Yearly license fees payment • Yearly privilege tax payment • Continuing Education • Abiding by rules of conduct (ethical practice!)

  12. Professional Conduct = • Preservation of public welfare • Service only in areas of competence • Objective, truthful • No conflicts of interest • No bribes, false advertising, etc… • IEEE, NSPE, most have code(s), ethics • www.nspe.org/ethics/eh1-code.asp

  13. Forensics • PE almost a necessity. • Area of competence? • Determine “fault” • Document “fault” via investigation, replay, testing, mathematical modeling • Convey info to the one who hired you • Outcome: fired or continue (50%)

  14. Forensics continued • http://www.accessdata.fda.gov/scripts/cdrh/cfdocs/cfMAUDE/search.CFM • Document, prepare for testimony, answer interrogatories, Rule 26, go or no go! • Go to court if necessary (5-10%)

  15. Forensics continued • Charges: 1/1000 annual per hour, plus expenses (hotel, travel, duplicating, services agreed upon, supplies…) • Generally write a maximum daily charge into the contract • For you folks: 55,000/1000 = $55/hour • Lawyer: $150 & up • MD: $200 & up, …

  16. Forensics continued • Male assist device: refused. • Claim no data/damage low speed – NO! • Ventilator -> brain damage (simulation) • Air embolism case (simulation) • Drapery cord case (communication) • Enteral feeder case (case justified?)

  17. Consulting • Area of expertise • Non-disclosure • Agree on contract: 1 day, % time, rights, etc. • Whatever the market will bear(S&E&…) …

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