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WP2 co-ordination: Home management platforms. Alcatel NSB group. This working package will focus on all the different service platforms offering the control layers required for the deployment of new applications towards broadband users. Three layers have been identified:
WP2 co-ordination: Home management platforms Alcatel NSB group
This working package will focus on all the different service platforms offering the control layers required for the deployment of new applications towards broadband users. Three layers have been identified: ·The home network control platform takes care of the communication requirements between the various terminals and applications in the home network and the appropriate working state in the network. ·The home service control platform acts as a service aggregator, since in real life competition between various service providers will be the rule. The home application control platform will provide the application constituents that will be used by the application cocktails defined in WP3. WP2 structure
Overall architecture for the home network and application management platforms
WP2A0: System architecture and connectivity framework (Start: M0 End M3) • This activity will focus on the overall end-to-end architecture. • In order not to spend too much time and effort on this, its time is voluntarily limited to three months, including a first proposal of architecture, followed by a workshop with all interested partners where they will be able to influence the major architecture choices presented. • Then the impact of this feedback will be worked out and integrated in the architecture.
WP2A1: Home Network management platform (Start: M0 End M18) : Alcatel NSB group • ·An end-to-end architecture for the home network management platform. • ·The specification of the platform. • · The development of the software of the home network management platform. • ·Milestone at M6: provide a Proof-of-concept of the home network management platform in the laboratory of Alcatel Bell. This first phase of the HIPP-C will demonstrate Auto-configuration of the residential gateway, Software download from the platform towards to residential gateway, and the home network configuration (DNS, NAT, firewall, forwarding table, etc.). • ·Milestone at M18: provide the complete software of the home network management platform for Lab trial in the premises of Alcatel Bell. The software should include the feedback received from the task WP5A2. In a second phase, we will enhance the HIPP-C with the zero-configuration (real plug and play of the residential gateway), Software activation, Diagnostics & troubleshooting, LAN & WAN QoS service. This task is the input for the task WP5A3 on M18.
WP2A2: Service Aggregation Platform (Start: M0 End M18) : Telefonica I+D • This platform will focus on the service level management, aggregating the different services chosen within EnComPAs. The security and privacy issues will be one of the top priorities of this platform. The main features are: • I.Profile based user management: System administrator, Service provider operator, end-user administrator (make subscriptions to the services and give access to them), end-users… • II.Subscription model of the different services, enabling dynamic processing and real-time service provider information. • III.Manages association of users to their residential gateway. • IV.Use of an OSGi remote management system to install and manage dynamically and remotely bundles (part of the logic of the services) located in the residential gateway. This feature is coupled with the subscription, allowing the services to include bundles located in the residential gateway of the users. • V.Generation of statistical data for the subscriptions of the services. • VI. Open architecture based on standards: Java, OSGi and Web Services (SOAP)
WP2A3 : Open Media Suite Platform (Start: M0 End M18): Alcatel • This task will provide the Open Media Suite as the platform for application control. • The Open Media Suite platform is currently in development product of Alcatel, that is focused on broadband entertainment usage. • The purpose of this activity is to evaluate the potential usage of this platform for other applications such as TV-learning or Media Sharing, which are not part of the commercial offering of Alcatel. • First, a stand-alone demonstration version of the platform with its standard functionality will be provided to the other working packages, so that they can familiarize with and test the APIs in real conditions. Then feedback on the usability of this type of platform will be gathered from WP1, WP3 and WP4.
To Be Discussed • Planning and focus for the WP2A0 activity (system architecture) • Who must participate? Alcatel NSB group, Telefonica, Visonic, Thomson. • Who would like to participate? • When? • Goal?
To Be Discussed • Interface between home management and service management platform? • Who? Alcatel NSB group and Telefonica • When? After WP2A0 activity • Interface between the home management platform and the routing gateways (WP2-WP4 relation) • Who? Alcatel NSB group, Telefonica, Visonic, Thomson • When? • What?