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CERN overview. Frank Zimmermann, Frankfurt am Main, 13 November 2008.
CERN overview Frank Zimmermann, Frankfurt am Main, 13 November 2008 Thanks to: Markus Aicheler, Ralph Assmann, Bernhard Auchmann, Kurt Aulenbacher, Hans Braun, Rama Calaga, Allen Caldwell, Bernd Dehning, Frank Gerigk, Massimo Giovannozzi, Alex Herlert, Anke-Susanne Müller, YannisPapaphilippou, Peter Peiffer, Robert Rossmanith, Rüdiger Schmidt, HarisSkokos, Ralph Steinhagen, Guoxing Xia, …
contents CERN projects & future plans existing & proposed areas of collaboration with German universities
CERN • founded in 1954 • financed by >20 European countries • laboratory straddles the Swiss-French border west of the city of Geneva • with the participation of the United States, Canada, Japan, Russia, India and others, CERN’s mainaccelerator, the LHC, is the first global project in particle physics
CERN flagship accelerators first strong-focusing proton ring ! • PS – Proton Synchrotron (1959-) • ISR - Intersecting Storage Rings (1971-1985) • SPS – Super Proton Synchrotron (1976-) • LEP – Large Electron-Positron storage ring (1989-2001) • LHC – Large Hadron Collider (2008-) • SLHC– Super LHC (~2017-) • CLIC– Compact Linear Collider (~2023?-) first hadron collider! first proton-antiproton collider! highest energy e+e- collider! highest energy proton/ion collider! colour code: stopped, in operation, planned
… and there are some German physicists at CERN
where to collaborate? CERN accelerator projects SLHC LHC injector upgrade CLIC fixed-target programme CTF3 ISOLDE n’s, b beams LHeC advanced concepts deutsche Universität
Large Hadron Collider (LHC) proton-proton and ion-ion collider next energy-frontier discovery machine c.m. energy 14 TeV (7x Tevatron) design pp luminosity 1034 cm-2s-1 (~100x Tevatron) LHC baseline was pushed in competition with SSC (†1993)
nominal LHC: total stored energy=11 GJ at 30 knots [K.H. Mess, Chamonix 01]
R. Assmann at <1% of nominal intensity LHC enters new territory
LHC collimation & protection collaboration in EU FP7 FP7 collimators and materials for high intensity beam, including new collimation technologiesR. Assmann/CERN, J. Stadlmann/GSI, FP7 ColMat collaborators in Europe, LARP collaborators in US high intensity beam interaction with matter (HiRadMat facility at SPS)R. Schmidt, R. Assmann/CERN • material damage from proton and ion beams • innovative composite materials for accelerators • precision control of mechanical systems in radioactive environments • EM field calculations for materials close to charged beams (“impedance”) • beam diagnostics in collimator blocks (beam position, …) • cryogenic collimators • new accelerator physics solutions for collimation (crystals, e-beam lens, non-linear) • sound/vibration measurements for LHC collimators (cables already installed) • massive parallel tracking for beam halo, including GRID resources proposed collaboration &/or PhD projects
T. Wijnands, M. Brugger High-Energy HadronFluences 104 e.g., some estimated LHC-levels for hadrons (E > 20 MeV) per cm2per nominal year 105 106 107 108 109 1010 1011 1012 Aircraft Altitudes LHC Machine electronics equipment LHC Detectors sea Level (Lowest !!!) UAs UJ32 UJ76 Under ARC dipole Under ARC quad RE38 RR53 RR77 UX85 DS Q8 UX45 UJ33 1013 TAN (low) UAs (peak) Airbus A330 CNGS2007 SomeFailures
LHC radiation issues proposed collaboration integration of radiation tolerant analog circuits in ASICs B. Dehning/CERN measurement of He3 in Helium R. Schmidt/CERN activation of LHC equipment R. Schmidt/CERN proposed collaboration proposed collaboration
Beam Loss Acquisition Card Radiation Tolerant Analog Inputs in an ASIC • 8 discrete current inputs (CFC) • ADC AD41240 CERN ASIC • LM4140 voltage reference • Anti-fuse FPGA as data combiner • Two redundant GOH from CMS (including CERN ASIC) • Line driver CRT910 CERN ASIC • DAC AD5346 • Card tested up to a Dose of 500 Gy Replacements of discrete analog current to frequency converters (CFC) by radiation tolerant ASIC CERN, B. Dehning
electron cloud in the LHC schematic of e- cloud build up in the arc beam pipe, due to photoemissionand secondary emission [F. Ruggiero]
LHC electron cloud proposed PhD project electron-cloud in cryogenic environment F. Zimmermann/CERN , A.S. Müller, S. Casalbuoni & K. Sonnad, Universität Karlsruhe • heat load • experiments with ANKA in-vacuum s.c. undulator • simulations electron-microwave interaction F. Caspers, F. Zimmermann/CERN , A.S. Müller, S. Casalbuoni & K. Sonnad, Universität Karlsruhe • microwave for diagnostics and/or suppression • microwaves as threat: “magnetron effect” • experimental tests at ANKA • simulations proposed PhD project
s.c. magnets for SLHC & new injectors numerical methods for 3D magnetic field calculations S. Rjasanov/Universitätdes Saarlandes, FR 6.1 Mathematik B. Auchmann/CERN AT/MEI-FP, ROXIE-code für das elektromagnetische Design von supraleitenden Magneten activity ongoing & supported! • Titel: HochpräziseNumerikfürWirbelstromproblemebasierend auf schnellenRandelementmethodenhöhererOrdnung • DFG Antrag auf Gewährung von Sachbeihilfebewilligt. • Projektbeginn: März 2008 • Projektdauer: 3 Jahre
LHC advanced beam diagnostics • beam imaging using micro-vertex detectors • R. Schmidt/CERN • longitudinaland transverse electro-optical sampling of charged particle beams • optical hybrids and beam signal processing techniques • other methods based on e.g. magnetic sampling (Hall effect) • R. Steinhagen, R. Jones/CERN possible collaboration topic possible collaboration topic target: minimise intrinsic limitations of classical electro-magnetic beam instrumentation (relying on buttons, strip-lines, cavities, wall-current etc.) and to optimise its known constraints such as 'common-mode', EMC robustness, measurement drifts, bandwidth (target: 10++ GHz), costs etc.
LHC forecast peak & integrated luminosity evolution New injectors + IR upgrade phase 2 ATLAS will need ~18 months shutdown goal for ATLAS Upgrade: 3000 fb-1 recorded cope with ~400 pile-up events each BC Collimation phase 2 Linac4 + IR upgrade phase 1 M. Nessi, R. Garoby
LHC upgrade paths early separation (ES) full crab crossing (FCC) stronger triplet magnets stronger triplet magnets D0 dipole small-angle crab cavity small-angle crab cavity larger-aperture triplet magnets large Piwinski angle (LPA) wire compensator reviewed by LHCC, 1 July 2008
experimenters’ choice (2008): • no accelerator components inside detector • lowest possible event pile up • possibility of easy luminosity levelling • → full crab crossing upgrade
(S)LHC crab crossing scheme • optimization of cavity/coupler design • novel cavity concepts • cryostat design incl. interface to CERN infrastructure • strong-strong beam-beam effects with crab • impedance including stability requirements • low level RF (incl. DESY?) • testing cavities, e.g. on copper model • power systems: CC specific requirements, R&D on SPS 800 MHz power systems • other beam dynamics studies like noise • beam experiments in AD or SPS proposed topics of collaboration: Z. Li et al. (SLAC) Y. Morita et al. (KEK) G. Burt et al (LU/DL/CI) • R. Calaga, BNL/US-LARP; R. Tomas, J. Tuckmantel, F. Zimmermann, CERN; DESY?; FNAL; UK
Compact Crab Cavities SLAC ½ Wave & Spoke Structures FNAL Mushroom Cavity BNL TM010, BP Offset KEK Kota Cavity UK-JLAb Rod Structure
present and future LHC injectors Proton flux / Beam power Linac2 Linac4 50 MeV 160 MeV (LP)SPL PSB 1.4 GeV 4 GeV (LP)SPL: (Low Power) Superconducting Proton Linac (4-5 GeV) PS2: High Energy PS (~ 5 to 50 GeV – 0.3 Hz) SPS+: Superconducting SPS (50 to1000 GeV) SLHC: “Superluminosity” LHC (up to 1035 cm-2s-1) DLHC: “Double energy” LHC (1 to ~14 TeV) PS 26 GeV PS2 50 GeV Output energy SPS SPS+ 450 GeV 1 TeV LHC / SLHC DLHC 7 TeV ~ 14 TeV Roland Garoby, LHCC 1July ‘08
layout of new LHC injectors SPS PS2, ~2017 SPL,~2017 PS Linac4 ~2012 R. Garoby, CARE-HHH BEAM07, October’07; L. Evans, LHCC, 20 Feb ‘08
superconducting RF for SPL collaboration ongoing R&D on superconducting RF cavities C. Welsch/Universität Heidelberg, W. Weingarten/CERN calculation of higher order modes of SPL cavities C. Welsch/Universität Heidelberg, F. Gerigk/CERN collaboration ongoing
SPL as e- recirculatinglinac as future e- injector and/or as first-stage ep collider
LargeHadron Electron Collider proposed subjects for PhD theses: design study for an electron ring in the LHC tunnel H. Burkhardt /CERN, A. S. Müller, G. Quast, University Karlsruhe ion effects in recirculating electron linacs or ERLs Frank Zimmermann/CERN, A.S. Müller, S. Casalbuoni & K. Sonnad, Uni. Karlsruhe
M. Giovannozzi Multi-Turn Extraction (MTE) • beam is separated in transverse phase space using • nonlinear magnetic elements (sextupoles ad octupoles) to create stable islands • slow (adiabatic) tune-variation to cross resonance • beneficial effects: • reduced losses;improved phase-space matching • beamletshave equal emittanceand optical parameters
M. Giovannozzi Multi-Turn Injection(MTI) • new application • efficient method to create hollow beams “flat” beam distribution obtained by injecting a fifth turn in the centre. “Standard” hollow beam distribution M. Giovannozzi, J. Morel, PRST-AB, 10, 034001 (2007)
Fixed-Target & RIB Programmes PS multi-turn extraction & injection M. Giovannozzi/CERN, A. S. Müller, G. Quast, University Karlsruhe possible subjects for PhD thesis: • MTE: • details of splitting process, analytical and numerical • optimisation (final vs initial beam parameters) • 4D case (so far 2D model) • MTI: • same as previous • include space charge effects in simulations • impact of space charge, especially on final hollow distribution REX-ISOLDE Upgrades A.J. Herlert/CERN proposed PhD projects: http://isolde.web.cern.ch/ISOLDE/opportunities/germanphd.htm
REXEBIS MASS SEPARATOR Optional stripper ISOLDE 7-GAP RESONATORS @ 101.28 MHz 9-GAP RESONATOR @ 202.56 MHz ISOLDE beam Primarytarget High energydriver beam protons IH RFQ Rebuncher 60 keV 0.3 MeV/u 3.0 MeV/u 2.2 MeV/u 1.2 MeV/u REXTRAP Experiments • radioactive ion beam facility • more than 800 different isotopes of more than 70 different elements • nuclear physics and solid-state physics research ISOLDE@CERN (isotope separator on-line) future projects: • target development (selectivity and ion beam purity) • laser application (resonant laser ionization and laser spectroscopy) • polarized radioactive beams • HIE-ISOLDE upgrade for higher energy of post-accelerated ions (e.g. superconducting LINAC) contact: alexander.herlert@cern.ch REX-ISOLDE (post-acceleration)
CR1 CR1 booster linac, 9 GeV 326 klystrons 33 MW, 139 ms 326 klystrons 33 MW, 139 ms combiner rings Circumferences delay loop 72.4 m CR1 144.8 m CR2 434.3 m drive beam accelerator 2.38 GeV, 1.0 GHz drive beam accelerator 2.38 GeV, 1.0 GHz 1 km 1 km delay loop delay loop CR2 CR2 decelerator, 24 sectors of 878 m BDS 2.75 km BDS 2.75 km BC2 BC2 245m 245m IP e+ main linac e- main linac , 12 GHz, 100 MV/m, 21.1 km TA R=120m TA R=120m 48.4 km e+ injector, 0.2 GeV e+ DR 365m e+ PDR 365m BC1 linac, 2.2 GeV e- DR 365m e- PDR 365m CLIC 3-TeV e+e- Linear Collider e- injector, 0.2 GeV
H. Braun Two beam scheme without drive beam CLIC would need 32000 Klystrons for ECMS =3 TeV
H. Braun Main Beam Drive Beam
Proposal for ITB • Instrumentation Test Beamline at CTF3 • Interested partners and contact persons • Royal Holloway University of London, Grahame Blair • LAPP Annecy, Yannis Karyotakis • North Western University Chicago, Mayda Velasco • University of Heidelberg and Cockcroft Institut, CarstenWelsch • FZK and University of Karlsruhe, Anke-Susanne Mueller, • University of Dortmund, Thomas Weis • CERN, Hans Braun • Description • CTF3: accelerator test facility built at CERN by international collaboration to develop CLIC linear collidertechnology • Construction of CLEX area (=CLIC EXperimental area) at CTF3 revealed excellent opportunity to build a flexible Instrumentation Test Beam (ITB), allowing development and testing of vast range of advanced beam instrumentation in dedicated beamline. This R&D is in high demand for both CLIC and ILC instrumentation issues but also beneficial for many other accelerator applications. • The ITB is using the 180 MeV, low emittance beam from the CALIFES linac of CTF3. H. Braun
D D D D D D D D D D F F F F F F D F F D CTF3 complex F F D D X 2 Delay Loop 3.5 A - 1.4 ms 150 MeV Drive Beam Accelerator Drive Beam Injector 16 structures - 3 GHz - 7 MV/m TL1 X 5 Combiner Ring 16 m Two-beam Test Area 150 MV/m 30 GHz TL2 30 GHz andPhoto injector test area CLEX 35 A - 140 ns 150 MeV D F F F F F F F F F D D D D D D D D LIL-ACS LIL-ACS LIL-ACS 3.0m 3.0m 23.2 m DUMP Layout of CLEX floor space DUMP D F TBL TL2’ DUMP TBTS DUMP 1.4m F CALIFES probe beam injector D F ITB DUMP H. Braun
ITB doesn’t start from scratch but is an add-onto existing accelerator infrastructure of CTF3 ! CALIFES Linac Floorspace for ITB
H. Braun • baseline concept of ITB comprises • bunch compressor to achieve bunch length as short as required by CLIC and ILC • focusing magnets to adjust beam size at test location • standard instrumentation forbest possible beam characterisation at test location • dedicated vacuum sector to allow easy and rapid installation and pump down of experiments • magnet spectrometer to measure energy loss for specific experiments • gas target to generate beam halo in controlled manner • first set of experiments in ITB will address • novel bunch length diagnostics with coherent diffraction radiation • novel beam halo monitoring devices • novel beam loss monitoring devices • novel methods of single shot emittance measurement with OTR • characterization of precision beam position monitors Many other ideas for experiments are evolving
H. Braun ITC cost & schedule Technical infrastructure, floor space and part of magnets will be provided by CERN. Missing investment costs for the baseline ITB facility is estimated at 500 k€. This direct cost could be further reduced if Institute workshops provide components. Design and construction of ITB from t0 to first beam experimentswill take about 2 years. ITB student opportunities Already design and commissioning of ITB provides excellent opportunities for PhD projects in accelerator physics. The instruments which can be developed and tested with ITB offer a vast range ofcutting edge projects in applied physics and engineering science. For this kind of projects a large part of the development and preparation can be done in the home institutes, in close contact with the international CTF3 collaboration and the experts at CERN. Students involved in ITB have the possibility to participate in the recently approved EU-FP7 DITANET network http://www.kip.uni-heidelberg.de/DITANET/ The development of novel DIagnosticTechniques for future particle Accelerators is the goal of this new European NETwork installed within the Marie Curie ITN scheme. contributions welcome! possible PhD projects
more CLIC topics … CLIC technology: active stabilization of large and heavy accelerator structures to the level of nanometers Contact H. Schmickler/CERN high precision machining and assembly of AS & PETS G. Riddone/CERN use of Bochum University scanning electron microscope with EBSD for surface investigations of CLIC prototype cavities M. Aicheler/CERN & UniversitätBochum collaboration possible collaboration possible collaboration ongoing
M. Aicheler Electron Back Scattered Diffraction SEM: Leo 1530 VP EBSD unit: EDAX TSL electron microscope column • ordinarily used for: • - texture analysis • orientation of samples (like X-Ray diffraction but faster) • identification of different phases (like TEM but lower resolution/magnification) • possibility to connect with quantitative EDX scans 70° Phosphoric screen and digital camera => Kikuchi pattern “Bragg Reflection” collaboration ongoing Kikuchi pattern
M. Aicheler thermal fatigue behavior versus grain orientation collaboration ongoing EBSD SEM [1 1 1] (blue) direction highlydeveloped fatigue features [1 0 0] (red) direction less developed fatigue features z [1 1 1] x [1 0 0] y [1 1 0]
… andmore CLIC topics Precision Polarisation Measurements and Spin Management for Linear Colliders Contact K. Aulenbacher/Universität Mainz development of superconducting wiggler magnets in Nb3Sn technology for applications in linear colliders and synchrotron light sources D. Wollmann, A. Bernhard, P. Peiffer, Uni. Karlsruhe, R. Rossmanith/FZK, R. Maccaferi, H. Braun/CERN nonlinear dynamics studies for the CLIC damping rings Ch. Skokos/MPI-PKS Dresden, Y. Papaphilippou/CERN collaboration starting, support welcome collaboration ongoing, support welcome collaboration welcomes newcomers
K. Aulenbacher CLIC spin managementpossibilities at MAMI-C/U. Mainz some spin management issues for linear colliders: 1. Compton laser-backscattering polarimeter(CLB): candidate for linear collider polarimeterat high energy. 2. cross-checking CLB accuracy (DP/P<1% req.) interesting. 3. Mott polarimeters offer similar accuracy ( comparison). 4. depolarization in arcs (esp. damping rings) existing devices in Mainz for tests & developments : high intensity polarized beam at 1.5 GeV Compton backscattering polarimeterset-up in Hall-3 high-accuracy Mott polarimeter at 1-3.5 MeV spin orientation in arbitrary direction at Mott and CLB beam transport in arcs off or on spin resonance
P. Peiffer, R. Rossmanith BINP PM wiggler BINP SC wiggler ANKA SC wiggler Parameters BINP ANKA/CERN Bpeak [T] 2.5 2.8 λW [mm] 50 40 Beam aperture full gap [mm] 20* 24* Conductor type NbTi Nb3Sn Operating temperature [K] 4.2 4.2 ANKA-CERN s.c. wiggler - goals strong fields and short periods necessary both in SC undulators (ANKA) and in damping wigglers to achieve a low emittance (CLIC) → high current densities → use of Nb3Sn as conductor common R&D on winding and tapering methods; magnetic field measurements at ANKA M. Korostelev, PhD thesis, EPFL 2006 short prototype of the ANKA/CERN wiggler will be installed &tested at ANKA
P. Peiffer, R. Rossmanith CERN-ANKA s.c. wiggler – joint work • calculations and simulations (Opera3D): Joint man power, know how and shared processing power betweenCERN and University Karlsruhe • tasks: • magnetic design • end period matching • designing field correctors Modelling: z y x Meshing Simplification