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Leierskap van binne af uit. “Leadership from the inside out” Kevin Harney. Inleiding : Die krag van self ondersoek.
Leierskap van binneafuit “Leadership from the inside out” Kevin Harney
Inleiding: Die krag van self ondersoek • Leaders today seek to serve in the wake of the countless moral failings, financial misleadings, lapses of integrity, and relational explosions of those who have gone before us. It’s at our own peril that we press on with mindlessly busy schedules, resistance to accountability, and lifestyles that allow us no time to look into our own souls. We need to lead from the inside out. - p13
Die krag van self-ondersoek • Self examination is essential in the life of every leader. Your personal choices are never just personal; your choices and the condition of your inner life impact others. What you do as a leader, and even your motives, can effect your family, friends, an entire church community. Your life as a leader touches more people than you can imagine. - p16
Die krag van self-ondersoek • …leaders need people who can help us identify potential areas of trouble we can’t see. ….this means we need to develop the humility to listen to and learn from those who have a vantage point different from ours. We are wisest when we have relationships and networks that fortify our lives as leaders. The best leaders will ask, even beg, others to show them where they need to grow, where they are broken, where sin lurks in the dark corners of their hearts. - p17
Die Leier se hart 1 • If our heart stops beating, we die. Sadly, leaders can mask the reality that their hearts are sick. Sometimes we can even fool ourselves into believing that our hearts are beating strong. It’s possible to preach, hold board meetings, lead an organization, and appear to be very much alive long after we have gone through spiritual cardiac arrest. We all have learned that we can go through the motions of leadership with an empty heart. - p25
Die leier se hart – Self-ondersoek: • Ekbedienmeeruitplig as uitliefdevir die Here. • Ekkanvirdae of selfswekevolhousonderom by Jesus se voetete sit, Sywoordteeet en met homtegesels. • Wanneerekprekevoorberei, is ekaltydgefokus op ditwatandergaan leer, maak die waarheid van die Woordseldeenigeimpak op my hart of passie. • Wanneerekviriemand bid of gebed lei, klink die woorderegvirander, maarklinkditleegvir my. • Ekbeleef die mense in my gemeente as ‘n laswat my verhinderom my werkgedoentekry. • Ekkomagterdatek my lewe so inrigdatdit my van menseissoleer. • Ek is so besig met die dinge van die kerkdatekgeentyd het virmensebuite die kerknie. • Ekkannieonthouwanneerlaasekenigepyn of hartseergevoel het ooriemandanders se verlorenheidnie.
“Enticements that cries for 1st place” • Building a successful and growing ministry • Being loved by the people we serve and keeping them happy • Making a name for ourselves • Making enough money to provide • Feeling important and valuable • Loving and serving the people p27
“Loving the people we are called to lead” • As leaders, connecting with God more intentionally and intimately is our starting point; it is the foundation of all we do in ministry. • Jesus understood that an authentic relationship with God leads to a deep love for people. • As leaders we must be sure we never grow to see the people we lead as cogs in a machine or pawns on a chessboard….. If we want to lead like Jesus, we must let the dangerous power of love fill our hearts. p33
“A forgiving heart” • Mat 18:21-22 • There is no better laboratory for learning to love than ministry. • Because pain and heartache are part of ministry, it is possible for every single Christian leader to become angry, hurt, cynical, and insulted. If we don’t learn the wisdom and power of forgiveness, our hearts will die and we will become shells of the leaders God wants us to be. p35
“A heart for the lost” • Too many leaders have become so busy at their churches or in ministries that they have no time to connect with those who don’t know Jesus. p38
Die leier se gedagtesSelf-ondersoek 2 • Ekkomagterdatekpreke en illustrasiesoor en oorgebruikomdatekniksnuutsmeer het omte se nie. • Wanneerekalsgedoen het watekmoesdoen is ek so poot-uitdatek net voorte TV sit en niksdoen. • Wanneerek dink aan die term “lewenslange student” lag ekbinne, en wonder ek hoe iemandkantydmaakvirdit. • Ek het ‘n spulboekewatekwil lees, maarekweetekgaannooittydkrydaarvoornie. • Ek lees my Bybels of boekeslegsvirvoorbereidingvir ‘n boodskap of kursus of as deel van formeleopleiding en studie.
“Priorities matter” • Christian leaders, especially those in church ministry, are often tempted to substitute their lesson preparation for personal time of feeding on the rich banquet of Gods Word. p47
“Allowing others leverage in your life” • …commitment to be a student of God’s Word is essential for maximum effectiveness. • Wise leaders know how to leverage every relationship as a tool for spiritual growth.
What have you been reading lately? • A wise leader must learn how to mine for intellectual gold in the growing mountain of books. p51
“Mental Excercises” • Conferences & Seminars • Magazines, Internet portals, newspapers, blogs. • Movies & TV shows. • Continuing education classes. • Colloquy groups.
Too many leaders shift their mind to neutral after they begin their full-time professional lives. • I even suggest that leaders read books written by authors who challenge their worldview and rattle their cage. p55
Die leier se ore 3 • Ps 46:10 – Be still and know that I am God.
Die leier se oreSelf-ondersoek • Ditirriteer my as mensepraat van hoe hul “God met hulhoorpraat het”. • Eksalgraag God wilhoorpraatmaarek dink ek is geestelikdoof. • Partykeer dink ekdatek God hoorpraat, maarek is bang disdalk net my eieidees. • Ekmaak die meeste van my besluite self, en kryniesommerraad by andernie. • Ek het tallemenseom my virraad en insette, maar die waarheid is datekhulnodig het om met my saamte stem, en ekhounie van ietswat my dalkteegaannie. • Ekvra bitter min enigeiemandvirinsetteomtrent my menswees en my bediening.
“Hearing God’s voice” • God is speaking. The question is: are we listening? • In a noisy world, our hearts should long for wisdom from above. Leaders need to receive direction, insight, and inspiration from God. • Hearing and recognizing Gods voice isn’t just for the monastic or the zealot. It should be the normative daily experience of every Christian leader. P62, 63
“Listening to the Generations” • A wise leader longs to be challenged and stretched by people who have travelled farther down the leadership road. • Everyone of us has received the gift of proximity. God has placed people close to us, at various seasons of our lives, who can mentor and teach us. The question is, do we take time to listen? Are we humble enough to acknowledge that we do not have all the answers? p65
“Listening to the Generations” • Wise leaders learn to identify people who have the experience of years of walking closely with Jesus. And when they get close to these people, they listen, ask good questions, watch and learn. The best leaders know that the long journey of faithfulness and effectiveness is well-marked by others who have gone before them. p67
“Listening to Peers” • It is time for Christian leaders to humbly invite our peers who know more than we do to give us directions. • Let’s be honest, we don’t have all the answers. And we don’t have to re-invent the wheel every time we want to go somewhere. God has placed people all around us who have a great deal to offer. I have discovered that most are more than willing to share their wisdom, expertise, and even failings, if asked. p72
“Hearing Concerns and Critique” • Leaders in Christian ministry will be criticized, critiqued, and evaluated… constantly. It’s part of the deal. The key is to recognize unhealthy criticism and ignore it. At the same time, we must know how to identify helpful critique and listen so we can learn. • God is speaking…. Listen. p75
Die leier se oë 4 • Leaders need to have sharp eyes to see culture as it is, to see the intricacies of human relationships, and to see what lies on the horizon. p80
Die Leiers se oëSelf-ondersoek • Eksienproblememaklikerraak as watek die krag van God daaroorraaksien. • Ek is bewus van die geestelikewereldom my, maarek het geenidee hoe omditteonderskei of raaktesiennie. • Soms dink ek God laat my ietsraaksien, maardanonderdrukekdit as onsin of onveilig. • My oe is altyd op die toekomsgerig, en ekkykmoeilikterugna die verlede.
“Wisdom of the Past” • Leaders are visionaries. They tend to look forward, aspiring to what is next, not lingering on the past. Sometime we are forward-looking to our own peril. Wise leaders discover the wealth of wisdom from the past. p85
“Look around and notice where God is at work” • Healthy leaders look back to learn from the past; they also know how to read the times and see what God is doing now. p93
Die Leier se mondSelf-ondersoek 5 • Ekweetdatekmense in my gemeentemoetbemoedig, maarek is geneigomeerderhulswakpunte en fouteraaktesien. • Daar is menserondom my wat ‘n woord van seen nodig het, en ekkandit gee, maarek is versigtigdatindienektepositiefvoorkom, huldalkgaanlyfwegsteek. • Eksiendinge in anderwatekkanaanprys, maarditneem net teveelenergieuit my uit, en ek het nie die kragdaarvoornie. • Soms dink ek: Niemandbemoedig my of prys my aannie. Waarommoetekditviranderdoen?
“Creating a culture of blessing” • Wise leaders use their words to build up others and strategically create a culture of affirmation in the church. Although we may be tempted to be critical and negative, the antidote for this behaviour is learning to bless. -101 • The book of Proverbs makes it clear that life and death are wrapped up in the power of words. Healthy leaders decide how to bless others frequently and freely. The also create a culture where encouragement is normative, woven into the fabric of the church. -105
“Creating a non-gossip zone” • We are not allowed to gossip. (Rom 1:29; 2 Cor 12:20)
“Creating a non-gossip zone” • Christians have conflict with each other. Relationships get strained, communication breaks down, and tension grows. We are just people, and we face the same relational challenges anyone else does. The difference is we have crystal-clear guidelines on how to respond in these times of hurt and frustration. [Mat 18:15-17] - 106
“The blessing of speaking the Truth in Love” • Leaders are called to speak the truth, but always in love. The problem comes when we err on one side or the other. When we speak the truth carelessly or harshly, our words might be true and even from the Lord, but they cut so deeply that the recipient can’t hear what we say. The other extreme is that we are so tender hearted that we refuse to speak the truth when it needs to be expressed. Wise leaders learn to resist these two temptations. Loveless truth can be damaging. Tenderness that refuses to speak the truth is equally dangerous. - 111
“Truth telling and Church discipline” • For centuries, the church emphasized disciplining members who indulged in unrepented sin, damaging their lives and walk with Christ. Sadly, in many places the practice of church discipline has gone the way of stained-glass windows, choir robes, and Sunday evening services. The few churches that practices church discipline today are vestiges of a day gone by. • Leaders and churches that are committed to speaking the truth in love learn that church is part and package. If we truly care about people, we will not look the other way while they shipwreck their faith, destroy their lives, and run from God. Discipline is not a hammer for crushing the wayward brother or sister. It’s a redemptive intervention that calls people to turn back to the Lord, who loves them. - 115
Die leier se hande 6 • Those who are going to lead learn quickly that serving is foundational to our calling. To lead like Jesus is to offer our hands to take up the cross daily, to pick up the towel and the basin, to serve as He did.
Die Leier se HandeSelf-ondersoek • Ekgeniet my rol as leier want dit gee aan my spesialevoordele en mensedoenwatek se. • Daar is areas van bedieningwatek van anderverwagom in betrokketewees, maarwaarinek self nie in betrokkewilraaknie. • Onsgemeente se leier en ledebeskerm die fasiliteite en geboue teen “misbruik” deur die gemeenskap en omliggendekerke. • Eksalsekeredade van diens as deel van my amptelikebedieningbeskou, maarander dele van my hart en lewehouekweg van diegenewatek lei. • Ek het ‘n gereserveerdeparkeerplek by die kerkgebou – ‘n goeieeen.
“Getting your hands dirty” • Johannes 13…… • The way of Jesus is the way of humble service. The hands that washed the disciples feet would soon be nailed to a cross. The ultimate act of service and love cost Jesus His life. Our Lord was willing to get His hands dirty and bloody to show us what a true leader looks like. - 122
“The danger of delegation” • There is definitely a need for strategic delegation, but we can take it too far. We must be ready to serve no matter how big our churches grow or how specialized we become in ministries. • Hands ready to serve are born of a heart that loves people. • Delegation and clear ministry responsibilities are valuable. But leaders must always remember the call to serve. - 124
“Generous hands” • Leaders are most effective when they are ready to give things away. God honours hands that are open and willing to share. -125
Die leier se lagspierSelf-ondersoek 7 • Ekkomagtermensewatpret het en baie lag irriteer my – veralanderpredikante. • Wanneerek in die spieelkyksienekgeenvreugde op my gesignie. Ek het ditverloor. • Ekkannieonthouwanneerlaasek so gelag het datdit seer was nie. • Wanneerek by ‘n groepaansluitlykditaltydasofditernstiger word, eerder as meer pret. • Ekwensek het ‘n paarmensegekenwatek so vertroudatek net konontspan en myself kanwees. Ekkannie. Ek is die dominee.
Lag ‘n slag!!! • We can grow our souls and strengthen our ministries by spending time with people who makes us laugh. -145 • Clip 1 • Clip 2
Die leier se libidoSelf-ondersoek 8 • Ekkomagterdaar is mense in my gemeentewat my emosionelebehoeftesaanspreekwatslegs my eggenootbehoortaantespreek. • Ekkyknatydskrifte, websites, flieks en materiaal in ‘n pogingom my seksuelebehoeftesaantespreek. As hierdiegedragbekendmoes word saldit my baieskadeberokken. • Ek het ‘n fantasie-wereld in my gedagtesgeskepwaarekvrylikseksuelesondepleeg. Eksalditnooit in die regtelewedoennie, maarekdroomditwel. • Eklewe ‘n dubbelelewe. Aan die eenkantpredikekmoraliteit en seksuelereinheid – en aan die anderkantdoeneksulkedinge self. • Wanneer die onderwerp van seksuelegrensenavorekomraakekdefensief, want ekwilnieerkendatekoorgrensegaanjie.
“The Power of the mind” • In as sex-saturated culture, we must guard our minds. A leader whose outer world is squeaky clean can still allow the world of the mind to be perverse. • Healthy leaders inspect their thought lives and make sure they are seeking to live in holiness even in the hidden compartments of their minds. • I believe the best way to practice preventative care for our souls, when it comes to sexual temptation, is to saturate our minds with Gods Word. Meditating on Scripture is a cleansing process, and at any time, we can draw on portions of the Bible we have memorized. -159
“The Power of Accountability” • The beauty of accountability is that we can tailor it to our needs. … whatever our needs, a trusted friend who asks us the hard questions as well as encourages and prays for us is an amazing gift. -165
Die leier se rugSelf-ondersoek 9 • Ekkannieeersonthouwanneerlaas het ekgaanslaap met ‘n vrededatekallesvir die dag gedoengekry het nie. • Ekleefelke dag met die gevoeldatekoorwerk en onderwaardeer is. • Ekbenyander in bedieningwattyd het virpersoonlikeontwikkeling en hulgesin. • Ek het eens op ‘n tyd ‘n visioneredryf in my leierskapervaar. Tans probeerek net ommenseniekwaadtemaaknie. • Somsweetekdatek ‘n sekererigtingmoetinslaan met bediening, maarekweetvoorafwieditgaanteenstaan, en ek het net nie die energie of tempramentomhul teen testaannie.
“Carrying the yoke of jesus” • The call on every Christian leaders is to receive, with humility, the yoke of Jesus. His yoke will always fit right. When we take on the yoke of Jesus, we can carry the full burden He has in mind for us, but it feels light. We will not be crushed under its weight because Jesus knows what we can handle. • Healthy leaders don’t carry man made burdens, yokes and crosses imposed by those who believe they know God’s plan for our lives. We come to Jesus and take His yoke. We discover that it always fits well. -174
“Reclaiming the forgotten gift of Grace” • Healthy church leaders are secure enough to embrace Sabbath and walk away from their work for one day each week. • Each time we take a Sabbath, we make three declarations to heaven, earth, the church and ourselves: • We trust that God is capable of running the universe and His church without us. • We are confident that God can provide all we need in 6 days of labour. • We understand that slowing down and meeting with God and His people is a priority in our lives. - 176
“Reclaiming the forgotten gift of Grace” • Leaders who refuse to take a full day off each week make a profound theological statement: I am more powerful and important than God. Does that sound overstated? Think about it. God, who is omnipotent, took a Sabbath and called you to do the same. -176