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  1. Participators Students are able to actively engage with issues that affect them and those around them.  They are able to play a full part in lessons and the extra-curricular life of the school and their wider community by taking responsible actions to bring improvements for others as well as themselves.

  2. Independent Students are able to plan what to do and how to go about their learning, process and evaluate information.  They are able to take informed and well-reasoned decisions, recognising that others have different beliefs, perspectives and attitudes.  They develop a natural curiosity, resilience and enjoyment of learning which will be sustained beyond school.

  3. Team workers Students are able to work confidently with others, adapting to different contexts and taking responsibility for their own part.  They are able to listen and take account of different views and are able to form collaborative relationships, resolving issues to reach agreed outcomes.

  4. Risk takers Students are able to approach unfamiliar situations and uncertainty with courage and forethought, and have the independence of spirit to explore new ideas and strategies.  They are confident in defending their views and beliefs.

  5. Reflective Students are able to evaluate their strengths and limitations, setting themselves realistic, yet ambitious goals with criteria for success.  They are able to monitor their own performance and progress, inviting feedback from others and making changes to further their learning and personal development.

  6. Principled Students are able to act with integrity, honesty and compassion with a strong sense of fairness, justice and respect for others.  They take responsibility for their own actions and the consequences that accompany them.

  7. Creative Students are able to exercise initiative and think creatively by generating and exploring ideas critically and making original connections.  They try different ways to tackle a problem, and are able to work with others to take ethical decisions, find imaginative solutions and outcomes that are of value.

  8. Knowledgeable Students are able to explore concepts, ideas and issues that have local and global significance.  In doing so, they acquire in-depth knowledge and develop understanding across a broad and balanced range of areas and disciplines.

  9. Self managers Students are able to organise themselves, showing personal responsibility, initiative, creativity and enterprise with a commitment to learning and self-improvement.  They actively embrace change, respond positively to new priorities, and can cope with new challenges and opportunities.

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