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Concentration dependence of the Curie constant and parameters of the localized spins of the nickel impurities in crystals of HgSe. T.E.Govorkova, V.I.Okulov, G.A.Al’shanskii, A.T.Lonchakov, A.F.Gubkin Institute for Metal Physics, Russian Academy of sciences,
Concentration dependence of the Curie constant and parameters of the localized spins of the nickel impurities in crystals of HgSe T.E.Govorkova, V.I.Okulov, G.A.Al’shanskii, A.T.Lonchakov, A.F.Gubkin Institute for Metal Physics, Russian Academy of sciences, Ural Branch, Ekaterinburg, Russia L.D.Paranchich, M.A.Andriichuk Chernovtsy National University, Chernovtsy, Ukraine UIWSPS-2014
Outline 1) Impurity levels of transition elements in semiconductors AIIBVI. 2) Description on the concentration dependence of the Curie constant of the hybridized states and its experimental substantiation (Hg1-xFexSe). 3) Determining spin of cobalt impurity in mercury selenide. 4) Magnetic susceptibilityandthe electron densityinHg1-xNixSe. 5) Temperature dependence of the magnetic susceptibility of Hg1-xNixSe (experiment). 6) Determining spin of nickel impurity in mercury selenide. 7) Parameters of the localized spins of the 3d-impurities (Fe, Co, Ni) in crystals of mercury selenide. UIWSPS-2014
Impurity levels of transition elements in semiconductors AIIBVI 1) 2) 3) 1) HgTe:Mn, HgSe:Mn состояния иона Mn3+ в валентной полосе ZnSe:3d, ZnO:3d d-состояния в запрещенной полосе 2) HgSe:3d d-уровень в полосе проводимости 3) UIWSPS-2014
Magnetic moments of the impurity atoms of transition elements (Fe, Co) in mercury selenide The Physics of Metals and Metallography, 2009, v. 108, № 2, pp.116-119. UIWSPS-2014
Description on the concentration dependence of the Curie constant of the hybridized states and its experimental substantiation 1) where the coefficient is determined by the known formula is the Bohr magneton, is the Boltzmann constant, 2) 3) Parameters (ν = 1): Sio= 5/2, n0d = 2.6·1018cm-3. UIWSPS-2014
Determining spin of cobalt impurity in mercury selenide Parameters (ν=1):Sio= 2, n0d = 2.2 ·1018cm-3; (ν=2):Sio= 5/2, n0d= 0.5 ·1018cm-3 UIWSPS-2014
Parameters of the hybridized states of the 3d-impurities (Fe, Co) in crystals of mercury selenide In this work we gave an experimental substantiation of the earlier-suggested formula for describing the concentration dependence of the Curie constant in the paramagnetic susceptibility of donor impurities with hybridized electronic states in the conduction band. As a result of an analysis of the data on the Curie constant in the magnetic susceptibility of the iron (cobalt) impurities in HgSe, the values of the effective spins of impurities and the resonance concentration of donor electrons have been obtained. UIWSPS-2014
Magnetic susceptibility of HgSe:Ni speciments vs temperature Izvestiya Vysshikh Uchebnykh Zavedenii, 1990, № 11, pp.44-47. UIWSPS-2014
Dependence of the electron density in HgSe:Ni on the concentration of nickel atoms (T = 4.2K) Resonant states formed by cobalt and nickel impurities in mercury selenide I.M.Tsidil’kovskii, N.K.Lerinman, L.D.Sabirzyanova, S.Yu.Paranchich, and Yu.S.Paranchich The electron densities and mobilities were determined from measurements of the Hall effect and of the electrical conductivity. The Shubnikov-de Haas oscillations of the transverse magnetoresistance of zero-gap HgSe crystals were studied as a function of the concentrations of cobalt and nickel impurities. The experimental results indicated that the cobalt and nickel atoms formed resonant donor levels in mercury selenide. Sov. Phys.Semicond., 1992, v.26, № 11, pp.1062-1064. UIWSPS-2014
The specimens were doped by simultaneous fusion of the original components with subsequent crystallization by the Bridgman method (lab. of prof. S.Yu.Paranchich, Chernovtsy National University, Chernovtsy, Ukraine) Parameters of the specimens Hg1-xNixSe (5) UIWSPS-2014
SQUID magnetometer (MPMS-XL-5,QUANTUM DESIGN Co.) The experiment on the study of the temperature dependences of the magnetic susceptibility of Hg1-xNixSe were carried out at the Center of Magnetometry, Institute of Metal physics, Ural Division, Russian Academy of Sciences (Gubkin A.F.) Experiment: χ(T) – (1.8-300) K;B = 0.5 T ___________________________________________________________________________ NNi = (1·1018-1·1019) cm-3– 5 образцов UIWSPS-2014
Temperature dependence of the magnetic susceptibility of Hg1-xNixSe nNi: 1 - 1·1018cm-3; 2 - 4·1018cm-3; 3 - 6·1018cm-3; 4 - 8·1018cm-3; 5 - 1·1019cm-3 UIWSPS-2014
Temperature dependence of the magnetic susceptibility of Hg1-xNixSe (nNi=1·1019cm-3) The approximation of experimental data by Curie-Weiss law. UIWSPS-2014
Inverse magnetic susceptibility of Hg1-xNixSe (nNi=1·1019cm-3) as a function temperature θ~1K for nNi = (1·1018÷1·1019)cm-3. UIWSPS-2014
Determining spin of nickel impurity in mercury selenide Parameters (ν=1):Sio= 3/2, n0d=2.2 ·1018cm-3; (ν=2): Sio= 2, n0d=0.5 ·1018cm-3; (ν=3): Sio= 5/2, n0d=0.2·1018cm-3. UIWSPS-2014
Concentration dependence of the Curie constant of the 3d-impurities (Fe, Co, Ni) in crystals of mercury selenide UIWSPS-2014
Parameters of the localized spins of the 3d-impurities (Fe, Co, Ni) in crystals of mercury selenide UIWSPS-2014