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This training toolkit explores the strategic aspects, needs assessment, legal aspects, and operational considerations for designing, constructing, and managing environmentally-friendly office buildings. It covers topics such as reducing environmental impacts, energy performance, nature-based solutions, and sustainable materials and sourcing.
GPP Training toolkit7.5. Office Building Design, Construction and Management
GPP Training Toolkit Module 2: Strategic Aspects of GPP Module 4: Needs Assessment Module 1: Introduction Module 7: Operational (Office Buildings) Module 5: Circular Procurement Module 6: Market Engagement Module 3: Legal Aspects of GPP Module 7.5 –Office Building Design, Construction and Management
Environmental impacts Key choices about building design to reduce impacts Construction: • Construction products (recycled materials such as aggregates from construction and demolition waste) • Transportation of aggregates to production sites by rail or shipping • Environmental management of construction and demolition waste • Construction and use of buildings in the EU: • Uses approx. half of all materials extracted • Consumes 40% of energy • Consumes 1/3 of water • Generates 1/3 of all waste Module 7.5 –Office Building Design, Construction and Management
Environmental impacts Key choices about building design to reduce impacts (cont.) Use: • Energy performance during occupation (lighting, heating, cooling and ventilation) • Lifespan of the building and its elements (service life): • adaptation of building and its structure at the end of service life • healthy and attractive working environment (good indoor air quality , natural light, etc.) Module 7.5 –Office Building Design, Construction and Management
Environmental impacts Key choices about building design to reduce impacts (cont.) Use (cont.): • Nature-based solutions (green roofs and walls, habitats in courtyards and patios, sustainable urban drainage systems, street trees) Module 7.5 –Office Building Design, Construction and Management
Scope What is included in the EU GPP Criteria • Renovation of existing buildings and construction of new office buildings: design, site preparation, construction, servicing and ongoing management Module 7.5 –Office Building Design, Construction and Management
Scope What is included in the EU GPP Criteria • Criteria related to: • Competencies of the design team and contractors • Energy performance and low or zero carbon energy sources • Sustainable mobility • Water saving • Lighting control • Thermal comfort • Indoor air quality Module 7.5 –Office Building Design, Construction and Management
Scope What is included in the EU GPP Criteria (cont.) • and: • Environmental Product Declarations (EPDs) of the main building elements • Sustainable construction materials and sourcing • Recyclable waste storage and waste management system • Demolition waste management • Installation and commissioning of energy systems and low or zero carbon energy sources • Energy performance contract Module 7.5 –Office Building Design, Construction and Management
Needs Assessment Assess the need for new constructions or major renovation Three key questions: • Is it necessary to create new offices? • Are there any buildings for different uses that can be renovated? • Is it possible to reorganise existing spaces? More information in: • Module 4: Needs Assessment Module 7.5 –Office Building Design, Construction and Management
Overview EU GPP for Office Building Design, Construction and Management approach Performance requirements: energy • Design and specification to achievea Minimum Energy Performance for the building and a calculation of Global Warming Potential (GWP) associated with Environmental Product Declarations (EPD) of the main building elements • Design and specification to connect buildings to highly efficient and cost-effective alternative energy systems or to provide at least 10% of the primary energy demand for the building by localised renewable energy sources or highly efficient and cost-effective alternative systems Module 7.5 –Office Building Design, Construction and Management
Overview EU GPP for Office Building Design, Construction and Management approach Performance requirements: emissions, waste management • Development of a sustainable mobility program with the contracting authority, the local planning authority and relevant infrastructure providers • Design and construction of dedicated storage space to facilitate the segregation of recyclable materials and end-of-life products Module 7.5 –Office Building Design, Construction and Management
Overview EU GPP for Office Building Design, Construction and Management approach Performance requirements: water consumption, indoor conditions • Design and construction to achieve waterefficiency in sanitary and kitchen facilities • Design and specification to achieve optimalindoor comfort conditions (thermal, daylighting and glare control, ventilation and air quality) Module 7.5 –Office Building Design, Construction and Management
Overview EU GPP for Office Building Design, Construction and Management approach Material use • Recycled content in concrete and masonry • CO2e /tonne reduction for the transportation of aggregates to be used in specified building elements • Sourcing of legal timber by the lead construction contractor Module 7.5 –Office Building Design, Construction and Management
Overview EU GPP for Office Building Design, Construction and Management approach Site preparation works • Demolition waste audit and management plan to collect separate material for re-use, recycling and recovery Construction or renovation works • Installation and commissioning of building energy systems associated with functional performance testing, including measurement of performance • Material and finishes emission limits (TVOCs, formaldehyde) Module 7.5 –Office Building Design, Construction and Management
Overview EU GPP for Office Building Design, Construction and Management approach Installation of energy systems and supply of energy services • Heating systems, including Combined Heat and Power (CHP) Completion and handover • Audit to ensure continuity of insulation and a high standard of air tightness • Lighting control systems audit • Building energy management system (BEMS) audit • Installation and commissioning of low or zero carbon energy sources • Air quality testing Module 7.5 –Office Building Design, Construction and Management
Overview EU GPP for Office Building Design, Construction and Management approach Facilities management • Control and management of energy consumption • Specification of Energy Performance Contract (EPC) • Waste management system that allow occupiers and on-site catering services to segregate paper, cardboard, food and drink packaging Module 7.5 –Office Building Design, Construction and Management
Procurement Models Procurement model and contract types Procurement Models: • Separation of design and build • Combination of design and build (DB) • Design, build and operate (DBO) More information in: • Procurement Practice Guidance Document for Buildings Module 7.5 –Office Building Design, Construction and Management
EU GPP Criteria Office Building Design, Construction and Management (2016) Examples: • Selection criteria (SC) – project manager, design team and contractor shall have relevant competencies and experience • Technical specifications (TS) – Building shall have an Energy Performance Certificate (EPC) class C or three times the kWh/m2 cut-off value or the best class or a maximum of 135 kWh/m2 • Award criteria (AC) – points awarded based on the improvement in life cycle performance of the main building elements • Contract performance clauses(CPC) – contractor will implement a site waste management plan to monitor and report on during progress of construction work on-site For full criteria see: • EU GPP Criteria for Office Building Design, Construction and Management Module 7.5 –Office Building Design, Construction and Management
Verification What to ask for? When? Compliance with GPP criteria needs to assessed both at the time of selection of best offer and during the contract execution phase and commissioning. Checking compliance with GPP criteria for buildings • Evidence in the form of information and references related to relevant contracts • Third party auditing • LCA/ LCC analysis • Monitoring data • Management plan • Design plan • Modelling and test data • Technical reports For full verification instructions see: EU GPP Criteria for Office Building Design, Construction and Management Module 7.5 –Office Building Design, Construction and Management
Market Availability Sourcing products certified as sustainable Credibility matters! 4 EU Ecolabels for components: • Indoor and outdoor paints and varnishes • Hard coverings • Wooden floor coverings • Water-based heaters • The quality of ecolabels can vary – procurers should choose ‘Type 1’ ecolabels i.e. verified by a third party and awarded on the basis of life cycle costs. Module 7.5 –Office Building Design, Construction and Management
Legislation supporting GPP Directives on the energy performance of buildings Directive 2010/31/EU on the energy performance of building (EPBD) and Directive 2018/844/EU (amending Directive 31) establish that Member States shall take the necessary measures to ensure that: • when buildings undergo major renovation or new buildings, the energy performance of the building or the renovated part thereof is upgraded in order to meet minimum energy performance requirements • by 31 December 2020, all new buildings are nearly zero-energy buildings (NZEB)*; • after 31 December 2018, new buildings occupied and owned by public authorities are nearly zero-energy buildings (NZEB). More information: • DIRECTIVE (EU) 2018/844 • DIRECTIVE 2010/31/EU Module 7.5 –Office Building Design, Construction and Management
Legislation supporting GPP Directives on the energy performance of buildings (cont.) • Art. 11 Directive 2010/31: Member States shall lay down the necessary measures to establish a system of certification of the energy performance of buildings • Art. 8 Directive 2018/844: with regard to new non-residential buildings and non-residential buildings undergoing major renovation, with more than ten parking spaces, Member States shall ensure the installation of at least one recharging point with and ducting infrastructure. Module 7.5 –Office Building Design, Construction and Management
Legislation supporting GPP REGULATION (EU) No 244/2012 Supplementing Directive 2010/31/EU of the European Parliament and of the Council on the energy performance of buildings by establishing a comparative methodology framework for calculating cost-optimal levels of minimum energy performance requirements for buildings and building elements More information in: • REGULATION (EU) No 244/2012 Module 7.5 –Office Building Design, Construction and Management
Procurement stages Points where environmental criteria can be added • Preliminary scoping and feasibility • Detailed design and performance requirements • Construction and major renovation • Use of the building • Maintenance and operation • End-of-life More information: • Procurement Practice Guidance Document for Buildings Module 7.5 –Office Building Design, Construction and Management
LCC Construction and expansion of existing building, the Ludwig-Börneschool (City of Frankfurt, Germany) Life cycle costing (LCC) as a contribution to sustainable construction. Guidance on the use of the LCC Methodology and its application in public procurement (Towards a common European methodology for Life Cycle Costing (LCC) – Guidance Document - Davis Langdon Management Consulting) Relevant LCC examples and guidance Module 7.5 –Office Building Design, Construction and Management
Case Studies Reducing emissions produced through construction (Omsorgsbygg, Norway) Zero carbon refurbishment in an East England school (Westborough, England) GPP Helpdesk For further support on GPP, contact the EU’s free Helpdesk Toolkit developed for the European Commission by ICLEI - Local Governments for Sustainability Module Author: FondazioneEcosistemi Owner, Editor: European Commission, DG Environment, 2019 Photos: courtesy of Pixabay.com under Creative Commons CCO Disclaimer: This toolkit is an indicative document of the Commission services and cannot be considered binding to this institution in any way. Neither the European Commission nor any person acting on behalf of the Commission is responsible for the use that might be made of theinformation in this document. Module 7.5 –Office Building Design, Construction and Management