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ITIL and ISO/IEC 20000 Mr. Steve Pratt

ITIL and ISO/IEC 20000 Mr. Steve Pratt. Introduction and Agenda. What is IT Service Management? What is ITIL and what are the benefits? What is ISO 20000? Structure and contents of ISO 20000 ISO 20000 Certification scheme ISO 20000 Eligibility

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ITIL and ISO/IEC 20000 Mr. Steve Pratt

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  1. ITIL and ISO/IEC 20000 Mr. Steve Pratt

  2. Introduction and Agenda • What is IT Service Management? • What is ITIL and what are the benefits? • What is ISO 20000? • Structure and contents of ISO 20000 • ISO 20000 Certification scheme • ISO 20000 Eligibility • How does an organisation achieve Certification? • Alignment of ITIL and ISO 20000 • Reasons for Implementation • Benefits of Implementing the ISO 20000 Standard • Where to go from here • Summary • Questions

  3. IT Service Management

  4. What is IT Service Management? IT Service Management is a top-down, business driven approach to the management of IT that specifically addresses the strategic business value generated by the IT organisation and the need to deliver a high quality IT service. IT Service Management is designed to focus on the people, processes and technology issues that IT organisations face.

  5. Why is Service Management required? • Organisations are increasingly dependent on IT service provision • Higher visibility • More exacting user demands • Increased complexity of the infrastructure • Charging for IT services • Competition for customers

  6. What do customers want? • IT Services designed to meet Business requirements • Cost efficient and effective services • Value for money • A consistent service • To be treated with respect and courtesy • Improved relationships • Expectations met or exceeded • To gain competitive edge over rivals • Increased Market share • Communication

  7. Moments of Truth – Jan Carlzon From his book - Moments of Truth • Every customer interaction is a moment of truth • Every moment of truth is an opportunity to make a favourable impression on your customer • Look for the moments of truth in your business • If you are not making a favourable impression what kind of an impression are you making? • Know every point of interaction • Convey the correct message at each transaction

  8. Realisation of Benefits itSMF survey - 70% achieving “tangible and measurable” benefits Gartner - 85% resolution at FPOC - cost per call down 30% - 50% reduction in new product cycle IDC survey - 79% reduction in downtime and other factors - total savings per user c $800 p.a. - ROI up 1300% Barclays - Downtime reduced from 60 to 15 mins Proctor - $100 million p.a. savings! and Gamble

  9. ITIL

  10. IT Infrastructure Library - ITIL • Is “best practice” in IT Service Management, developed by OGC and supported by publications, qualifications and an international user group • Assist organisations to develop a framework for IT Service Management • Worldwide, most widely used best practice for IT Service Management • Consists of a series of Core books giving guidance on the provision of quality IT services

  11. Quality processes Non-prescriptive guidance Vendor/technology independent Focused on process and people “Adopt and Adapt”

  12. ITIL - The Four P’s Enables development and delivery of high quality IT services

  13. What is the Vision? Vision and Business objectives Where are we now? Assessments How do we keep the momentum going? Measurable Targets Where do we want to be? Process Improvement How do we get where we want to be? Metrics How do we know we have arrived? Developing effective Quality ITSM solutions

  14. ITIL Processes & Function

  15. Benefits of ITIL • Continuous improvement in the quality of IT service provision • Reduced long term costs in the development and delivery of IT services • Reduced risk of not being able to meet business objectives • Better communication between IT and the business • Greater productivity and best use of skills • Ability to absorb a high rate of change • IT staff are provided with best practice guidance • Compliance to procedures that are auditable

  16. ISO/IEC 20000

  17. What is ISO 20000 ISO 20000 can be summarised as: • A standard to promote the adoption of an integrated process approach for the effective delivery of managed services to meet business and customer requirements • A set of “controls” against which an organisation can be assessed for effective IT Service Management processes • The ISO 20000 standard defines the requirements for an organisation to deliver managed services of an acceptable quality for its customers

  18. Structure and Contents of ISO/IEC 20000

  19. Structure of ISO 20000 The Standard is divided into two distinct parts: • Part 1 provides the requirements for IT service management to gain certification • This is relevant to those responsible for initiating, implementing or maintaining IT service management in their organization • Senior Management are responsible and accountable for ensuring all requirements of Part One are met if Certification is sought

  20. Structure of ISO 20000 • Part 2 - Code of Practice for Service Management • Provides guidance to internal auditors and assists service providers planning service improvements or preparing for audits against ISO 20000

  21. Structure of ISO 20000 • Part 3 - Scope & Applicability • Advice on scoping for service management • Planning & improvements • Scope statements for Certification audits • Suggestions on applicability include adding Communications or the even wider technology enabled services • Not yet formally agreed. Agreement on content within 12 – 18 months of the Work group which met in May 2006

  22. Contents of ISO 20000 • Introduction and overview • Scope, terms and definitions • Requirements for a management system • Planning and implementing service management • Planning and implementing new or changed services • Service delivery processes • Relationship processes • Resolution processes • Control processes • Release processes

  23. ISO 20000 Processes

  24. ISO/IEC 20000 Certification Scheme

  25. The scope of Certification • ISO 20000 is aimed at organisations providing a Service Management operation, whether internal or external • Certification is NOT (in itself) appropriate for an organisation which provides best practice advice • Certification is NOT possible for products such as Service Management tools • The role of Consultancy organisations is to give advice in preparation for an independent audit

  26. Registered Certification Bodies (RCBs) • itSMF will approve Registered Certification Bodies (RCBs) and grant a licence to use the itSMF logo • RCBs are totally independent from any consultancy and their auditors have been specifically trained in IT Service Management • Adding value to the organisation being audited and maintaining the quality of the certification • Process areas already certified from other standards (eg ISO 9000, ISO 27001) are not usually required to be re-audited – as long as the scope is the same

  27. Registered Certification Bodies (RCB) • BSI Management Systems (United Kingdom) • BVQI Ltd (offices worldwide) (United Kingdom) • CIS-Certification and Information Security Services GmbH • DNV Certification Ltd (United Kingdom) • DQS GmbH (Germany) • Japan Quality Assurance Organization • KEMA Quality BV (Netherlands) • KPMG Audit Plc (United Kingdom) • KPMG Quality Registrar (India) • LRQA Ltd (United Kingdom) • PSB Certification Pte Ltd • SGS Hong Kong Ltd • SGS United Kingdom Ltd • SQS (Switzerland) • STQC (India) • TUV Management Service GmbH (Germany) • TUV Nord Cert GmbH • Underwriters Laboratories Inc

  28. ISO 20000 Relationships

  29. Eligibility for Certification

  30. Eligibility criteria • An organisation must be able to demonstrate it has management control of each of the ISO 20000 processes • Management control of a process consists of: • knowledge and control of the inputs • knowledge, use and interpretation of the outputs • definition and measurement of metrics • demonstration of objective evidence of accountability for process functionality • definition, measurement and review of process improvements

  31. Certification Process • Agreement on terms of reference and scope • Agreement on dates, time-scales, locations, etc • Possible off-site assessment of process documentation • On-site audit of staff and process compliance • Presentation of the audit findings • Certification

  32. Achieving ISO/IEC 20000 Certification

  33. Understand what’s involved • Assess what has to be done and obtain senior management buy-in • Develop a vision and plan • Get access to ITIL and ISO 20000 documentation: • ISO 20000 Part 1 - Specification • ISO 20000 Part 2 – Code of Practice • BIP 0005 – A Managers guide to service management • BIP 0015 – IT service management – self assessment workbook • Consider other relevant standards: • ISO 27001 – Information security Management • ISO 9000 – Quality management systems • ISO 10007 – Guidelines for configuration management • ISO 15504 - Information Technology Process Assessment • ISO 90003 - Guidelines for the application of ISO 9000: 2000 to computer software • Fully understand content and its implication on you and your organisation • Talk to others similar organisations, consultants, training providers, forums and user groups

  34. Realising and articulating the benefits • A stable framework for IT Service Management • IT Service provision aligned with Business Strategy • Ownership and Responsibility defined at all levels • Increased confidence and perception of the business and customer • Improved quality, reputation and consistency of service • Competitive advantage over competitors • Consistent and cost-effective services • Reduced organisational risks and cost • Effective Supplier Management • Commitment that services will be delivered to accepted best practice

  35. Main steps to certification • Adopt a Registered Certification Body (RCB) • Confirm the scope of the audit • Make sure you know what’s involved • Carry out initial assessments to determine readiness • Develop an overall plan and get commitment • Carry out detailed reviews and assessments • Create and manage a SIP (Plan, Do, Check, Act) • Implement improvements • Book a formal audit

  36. The certification audit Typically comprises: • Agree terms of reference and scope • Off-site assessment of process documentation • On-site audit of staff and process compliance • Presentation of the audit findings • and hopefully…………. presentation of the ISO/IEC 20000 Certificate

  37. Post Certification Process • Certification is valid for three years • Annual surveillance audits are required • Internal audits are recommended • Full re-audit will be carried out on the third anniversary of Certification being awarded

  38. Alignment with ITIL

  39. ITIL Service Support Processes & Functions

  40. ITIL Service Delivery Processes

  41. Alignment of ISO 20000 and ITIL • Driven either through choice, or by customer demand, ITIL has been adopted by many organisations as a proven methodology for managing their IT services • Many organisations and in particular the Public Sector, see ITIL as a necessary requirement to conduct business • ITIL however is not a standard, and therefore the alignment between ITIL and ISO 20000 allows an organisation to be effectively measured

  42. Alignment of ISO 20000 and ITIL • ISO 20000 Certification provides proof through audit that best practice has been deployed through an independent, external, evaluation by an approved audit organisation • Customer demand for ISO 20000 Certification is fast becoming another business requirement for organisations to remain competitive • ISO 20000 is aligned with ITIL

  43. Inter Relationships

  44. Adopted internationally as ISO 20000 in December 2005 Gartner • “The release of the British Standard for IT Service Management (BS 15000) marks the first step toward the delivery of IT services becoming much more consistent across organisational and national borders” • “All improvement efforts in Service Management should be done with ITIL and BS 15000 as a frame of reference and baseline”

  45. Reasons for Implementation

  46. Reasons for Implementation • ISO 20000 has become a basic business requirement for an organisation in the same manner as ISO 9000 • ISO 20000 provides the organisation with the means to operate more effectively and efficiently • ISO 20000 provides an auditable method by which it can assess the quality and conformance of its IT Services

  47. Reasons for Implementation • ISO 20000 assists organisations to enforce process compliance • ISO 20000 helps to significantly improve the morale of the IT department, the business and ultimately the Customer • ISO 20000 provides clear evidence that the quality of IT Service Management is taken seriously

  48. Benefits of ISO/IEC 20000

  49. Benefits • Provides a stable framework for IT Service Management • IT Service provision is aligned with Business Strategy • Assists with meeting legislative compliance requirements • Ownership and Responsibility defined at all levels • Creates a progressive ethos & culture • Increased business and customer confidence & perception • Improved quality, reputation and consistency of service • Impartial external method of assessment • Assessments recognised internationally

  50. Benefits • Assessment is important for process improvement • Provides a competitive advantage over competitors • Promotes consistent and cost-effective services • Provides a benchmark with best practices • Easier to justify or combat outsourcing • Creates a framework for service improvements • Reduces organisational risks and cost • Effective Supplier Management • Commitment that services will be delivered to accepted best practice

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