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If you want to get paid to speak you need a topic that sells. Discover four easy ways to research what is the best topic for the right market.
GET PAID TO SPEAK find a topic that sells SPEAK
So, you want to be a speaker?
Now you have to find a topic that sells
CAUTION! Don’t dream this up on your own!
If you just climbed a big mountain or swam the English Channel… - maybe start with motivation
If not… What TOPIC will you speak about?
Here are 4 sure-fire ways to find the perfect TOPIC audiences will love (and pay for) TOPIC
FIRST… Let’s talk about TOPIC focus and MARKET focus
planning? change management? marketing? leadership? technology? sales? When most speakers get started they will talk about ANYTHING! motivation? succession planning? entrepreneurship? habits? team building? customer service? innovation? time management?
It looks like this “I’ll speak about anything!” Any topic “I’ll speak to anyone!” Niche topic Niche market All markets
“Being an expert in everything makes you an expert in nothing.”
Any topic weaker position In general, it’s easier to build market strength with a niche TOPIC for a niche MARKET stronger position Niche topic Niche market All markets
“I’ll speak about anything!” Any topic As you gain success, narrow your TOPICS and the MARKETS you serve. customer service for health care “I’ll speak to anyone!” Niche topic Niche market All markets
FOUR types of Market Research to help you find your ideal Topic.
Associations are a big, reliable source for booking speakers.
1st: Find Associations Search for “association conference [your industry]”. For example “association conference engineers” or “association conference social work”
2nd: find past agendas Find their conference agenda. Look at presentations listed from non-industry speakers (likely to be paid).
3rd: what topics are popular? Q: What topics are popular? Q: Would your topic compete with what they are already paying for?
Amazon is a huge research tool that constantly reports on consumer interests
Do you want to get Paid to Speak? Get the free report: “25 Ways to Get Paid to Speak” 1. Industry associations 11. On-line course 21. Host a conference 2. Corporate event 12. Speaker bureaus 22. Membership 3. In-house training 13. Education institutions 23. Video on demand 4. Conference workshop 14. Facilitation 24. Pn-line course 5. Emcee at conference 15. Platform speech 25. Cruise ships 6. Service clubs 16. Toastmasters 7. Lunch and learn 17. Seminar companies https:// hughculver.le adpages.co/ 25-ways- slideshare- find-a-topic/ 8. Business networking groups 18. Live on-line seminar 9. Special interest groups 19. Showcase event 10. Webinar for client 20. Public seminars Download your copy Send me “25 Ways to Get https://hughculver.leadpages.co/ 25-ways-slideshare-find-a-topic/ Paid to Speak” report
1st: Search Amazon for your topic (communications, customer service, change management, time management, etc)
2nd: Find books with an Amazon Best Seller Rank of 50,000 or less (sales of at least five books per day)
3rd: Find a niche in top- selling topics you can own. Q: What topics are popular? Q: What topic would compete with top sellers? The goal here is to either confirm your niche topic is popular or find a gap in the market.
Most people will complete a short survey (especially if it’s about them) #3. Survey your audience.
Keep it simple: I am finishing a new book about social media (to be released this Fall) and I hope you can help me. I have just two questions: #1: “When it comes to ______________ what is your greatest challenge?” #2: “Thinking about that challenge, what would be an ideal solution?” #3. Survey your audience.
These answers will be invaluable Look for a common need you can solve. TIP: In your marketing, use the same language they used to describe their challenges. #3. Survey your audience.
How it works: When you ask prospects smart questions about their needs you position yourself as an expert. When they need a solution - they think of you. #4. Interview your audience.
Remember • You are not there to sell. Be curious, listen carefully to their answers, repeat back what you heard and ask for more information. • Your goal is to to clarify their needs, • Follow up with a card or email thanking them. Again, don’t turn this into a sales pitch—build credibility.
Summary: 1. try to serve niche markets and/or niche topics 2. research association agendas to learn what planners are buying 3. find market gaps with Amazon’s best-seller ranking 4. discover your audience’s greatest need with a 2-question survey 5. learn needs and build credibility by interviewing prospects
A little work before you launch will pay big rewards and get you closer to your target.
Do you want to get Paid to Speak? Get the free report: “25 Ways to Get Paid to Speak” 1. Industry associations 11. On-line course 21. Host a conference 2. Corporate event 12. Speaker bureaus 22. Membership 3. In-house training 13. Education institutions 23. Video on demand 4. Conference workshop 14. Facilitation 24. Pn-line course 5. Emcee at conference 15. Platform speech 25. Cruise ships 6. Service clubs 16. Toastmasters 7. Lunch and learn 17. Seminar companies https:// hughculver.le adpages.co/ 25-ways- slideshare- find-a-topic/ 8. Business networking groups 18. Live on-line seminar 9. Special interest groups 19. Showcase event 10. Webinar for client 20. Public seminars Download your copy Send me “25 Ways to Get https://hughculver.leadpages.co/ 25-ways-slideshare-find-a-topic/ Paid to Speak” report
Now that we’ve talked about research and avoiding mistakes, a reminder…
"You don't have to be great to start, but you have to start to be great.” Zig Ziglar
Do you want to get Paid to Speak? Get the free report: “25 Ways to Get Paid to Speak” https:// hughculver.le adpages.co/ 25-ways- slideshare- find-a-topic/ Download your copy Send me “25 Ways to Get https://hughculver.leadpages.co/ 25-ways-slideshare-find-a-topic/ Paid to Speak” report