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This article explores the situation of Roma in Brussels and the need for mediation services to address issues related to job search, precarious residence status, schooling problems, neighborhood problems, and homelessness. It highlights the establishment of a Roma and Travellers Service Foyer as a support point providing information, mediation, and collaboration for the Roma community.
Mediation with Roma in Brussels RegionalIntegration Centre Foyer Brussels
Roma: situation in Brussels Capital Region Strong increase in the number of (registered) Central and Eastern European immigrants since 2007 (Romania & Bulgaria: EU membership) Estimated number of Roma: 6500 in 2004; 10,000 in 2015 Diversity: 3/4 Romanians and Bulgarians Pushfactor: social and econ. marginalization Ambitions: work, papers, stabilize Issues in Brussels: Job Search Multi-problematic families precarious residence status Schooling problems Neighborhood problems (nuisances, begging, crime ...) Homeless families (Slovak Roma) ... Evolutions!
Roma & Travellers Service 3 Practices: Support Point Roma & Travellers 2. Mediator team 3. Training centre
Roma & Travellers Service Foyer 1. Support Point Roma & Travellers Information, support and reinforcement of schooling 2nd line: Target groups:schools, services, public institutions in Brussels Activities: information, advice, training, mediation, collaboration Capitalization & dissemination !!! e.g. municipal action plan Anderlecht, MOE action plan Flanders, National Roma strategy, … 1st line: Target groups: Roma & travellers Activities: mediation, family support, information, guidance, referral, referenceadress
Evolution of incoming demandsat the Roma and Travellers Service Demand: • Huge: 2014: 2600 demands 2nd line, 700 demands1st line • Mainstreamdoesn’t fit (+ Mattheus effect) • Explicit inclusion
Schooling Socialobstacles Culturalobstacles Pedagogicalobstacles
How to improve schooling? Goal 1: Garanteethatkids LIKE TO KEEP COMING to school Ultimate objectif: School = positifexperience internalmotivation Method: Pupils: Act motivating Class: Createstimulating environment School: Increaseintercultural skills of school staff Family: Strengthenrelationship family – school
Roma & Travellers Service Foyer 2. Mediator team Facilitatingcommunication and collaboration betweenfamilies and public institutions, social actors and schools Strengthenties of confidence betweenfamilies and schools in view of improvement of schooling Target groups: Schools and educational guidance services in Brussels Social and judicial bodies Roma families
Party 2 Roma Community Party 1 Public institution Party 1 Public institution Party 1 Public institution Mediator as institution employee Mediator as community activist Intercultural mediator Party 2 Roma Community Party 2 Roma Community 3 types of mediators The mediator as a “Trojan Horse”, an instrument controlled by the institution and aimed at changing the community The mediator as a community activist, fighting for the institution to consider the requests of the community The real intercultural mediator is working in a balanced way with both the public institution and the community and facilitates the communication and cooperation between them, helping overcome cultural and status differences. In this relationship, both parties are considered as having equally legitimate interests. Both are expected to take responsibility and engage in a mutually agreed change process. Parties should agree with this role for the mediator.
Mediator team – objectifs schooling Improvement of schoolingdegree Guiding Remobilising Mediating Betterimplementation of parents Sensibilising Informing Mobilising Listening Creating basic conditions Family support, guidance Mediationyouthprotection services Increasingknowledgeandunderstandingbysocial, public and school actors aboutRoma situation Advising Information sessions Supportingpupils in school Presence
Mediator team – other objectifs Creatingandstrengtheningnetworks Coordinatedand consequent approach Roma minors Formalisation of collaboration Neighborhoodmediation: Collaborationwithlocal actors aboutneighborhoodproblemsandopportunities Roma infosessions ...
Mediators: Profile Training Coaching Teamwork Schools / services: Clear agreements, expectations and mutual responsibilities Formalization of cooperation systematization! Network approach: on 1 line Roma community: Mutual feedback Appreciationandneeds New actions Mediator team - conditions
School mediation – results • 1) Higher school attendance • 2) Improvedimplementation of parents • 3) Improvedknowledgeandcomprehensionbysocial, public and school actors about Roma situation • 4) More adequate andefficient action • 5) Improved follow-up of families
School mediation – difficulties Lack of ultimate mesuresfor persistent truants Non-subscribed children Subscription in nursery school Adolescent dropouts: pregnant students, young mothers, … Financial problems, generalprecarity Lack of places in schools subscription difficulties (discrimination?) Temporary projects with uncertain status
How to improve schooling? Goal 1: Garanteethatkids LIKE TO KEEP COMING to school Ultimate objectif: School = positifexperience internalmotivation Method: Pupils: Act motivating Class: Createstimulating environment School: Increaseintercultural skills of school staff Family: Strengthenrelationship family – school
Roma & Travellers Service Foyer 3. Training centre Molenbeek Increase autonomie, self-esteem and social functioningthrough training and guidance towardslabormarket Target groups:adolescents withveryproblematicschoolcarreer Activities: Personnel developmenttrajects Learning contracts Guidance towardslabormarket
Basic principles 1) Needtoestablishconfidence Take care of your communication Provide sufficient information Show involvement Adjust your own expectations 2) Needforresponsibilization Create awareness about reality Be clear and consistent Allow negotiation Promote self-reliance New generation Roma: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=B-kYNYbXRHM
Roma & Travellers Service Foyer koen.geurts@foyer.be 02/411.87.32 Mommaertsstraat 22, 1080 Molenbeek (Post: Werkhuizenstraat 25, 1080 Molenbeek) More info, articles, reportages, dossiers, etc: www.foyer.be ‘Roma in beweging’, Foyer, june 2014 ‘Les Roms en action’, Foyer, nov 2014