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Lesson 2

Lesson 2. Eating disorders. EATING DISORDERS terminology 1. Eating disorders: disturbi nell’alimentazione Treatment: terapia, cura, cure Long-term treatment: terapia a lungo termine Which include: tra cui (che includono) Severe: grave To diagnose: diagnosticare To treat: curare

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Lesson 2

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  1. Lesson 2 Eating disorders

  2. EATING DISORDERSterminology 1 Eating disorders: disturbi nell’alimentazione Treatment: terapia, cura, cure Long-term treatment: terapia a lungo termine Which include: tra cui (che includono) Severe: grave To diagnose: diagnosticare To treat: curare Recovery: recupero, guarigione

  3. Incidence: incidenza May be increasing: sembra in aumento, è apparentemente in aumento Impulsive: impulsivo at high risk: a rischio elevato substance: sostanza (chimica) abuse: abuso co-occurring: concomitante

  4. Eating disorders often are chronic in nature and, as a result, may require long-term treatment. The medical consequences of anorexia, which include death in about 10 percent of the cases, usually are more severe than bulimia. The earlier these disorders are diagnosed and treated, the better the prospects are for full recovery. 

  5. Statistics show 95 percent of those who have eating disorders are women between the ages of 12 and 25. However, the incidence of eating disorders among people who are older and men may be increasing. Studies have found that women who have bulimia nervosa are often impulsive and are at high risk for other disorders such as substanceabuse.

  6. Many people with eating disorders also appear to have co-occurring depression.

  7. EATING DISORDERSterminology 2 to starve to death: morire di fame to exercise: allenarsi to gorge: ingozzarsi, rimpinzarsi to make someone vomit: indurre il vomito laxatives: lassativi diuretics: diuretici to purge: purificare binge: abbuffata (binge eating: attacco bulimico) binge/purge cycle: definisce il ciclo bulimico, il termine rimane in inglese (ciclo binge/purge) preoccupation with weight: l’assillo del peso trait: tratto, caratteristica

  8. Symptoms Anorexia nervosa—People who have this disorder often develop elaborate rituals around food, continue to lose weight, and can literally starve themselves to death. They also may exercise excessively. Bulimia nervosa—Those who have bulimia gorge themselves, then almost immediately make themselves vomit or use laxatives or diureticsto purge their bodies of food.

  9. This often is referred to as the “binge/purge” cycle. Preoccupation with weight is a primary trait of both disorders.

  10. EATING DISORDERSterminology 3 breathing: respiro pulse: pulsazioni blood pressure: pressione sanguigna rate: frequenza, ritmo Breathing, pulse, and blood pressure rates drop Diminuisce la frequenza del respiro e del battito, e cala la pressione sanguigna; thyroid function: funzione tiroidea to grow brittle: diventare fragile To yellow: ingiallire covering of soft hair: una peluria morbida lanugo (lanugos): lanuggine

  11. anemia (US anaemia) swollen: gonfio joint: giuntura muscle mass: massa muscolare light-headedness: vertigini to occur: manifestarsi, verificarsi brittle bones: ossa fragili ( modificando, anche fragilità ossea) as a result: a causa di Heart failure: collasso, arresto cardiaco Bowel movements: movimento intestinale Starvation: inedia

  12. To wear down: consumare, corrodere Outer layer: strato esterno (smalto) Esophagus (oesophagus): esofago To enlarge: ingrossare Gland: ghiandola Cause the stomach to rupture: provocare la rottura dello stomaco (o “provocare ernie dello stomaco”) Purging: uso eccessivo di lassativi To result: determinare Vital: di vitale importanza

  13. Medical complications Anorexia nervosa—Breathing, pulse, and blood pressure rates drop and thyroidfunction slows. Hair and nails may grow brittle. Similarly, skin may dry, yellow, and develop a covering of soft hair called lanugo. Mild anemia, swollenjoints, reduced muscle mass, and light-headedness also commonly occur. Severe cases also lead to brittle bones that easily break as a result of calcium loss.

  14. Heart failure is a risk for those who use drugs to stimulate vomiting, or bowel movements. Starvation can also damage the heart and brain.

  15. Bulimia nervosa—Acid in vomit can wear down the outer layer of the teeth, inflame the esophagus, and enlarge the glands near the cheeks. Binge eating can also cause the stomach to rupture, and purging can result in heart failure as a result of the loss of vital minerals, such as potassium. 

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