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Tamino Technical Overview

Tamino is a robust and complete storage system for storing XML documents, metadata, and unstructured data. It offers superior XML-aware searching, multi-channel presentation, and comprehensive developer support. With features like versioning, access control, and standard interfaces, Tamino empowers businesses to manage data effectively and securely.

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Tamino Technical Overview

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Tamino Technical Overview John Fitzgerald Business Integration Technologist

  2. Agenda • Introductions • Tamino Introduction and Overview • What is Tamino? • Tamino Server Architecture • Search and Retrieval • Document Management • Enterprise Class Features • APIs and Tools • Demo • What you can do Today!

  3. non-XML Discovery(UDDI) Versioning/Access Ctrl. Standard Interfaces Storage Indexing non-XML Querying Ext. Applic. Connect Ext. Source Connect Back Office Adabas SQL What is Tamino? • Storage system (DBMS) for ... • Semi-structured data • XML documents, messages, metadata • Stores in native XML format • Multiple indexing methods • Unstructured data • Storage and indexing of non-XML objects • Images, video, audio, MS Office files, PDF.. • Major Differentiators: • Robust & complete for mission-critical enterprise use • Built-in Internet File System • Superior XML-aware searching • Comprehensive developer support • Available for offline use

  4. Why Use Tamino? • Businesses use Tamino … • For lowest TCO on managing XML and unstructured data • Store, find, re-compose, present multi-channel • Repurpose to save cost, time & resources • To increase development productivity • Faster through standards, many APIs & tools • Less efforts to adapt to changes • To avoid vendor lock-in through open standards • Access 'all areas' via XQuery • Fit for SOA - eg. UDDI, SOAP • For investment protection and mission-critical use • Provide secure & trusted access to existing back-end data • Deliver robust operation and protect against business outages

  5. Pharma& Healthcare Media &Technology Manufacturing& Transport Finance Government Tamino in Action Today Approx. 700 customers worldwide Retail

  6. Single Customer View Self ServicePortals Supply Chain Integration Business Reporting Customer Solutions XML Business Integration Solutions + Customer Solutions Enabling Services UDDI andWeb Services InteractiveServices Software AGIntegration Svcs More ... Mobile Phone Databases Application Programming SchemaServices EnterpriseEdition Services External DBServices (opt.) ODBC,Adabas PDA incl. Adabas XML, WML, HTML Printer XQuery, XPath COM Data / Metadata / non XML Applications Browser CD Front Office / Clients Back Office / Back End Internet (HTTP, WebDAV, SOAP) Tamino XML Server Architecture Core Services Obj. Processor& Obj. Composer X-TensionService Query / Text-RetrievalService XML Parser + Query Interpreter Security Service Data Map XML SchemaService Tokenizer (opt.) Chin.,Jap.,Kor. Internet File System Native XMLData Store Administration Services Tamino Manager

  7. XML Schema Support • Complete Support for XML Schema 1.0 Specification • Industry Schema Support: Docbook 4.4FpML 4.1METS 1.0NewsML 1.2SVG 1.0UBLVoiceMLWord 2003XBRL 2.1 • Full DTD Support

  8. API XML Schema Tamino X-Tension custom Application XQuery Application Web Server XML existing DBMS Data Map Tamino Search and Retrieval for$b in input()/bib/book let $a := $b/author where$b/price lt 200 return($b/title, $a) • W3C XQuery Support • User-defined functions • If-Then-Else • Node-level update • XPath Support • Extended with text search

  9. Tamino Indexing and Retrieval • Standard • Classical database indexes • Index any combination of elements and attributes • Supports relational operators, exact comparisons, sorting • Text • Use in conjunction with text retrieval functions • Supports wildcard searches • Structure • Index declared on the document • Registers instances of undeclared nodes • Reference • Indexes specific sub-trees of a document (e.g. /doc/a/b) • Useful for documents of high complexity (multiplicity of sub-trees) • Multipath • Index any element or attribute that meets an XPath expression • Compound • Index a combination of two elements (e.g. lastname and firstname)

  10. Tamino and Document Management • Integrated Internet File System (WebDAV) for document management • Drag & drop storage/retrieval • Instant document validation • Higher performance & scalability • Check-In, Check-Out, Workspaces, ... • Embedded security via ACLs • XQuery for property searches • Versioning - on document level • via WebDAV • "natively" (auto-versioning) • Non-XML Indexer • Microsoft Office, PDF, ZIP... • Indexing is extensible Benefit: Find your XML & un-structured data quickly(e.g. Office, PDF, ...) More detailson non-XML indexer

  11. PDF, MP3 ... GIF,JPG, ... WebDAV Custom Plug-Ins Word Plug-In PDF Plug-In Binary originals(Non-XML Doc.) Shadow XMLDocuments Non-XML Indexer DOC • Indexes proprietary Office Documents on storage • Depending on MIME type • e.g. Word 2003, RTF, StarOffice, OpenOffice, PDF, MP3, ZIP, ... • Further arbitrary formatsindexable via new, extensibleInfrastructure (Server Extension w/ open Java interface) • Stores XML-converted "shadow"documents in parallel to originals • Content searchable via XQuery • Original documents additionallystored 1:1 • Modification with Tamino not supported Non-XML Indexer´

  12. Tamino Enterprise Features • Replication • Replicate Databases available for parallel read access • High Availability (Hot Standby and Failover) • Cluster support • Used by Schiphol Airport, Euredit, RTL / MaxiMedia, Ideal, Sun,.... • Security • Support for LDAP and OS Security via Tamino Manager • 2 Phase Commit • Available both for Java and .NET • Network drive support (NAS/SAN)

  13. Tamino Tools and APIs • Tamino APIs: • Java • .NET • C • SOAP • UDDI • Tamino Tools: • Schema Editor • X-Plorer • XQuery Editor • Interactive Interface XQuery Editor Schema Editor X-Plorer

  14. Performance Highlights & Market Acceptance • ~ 1TB of Data in 3 Tamino DBs (Vodafone - Spain) • ~ 1.125 billion logical reads / month (~ 430 reads/s at Migros Online - CH) • ~ 180 million documents in 8 Tamino DBs (tested by IDEAL Greece)~ 15,000 transactions daily via 400 concurrent users~ 400 transactions daily via 2000 subscribed users~ Tamino internal compression of 1:20 (non-XML), 1:4 (XML) • ~ 1-3 sec application response time w/ 420 users querying every 10s (RTL - D) • ~ Load 7.2 million docs/hr, 75 MB/s, 16 clients, 1 index/doctype (Commerzbank- D) • Commerzbank:Use of Tamino shortens time required to integrate new banking products from 3-9 months to 2 weeks. Cost savings: 7 Million / year + cost amortization after 12-18 months • RTL:With MPower and Tamino XML Server RTL has created the world's most technically advanced editorial system (H. Lutterbach, RTL, Head of IT)

  15. Integrated high-performance Internet file system (via built-in WebDAV) Built-in versioning (via integrated WebDAV & natively) Standards support: XML, XML Schema, Web services, XQuery, UDDI3 Enterprise features (HA support, Replication, 2-Phase-Commit) Multiple indexes for efficient native XML storage, search, access and retrieval Multiple XML documents & schemas allowed per DB Support for efficient structure changes (schema evolution) Structure-independent retrieval times Rich tool & utilities set (Schema editor, XML-Indexer, text-retrieval, ...) Smart disk space management (compression) Available across multiple OS platforms Tamino Differentiators

  16. VODAFONEMulti-Channel Electronic Bills Presentation Mission • Allow customer information from disparate systems to be combined together to form a service that is unique -> competitive advantage Solution • A system that allows customers and internal users to see their invoices and the billing information via Internet • Using XML, Tamino XML Server, Web-Logic and IXOS products Result • Access invoices from the web in diverse formats (HTML, XML, PDF and Excel) • Minimize paper and mail delivery • Send billing information to clients through SMS • Feed Vodafone’s System Data Warehouse

  17. VODAFONEMulti-Channel Electronic Bills Presentation Performance Data • Cluster solution • HP11i-64 • 4 CPU, 2GB RAM • Total of >> 1 TB on 3 DBs [>250 .. 350 GB each] • 1:40h backup or restore time for 250 GB DB • 30 million docs, avg.~ 35kB [min. 9kB .. max. 180MB] • > 2.5 million bills / month (split into to 1MB chunks), 1 Doctype w/ 200 elements & 200 attribs. • > 9h loading for 250GB DBs; Server response times: 0.1 - 1 sec

  18. For More Information • Feel Free to Contact me • John.Fitzgerald@SoftwareAGUSA.com • (703) 391-8177 • Visit Our Website • http://www.softwareagusa.com • Download a FREE trial Copy • http://www.xmlstarterkit.com/

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