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Weapons of Mass Destruction: A Coordinated Response Effort

Weapons of Mass Destruction: A Coordinated Response Effort. Capt Holly Shenefelt Medical Operations Officer Wyoming 84 th Civil Support Team. Agenda. Brief introduction to the functions and capabilities of the Civil Support Team (CST) Partnerships Successes Questions.

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Weapons of Mass Destruction: A Coordinated Response Effort

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  1. Weapons of Mass Destruction:A Coordinated Response Effort Capt Holly Shenefelt Medical Operations Officer Wyoming 84th Civil Support Team

  2. Agenda • Brief introduction to the functions and capabilities of the Civil Support Team(CST) • Partnerships • Successes • Questions

  3. What Is a Civil Support Team? Are you familiar with Civil Support Teams (CSTs) or their functions? • Yes • No

  4. Situation Example “We’ve just received a report there’s been an explosion at the intersection of Loop 101 and 202,” announced news anchor Forrest Sawyer with the Virtual News Network. “At this time, we are not sure if this explosion is related to the dirty bomb detonations we’ve seen today in Guam and Portland, OR.”

  5. Mission “The WMD CST deploys to support civil authorities at a domestic chemical, biological, radiological, nuclear, and [high] explosive (CBRNE) incident site by identifying CBR agents/substances, assessing current and projected consequences, advising on response measures and assisting with appropriate requests for state support.”

  6. What We DO… • Confirm CHEM and RAD hazards • Identify BIO agents • Work directly as a state response asset with local, state, federal response agencies • Provide recommendations on event mitigation, medical treatment, and follow-on state and federal resources

  7. CST Locations 12th 11th 15th 10th 83rd 103rd 81st 55th 2nd 102nd 1st 82nd 101st 13th 54th 51st 14th 84th 3rd 71st 21st 95th 52nd 72nd 31st 35th 53rd 8th 5th 92nd 32nd 85th 34th 33rd 73rd 41st 7th 42nd 9th 45th 63rd 91st 93rd 43rd 61st 64th 47th 4th 46th 62nd 6th 44th CST in every state and territory (total of 55 teams by 2007) Guam-94th Puerto Rico–22nd

  8. Organization Commander Deputy Commander First Sergeant Operations Element Admin/Log Element Communication Element Survey Element Medical Element Logistics Non-Commissioned Officer (NCO) Operations Officer Communication Team Chief P.A. Survey Team Leader Admin NCO /ASST Decon NCO System Information Tech. Operations NCO/ Modeler Medical Operations Officer Reconnaissance NCO • 22 Full-time Active (AGR) Force • Army and Air National Guard members • On call 24/7–365 Asst. Operations NCO/Decon NCOIC Nuclear Medical Science Officer Team Chief Team Chief Team Member Team Member Medical NCO Team Member Team Member

  9. Deployment Ground • Local / regional response • Times vary based on incident site location • Goal is four hours presence on scene (advanced party) • Partial- or full-team response Air

  10. Basic Capabilities • Hazard modeling • Communications • Field analysis • Medical liaison • Survey operations • DECON Training Exercise

  11. Medical Section Training Exercise Training Exercise • Medical surveillance and emergency treatment of team • Advice on treatment of WMD casualties • Liaison for medical support • Analysis of WMD agents

  12. CST Involvement with Public Health How involved is the CST in your state or local public health office? • Very involved • Somewhat involved • Not involved • I don’t know

  13. Analytical Lab System (ALS) • Presumptive analysis of CHEM and BIO agents • Two internal negative pressure glove boxes • HAPSITE, FTIR, HAZMAT ID, HHA, Microscope, PCR • Self-contained 15kw generator • Operated in the COLD Zone

  14. Footprint Incident Command and other responders Civil Support Team Training Exercise Hot zone

  15. Questions? Do you have any questions? Training Exercise

  16. Wyoming Partnerships State level • All hazards line • Monthly bioterrorism meeting • Emergency Preparedness Advisory Committee • Training • Laboratory • Glove box • Sampling video • Tabletops • SNS training containers • Burn Course • ICS Courses • Visual DX Software

  17. Wyoming Partnerships (cont.) Local public health • Exercises • Call outs • Equipment familiarity • Prophylaxis • Public communication • Training • First Responders • Training • Participation • Role Play

  18. Successes: North Dakota • Instructors/evaluators • Pandemic influenza scenario • “Point dispensing” • Triage lab Training Exercise

  19. Successes: Idaho • Networking • Exercise involvement • Training • Collaborative medical surveillance • Local Emergency Planning Committee (LEPC) meetings Training Exercise

  20. Successes: Guam • Pandemic influenza preparation • Airport disaster • Mass immunization • All hazards events • BT lab set up Training Exercise

  21. Successes: Colorado • Typing resource database for public health/medical • Slated to become the national model for resource typing • Recently highlighted for their efforts in a documentary on 9NEWS out of Denver, CO

  22. Successes: Louisiana • Hand-in-hand relationship • Katrina • Pandemic flu preparation • SNS coordination “Development of regional response plans for smallpox . . . to the coordination betweenpublic health, local hospital and the militaryfor patient evacuation during a crisis . . . to dealing with Hurricanes Katrina and Rita . . . there is much to be said for developing a firm relationship with public health entities.” Training Exercise

  23. Summary • Civil Support Team (CST) • Partnerships • Successes • Plan • Coordinate • Communicate Training Exercise

  24. Questions? Do you have any questions? Training Exercise Capt Holly Shenefelt (307)772-5386 holly.shenefelt@us.army.mil

  25. Special Thanks for Contributions • CPT Connelley • Mr. Moreland • 1LT Nordick • CPT Perkins • CPT Strawbridge • CPT Taylor • WY State Health Dept Public Health and Bioterrorism Program • 84th Civil Support Team Training Exercise

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