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SQL Server 2005 Reporting Services

SQL Server 2005 Reporting Services. Hamsa Gayatri Palepu. SQL Server 2005 Reporting Services is a key component of SQL Server 2005.

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SQL Server 2005 Reporting Services

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  1. SQL Server 2005 Reporting Services Hamsa Gayatri Palepu

  2. SQL Server 2005 Reporting Services is a key component of SQL Server 2005. Reporting Services was first released with SQL Server 2000 and provided customers with an enterprise-capable reporting platform with a comprehensive environment for authoring, managing, and delivering reports to the entire organization. Introduction

  3. Reporting Services in SQL Server 2005 provides additional enterprise reporting capabilities and addresses a new audience—business users who want to interact with data in an ad hoc fashion as well as create their own reports from scratch and to share them with others. In Reporting Services, the requirements of different types of users who want to interact with reports can, for the first time, be addressed with one reporting solution. This document describes the new capabilities in SQL Server 2005 Reporting Services.

  4. What is SQL Server Reporting Services? Reporting platform for both traditional and interactive reports Scalable and manageable server infrastructure Integrated with SharePoint, Office applications, browser and other familiar tools Single platform and tools for all types of structured data (relational, hierarchical, multidimensional)

  5. Custom Application Browser Office Data Sources (SQL, OLE DB, XML/A, ODBC, Oracle, Custom) Security Services (Windows, Custom) Security Data Processing Delivery Rendering Output Formats (HTML, Excel, PDF, Custom) Delivery Targets (E-mail, File Share, Custom) Report Server Architecture URL / XML Web Service Interface Report Server Report Processing SQL Server Catalog

  6. . Unlimited Scale + Partitioning Adv. DB mirroring, Complete online & parallel operations, DB snapshot Advanced Analysis Tools including full OLAP & Data Mining Report Builder + Customized & High Scale Reporting Adv SSIS 2 CPU 3 GB RAM Management Studio Import/Export Limited Replication Publishing Back-up Log-shipping 1 CPU1 GB RAM4GB DB Size Simple Management Tool Report Wizard & Report Controls Replication & SSB Client 4 CPU Unlimited RAM(64-bit) Database Mirroring OLAP Server Reporting Server New Integration Services Data Mining Full Replication & SSB Publishing Introducing SQL Server 2005 Packaging Express Workgroup Standard Enterprise Complete data management & analysis platform for medium businesses and large departments Fully integrated data management and analysis platform for business critical enterprise applications Easiest to use & most affordable database solution for smaller departments & growing businesses Fastest way for developers to learn, build & deploy simple data driven applications

  7. SQL Server BI Platform Reporting Services Development Tools Management Tools Analysis Services OLAP & Data Mining Integration Services ETL SQL Server Relational Engine

  8. Reporting Lifecycle Authoring Management Delivery SQL Server Reporting Services supports the full reporting lifecycle, including Authoring, Management and Delivery

  9. Report Management • Report definitions, folders, and resources are published and managed in a reporting web service • Managed reports can be executed either on-demand or via schedule and can be cached for consistency and performance • Scalable & Extensible server architecture

  10. Report Delivery • Traditional (paper) and interactive (web) reports • On-demand (“pull”) or event-based (“push”) delivery • Personalized and administrator defined subscription and delivery • Ability to select output formats per subscription • Can deliver links as well as rendered reports • Data-driven subscriptions for personal delivery • Single report definition can be rendered to diverse output formats • Web Formats (HTML 4, HTML 3.2, HTML w/OWC) • Print Formats (TIFF, RTF, PDF) • Data Formats (Excel, XML, CSV) • Deliver reports to many devices (e-mail, file share, etc.)

  11. Rich Client Printing Direct routing of print jobs without needing to export Small ActiveX control downloaded via browser Select page range, orientation, margins Preview page output Server enhancements for performance

  12. Enhanced Expression Editor Available for all expressions in VS Report Designer List of available VB.NET functions Inline parameter information Statement completion Real-time syntax checking

  13. Multi-Valued Parameters Report developer can specify any parameter is multi-valued Report processing constructs SQL or MDX syntax Multiple default values also supported Value sets can passed via URL or SOAP API

  14. Date Picker Parameters Calendar control for choosing dates Localized and Globalized Windows and Web support

  15. Interactive Sort Report author can add ability for end user to resort data within data regions Resorting happens without re-querying the database Support for multi column and for nested / grouped sort

  16. Floating Headers New type of interactivity similar to freeze panes in Excel Works Horizontally and Vertically Table header Matrix column and row headers Table columns Must be continuous columns anchored on the right or left

  17. MDX Query Builder MDX and data mining query builders MDX parameter support Member extended properties Support for server aggregates

  18. Custom Report Item Enables Developers to add custom visualizations to a report Primary scenario is enhanced charting Additional chart types Maps Gauges Supports interactivity Actions Sort Supports all data region features Filter Grouping Group Filters Etc… The Report Designer supports a conversion API Currently limited to images Future plans for all report item types

  19. Advantages • Increased Productivity • Integrated End-to-End Feature Set • Delivering BI with Fewer Resources • Reliable and Available Environment for Critical BI

  20. Resources http://www.microsoft.com/technet/prodtechnol/sql/2005/2005ssrs.mspx http://www.microsoft.com/sqlserver/2005/en/us/white-papers.aspx http://download.microsoft.com/download/a/4/7/a47b7b0e-976d-4f49-b15d-f02ade638ebe/bi_business_value.pdf Pubs and NorthWind http://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkId=30196

  21. END

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