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Medical considerations of a case of scoliosis treated with Bowen. dr. Dan Mihai Rusu practitioner Romeo Mihai Oreian. Introduction.
Medical considerations of a case of scoliosis treated with Bowen dr. Dan Mihai Rusu practitioner Romeo Mihai Oreian
Introduction • The Bowen practitioners have noticed during their activity an amazing fact: the human body has an extraordinary capacity to heal itself, but needs to be supported and guided in this process. • Generally speaking, doctors are skeptics about spectacular healings, but we want to show with this presentation that doctors, medicines and treatments in general are only instruments for the “INNER DOCTOR”, which can alleviate and even cure.
Medical comments and osteopath –postural considerations related to a double scoliosis. Treated with Bowen – Bowtech • Patient N.L. 13 years old, diagnosed on the 25th of May 2011 (clinic consultation, osteopathic measurements, scanning with Spinal mouse, etc) with a double scoliosis (in “S’) and a tilted pelvis. On the image obtained with the Spinal Mouse scanning can be observed an antero-listezis, a rotation of the T10 vertebra and the blocking in extension of this vertebra (algo-dystrophic syndrome, with functional, secondary manifestations due to this osteopathic condition). • There was no other treatment taken before. We started the Bowen treatment on the 1st of June 2011 (see the next images fig.1p, 1a, 1s obtained with Spinal Mouse scanning); treatments were applied once a week (total 6 treatments). The clinic and imagistic control was done again on the 5th of July 2011. The results were more than self-evident.
Spinal Mouse scanning – 3D posterior view (frontal plan, postero-anterior image) and lateral (sagital plan)
Spinal Mouse Scanning – 3D frontal view (frontal plan, antero-posterior image) Comparision
The evolution of the scoliosis can be observed in the below table: it was much reduced, the spine became longer with 2,2 cm, the inter-vertebral mobility increased, the lateral flexion, left and right became more ample. The pelvis tilting was significantly reduced, the lower limbs position became normal. All that in only 6 Bowen treatments.
The Bowen-Bowtech therapy effect can be observed in the following images, where the first one is the spine on the 1st of June 2011 and the second is the spine on the 5th of July 2011.
It has been noticed the spine got longer with over 2 cm and the mobility on lateral tilting increased with 13 degrees on the left and 10 degrees on the right.
Through the initial non invasive scanning it was observed the thoracic scoliosis (in the T6-T10 aria, the tilt of the vertebras from the vertical line was up to 3 degrees left) and compensated lumbar L2-L4 ( up to -7 degrees lateral, right tilt). In the same time, the pelvis has a tilt of +9 degrees from the vertical, also compensated. After the treatment, the values of the thoracic vertebras angles are dropping significant to 1-2 degrees (totally, the thoracic spine from the scoliosis segment gets straighter with approximate 11 degrees and the lumbar segment with 4 degrees). All these can be seen in the comparison table below:
In sagital plan, the T10 vertebra is blocked in extension and slides anterior (antero-listezis), the group of vertebras T10, T11, T12, T13 is fixed and has very limited mobility. The image is obtained by Spinal Mouse scanning on the 1st of June.2011.
The following image is taken after 6 Bowen sessions (5th of July 2011) and shows the alteration of the T10 tilting angle with 8 degrees (from +22 to +14 degrees), the mobility in anterior flexion is improved, the alignment of the thoracic vertebral segment T10-T13, the disappearance of the thoracic hyper kyfosis, etc. The hyper lordosis in the lumbar region persists (the treatments must continue), as well as the sacrum flexion, the hyper mobility of the thoracic spine in flexion and hypo mobility in extension of the lumbar spine.
CONCLUZII: 1. The Bowen-Bowtech therapy is very efficient (after only 6 sessions the evolution was spectacular), the alignment, mobility and inter vertebral angles were improved; 2. The efficiency of the therapy was proven by the significant alleviation of the subjective symptoms (pain, respiratory insufficiency, kidney-urinary symptoms were significant reduced). There were objective data to support the results, by clinical osteopathic, postural examination and Spinal Mouse scanning (static and moving images – flexion, extension, lateral tilt); 3. Of course the treatments must continue, with other specific Bowen procedures, addressing the respiratory system, the kidney and urinary system, the pelvis and lower limbs (knees, Hamstring, pelvis, sacrum, etc), with lymphatic procedures and especially addressing the emotional issues.
4. We applied the sequence of procedures from the Scoliosis protocol, but we always took into consideration the indications we were receiving from the patient body, before each session. 5. During the 6 sessions we managed to balance the patient body, with patience, continuing only when the body allowed us to apply new procedures. We are convinced that this non invasive, very delicate therapy, awakens, stimulates and orients the patient’s own healing abilities, the “inner doctor”, to heal itself. 6. This therapy reminds us that „primum non nocere” (most important is not to harm)and convinced us once again that “less is best”. 7. This therapy addresses the entire body and we noticed in this case, as well as in others, that the balance that needs to be done acts always on the body, but also on the emotional level and the soul.
We are adding also some charts (examples) which demonstrate the connections between the vertebras and internal organs, the organic symptoms related to vertebras with osteopathic lesion and the direct and indirect effect of the Bowen moves: