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BLK – Modellvorhaben: Entwicklung eines Leistungspunktsystems an Hochschulen Verbund 5 (Informatik): Erprobung eines Leistungspunktsystems im Fachbereich Informatik. 1. 2001 / 02. Analysis. 2002 / 03. Development. 2003 / 04. Results & QA.
BLK – Modellvorhaben: Entwicklung eines Leistungspunktsystems an Hochschulen Verbund 5 (Informatik): Erprobung eines Leistungspunktsystems im Fachbereich Informatik 1
2001 / 02 Analysis 2002 / 03 Development 2003 / 04 Results & QA Entwicklung eines Leistungspunktsystems an Hochschulen Globalisierungs- und Konvertierungsstrategien für die Leistungspunktevergabe in Hochschulnetzwerken Project Phases 2
Current Status Entwicklung eines Leistungspunktsystems an Hochschulen ECTS conforming courses Assignment of workloads to modules A credit point system relates the weighting of subjects in a course to the balance of total student workload for each of the subjects. Discussing the relation between workload and lesson hours problems & solutions transfer & accumulation of credit points 3
Entwicklung eines Leistungspunktsystems an Hochschulen University of Leipzig Institute of Informatics ECTS conforming courses: BSc/MSc Informatik since WS2002 BSc/MSc Bioinformatik since WS2002 Students can switch from the Diplom-Informatik course to the BSc-Informatik course after the „Vorexamen“ 4
Entwicklung eines Leistungspunktsystems an Hochschulen University of Applied Sciences Bremen Dept. of Electrical Engineering and Informatics ECTS conforming courses: IFI Internationaler Frauenstudiengang Informatik (Diplom) since WS2000 IS Digitale Medien (Bachelor) since WS2001 Digitale Medien (Master) since WS2002 (Univ. Bremen, HSB: in preparation) In preparation: Modularization of the following courses with a „Diplom“ degree Medieninformatik since WS1999 (with modules/CPs: WS2003) Technische Informatik since SS1991 (with modules/CPs: WS2003) ES Technische Informatik (Diplom+Bachelor with honours) (with modules/CPs: WS2003) 6
Entwicklung eines Leistungspunktsystems an Hochschulen University of Applied Sciences Gießen-Friedberg Dept. of Mathematics, Natural Sciences and Informatics ECTS conforming courses: Informatik (Diplom) Informatik (BSc/MSc) (approval expected in the near future) Technische Redaktion und multimediale Dokumentation (Master) Bioinformatik (Diplom) Medizininformatik (Diplom) Medieninformatik (Diplom) Wirtschaftsinformatik (Diplom) 7
Entwicklung eines Leistungspunktsystems an Hochschulen University of Ulm Faculty of Informatics ECTS conforming courses: Informatik (Diplom) since 1989 Informatik (Bachelor) since 1999 Informatik (Master) since 1999 Medieninformatik (Diplom) since 2000 Informatik-Intensiv (Diplom) since 2001 Informatik Lehramt since 2002 8
Entwicklung eines Leistungspunktsystems an Hochschulen University of Ulm Faculty of Informatics additional results: - electronic blackboard for the administration of modules - digital course guide - electronic assistance system for students 9
2002 Workflow Entwicklung eines Leistungspunktsystems an Hochschulen Process of converting and accepting CPs from other faculties/universities • Data format and administration of electronic module catalogues • Assistance and management • Organising the data transfer (transcript of records) Implementing CP systems needs consultation & support 10
Entwicklung eines Leistungspunktsystems an Hochschulen Workflow 11
Entwicklung eines Leistungspunktsystems an Hochschulen Modul database XML 12
Entwicklung eines Leistungspunktsystems an Hochschulen Relation between workload and lesson hours 1 Problems Computing CPs from lesson hours is an erroneous approach - It does not reflect the actual workload. - The workload per semester will probably not sum up to the wanted 30 CP (equivalent to 900 working hours/semester). Individual workload estimates made by the professors for their own lectures may lead to conflicts. The actual workload for a given subject is normally not known. 13
Entwicklung eines Leistungspunktsystems an Hochschulen Relation between workload and lesson hours 2 Solution Motivation: The modularization process is also a welcome occasion to restructure a curriculum. 1) The workload for a particular subject shall depend on the judgement of a faculty academic commitee. This commitee defines the workloads for all given subjects. The workload typically depends on the module type (lecture, lab exercise, seminar or combined mix). 2) The content of each subject has to be adjusted to the corresponding workload. 3) The academic staff shall commit to these regulations. 14
Entwicklung eines Leistungspunktsystems an Hochschulen Relation between workload and lesson hours 3 Questions 1 ) How can a defined workload correspond to reality? 2) What do the professors think about this seeming restriction of their academic freedom? In our talks to colleagues we experienced a lot ofunderstanding, so Q. 2) is easily answered. 15
Entwicklung eines Leistungspunktsystems an Hochschulen Workload evaluation 1 There must be an evaluation of all modules to determinethe workload, e.g. by means of questionnaires. The evaluation should not be conducted by the institution, but by the professors on an individual basis to avoid acceptance problems. They may publish the results or not, or only discuss them with the students (or not). 16
Entwicklung eines Leistungspunktsystems an Hochschulen Workload evaluation 2 The results shall be used to adjust the workload. Of course, this is an iterative process. Deviations depending on the structure and quality of the student group are inevitable and have to be tolerated. The aim is to achieve an acceptable workload in the long term. 17
Entwicklung eines Leistungspunktsystems an Hochschulen Lehr- und Lernformen an der Hochschule Bremen in den Informatik-Studiengängen 18
Entwicklung eines Leistungspunktsystems an Hochschulen Hochschule Bremen Diplom-Studiengang Technische Informatik ab WS2003 / Grundstudium (1. Bis 3. Semester) 19
Entwicklung eines Leistungspunktsystems an Hochschulen Hochschule Bremen Diplom-Studiengang Technische Informatik ab WS2003 / Hauptstudium (4. Bis 8. Semester) 20