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DAIS for RDF BOF. Isao Kojima kojima@ni.aist.go.jp Data Grid Team Grid Technology Research Center AIST Japan http://www.dbgrid.org/. GGF Intellectual Property Policy. I acknowledge that participation in GGF16 is subject to the GGF Intellectual Property Policy.
DAIS for RDF BOF Isao Kojima kojima@ni.aist.go.jp Data Grid Team Grid Technology Research Center AIST Japan http://www.dbgrid.org/
GGF Intellectual Property Policy I acknowledge that participation in GGF16 is subject to the GGF Intellectual Property Policy. Intellectual Property Notices Note Well: All statements related to the activities of the GGF and addressed to the GGF are subject to all provisions of Section 17 of GFD-C.1 (.pdf), which grants to the GGF and its participants certain licenses and rights in such statements. Such statements include verbal statements in GGF meetings, as well as written and electronic communications made at any time or place, which are addressed to: the GGF plenary session, any GGF working group or portion thereof, the GFSG, or any member thereof on behalf of the GFSG, the GFAC, or any member thereof on behalf of the GFAC, any GGF mailing list, including any working group or research group list, or any other list functioning under GGF auspices, the GFD Editor or the GWD process Statements made outside of a GGF meeting, mailing list or other function, that are clearly not intended to be input to an GGF activity, group or function, are not subject to these provisions. Excerpt from Section 17 of GFD-C.1 Where the GFSG knows of rights, or claimed rights, the GGF secretariat shall attempt to obtain from the claimant of such rights, a written assurance that upon approval by the GFSG of the relevant GGF document(s), any party will be able to obtain the right to implement, use and distribute the technology or works when implementing, using or distributing technology based upon the specific specification(s) under openly specified, reasonable, non-discriminatory terms. The working group or research group proposing the use of the technology with respect to which the proprietary rights are claimed may assist the GGF secretariat in this effort. The results of this procedure shall not affect advancement of document, except that the GFSG may defer approval where a delay may facilitate the obtaining of such assurances. The results will, however, be recorded by the GGF Secretariat, and made available. The GFSG may also direct that a summary of the results be included in any GFD published containing the specification.GGF Intellectual Property Policies are adapted from the IETF Intellectual Property Policies that support the Internet Standards Process.
Introduction • Who am I?Isao Kojima AIST, Japan • Currently leading following AIST datagrid research topics related with RDF • OGSA-DAI-RDF : Extending OGSA-DAI world to the Semantic Web • RDF processing OGSA-DAI Activities • Query language SPARQL • RDFCube: P2P based Distributed RDF Query Processing • Construct a special index structure on top of DHT • Provides efficient RDF set-oriented operation • S-MDS : enhance MDS4 framework to support “S”(semantics) • Supports OWL-S ontology for data/computing resources • Supports Continual RDF Query for dynamic resource monitoring • Target: Large scale distributed RDF data • Approach: Query language based application
creator http://gtrc.aist.go.jp/~a.matono matono subject predicate <?xml version="1.0"?> <rdf:RDFxmlns:rdf="http://www.w3.org/1999/02/22-rdf-syntax-ns#" xmlns:dc="http://dublincore.org/2001/08/14/dces#"> <rdf:Description about="http://gtrc.aist.go.jp/~a.matono"> <dc:creator>matono</dc:creator> </rdf:Description> </rdf:RDF> RDF (Resource Description Framework) • Common metadata/knowledge description in Semantic Web Applications • Number of RDF data is increasing=>Need for database technology/specs Trusted SW Proof Statement: “creator of “http://gtrc.aist.go.jp/~a.matono/ is matono” Logic Rules Signature Encryption Ontology object DAIS Next? RDF Schema RDF DAIS NOW XML Namespaces URI Unicode XML-based Format Layer Cake of the Semantic Web
DAIS for RDF: initial proposalhttp://www.dbgrid.org/dais-recharter-bof.htm Focus/Purpose RDF (resource description framework) is a standard framework for expressing semantic metadata and is widely used in semantic web and semantic grid applications. An enormous amount of RDF data has been created and stored in various applications and research projects. The query language SPARQL is currently under discussion at W3C as a standard query language for RDF. DAIS-WG, which aims to provide a standard interface for databases, should cover RDF databases within the OGSA-based grid framework. Scope: Setting RDF data access specification (WS-DAI-RDF) based on the existing WS-DAI specification, which is discussed within the DAIS-WG.
What we want to do(Detail of the DAIS specs will be given by DAIS-WG) Sets general pattern for other DAIS realizations. WS-DAI WS-DAI-RDF (&WS-DAI-Ont?) WS-DAIR WS-DAIX WS-DAIO Files Will be defined in DAIS Looking for more authors Currently being defined In DAIS Draft based on Posix. Looking for a willing author.
Aim of the BOF • (Formally)Re-chartering of current DAIS-WG • to add RDF specialization • (we must set goals, milestones and deliverables) • BOF= 1st Step to Share the Motivation & Information • GGF: DAIS-WG • GGF: Semantic Grid RG • W3C: Data Access Working Group (SPARQL) • Systems and Applications • R&D activities • Discussion • Scope • Approach • Schedule & Outputs
Agenda Introduction & Background • Motivation for the BOF Related GGF Specs and Research Activities • DAIS WG: Dave Pearson • Semantic Grid RG: Carole Goble R&D Projects (current potential candidates for the reference implementations) • Ontogrid,WS-DAI-Ont : Asuncion Gomez Perez • OGSA-DAI-RDF & • Related Issues : Isao Kojima If anybody want to present something, feel free to present here. Discussion:
OGSA-DAI-RDF and Related Topics Isao Kojima Data Grid Team Grid Technology Research Center AIST Japan
RDF(SPARQL) Activities • OGSA-DAI-RDF implementation • Add RDF database type to uk e-Science OGSA-DAI database middleware • RDF handling Activities including SPARQL QueryStatementActivity • Provides GUI for SPARQL • Supports OWL/RDFS ontology • Supports Jena and Sesame DBMS Oriented Research (currently focus on the Query language) Presented Yesterdayat Semantic Grid Workshop Presentation is on http://www.semanticgrid.org/GGF/ggf16/ and soon also on our Website.
Query Language:What is SPARQL? SQL-like RDF Query Language PREFIX rdf: <http://www.w3.org/1999/02/22-rdf-syntax-ns#> PREFIX dc: <http://purl.org/dc/elements/1.1/> PREFIX : <http://example/ns#> SELECT ?book ?title WHERE { ?t rdf:subject ?book . ?t rdf:predicate dc:title . ?t rdf:object ?title . ?t :saidBy " Bob" . } Will be standard at W3C data access working group (DAWG) Current: Last call working draft: comments due 10th Feb. “SPARQL Query Result XML Format” is also on the same schedule <?xml version="1.0"?> <sparql xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2005/sparql-results#"> <head> <variable name="x"/> <variable name="hpage"/> <variable name="name"/> <variable name="mbox"/> <variable name="blurb"/> </head> ... </sparql>
Distributed SPARQL Processing using OGSA-DAI Activity Framework
DAIS for RDF RDF storage is now commonly used and the impact of the spec will be large • Products: • RDF database systems • Jena • Sesame • OracleRDF option etc… • Specifications : • W3C RDF-related standards • RDF Query Language SPARQL will be W3C standard • SPARQL/XML format • SPARQL protocol • Grid-based R&D Projects : • OGSA-DAI-RDF (by AIST) • Ontogrid WS-DAI-Ont & WS-DAI-Ont-RDF (Ontogrid) Little need to rely on unstable specs We already have 2 potential candidates for reference implementations for coming WS-DAI-RDF/Ontology
DAIS and SPARQL Protocol • W3C Data Access Working Group defined SPARQL interface protocol • WSDL1.1 and HTTP binding are discussed. Working Draft is on the same schedule with SPARQL,SPARQL/XML (HTTP) • Simple interface • No WSRF • No GSI(login)
SPARQL protocol and WS-DAI (and WS-DAI-RDF) Must have some interoperability • Technical problem: must be discussed. • Liaison with W3C activity : if needed. • W3C RDF DAWG (Data Access Working Group) • Current Possible Contact Person: Hiroyuki Sato (NTT) will help us.
Discussions • Scope & Target • Discussion Format • Goals • Milestones/Schedules • Deliverables • …….
Initial proposal was: • Goals The following will be added to the current DAIS goals/milestones. Data Service Specification: RDF Realization (ontology?) • Milestones Sep 2006: Initial draft of the WS-DAI-RDF specifications, which is consistent with WS-DAI and the OGSA data architecture.March 2007: Revised draft of the WS-DAI-RDF specifications.June 2007: Final specifications, submitted as a recommendation • GGF Document GGF Recommendation (Due June 2007) Web Services Data Access and Integration – The RDF Realization (WS-DAI-RDF) small scope, short term activity
Scope & Target Trusted SW Proof Logic Rules Signature Encryption Ontology DAIS Next? RDF Schema RDF XML Namespaces URI Unicode
Discussions • Scope & Target • Discussion Format • Goals • Milestones/Schedules • Deliverables • …….