1. 1 Home Care Reablement – The Leicestershire Model a
Jane Dabrowska
Service Manager
Older and Disabled People’s Services,
Melton and Market Harborough
2. 2 Homecare Assessment & Reablement Teams Council Profile:
610.000 population – 15.7% over 65, 1.8% over 85 (2001 census)
Rural area, 6 market towns, 6 District Councils
4 PCTs now down to 1
3. 3 Background:
The Home Care Market in 1999:-
Mixed Economy - 25% in-house
Generic Provision
Purchaser/Provider Split
Task/time specific commissioning
4. 4 Triggers for Change:
Promoting Independence Grant
Rehabilitation Agenda
Best Value Review
5. 5 Home Care Reablement Team:
Pilot project begun in 1999
‘New’ Team in one area of the County
‘New’ look
‘New’ way of working
6. 6 What was different?
Short term
Time spent to fit service user’s needs
Not ‘doing to or for’ - doing with
Working towards set goals
Adjusting care plan
Contributing to first review
7. 7
8. 8 After the Evaluation….
Pilot never stopped…. rolled out
Some changes made to original design:-
Staff trained by OT on assessing for minor aids and adaptations,
Home Care Managers carry out reviews,
Entrance extended to all newly assessed (or re-assessed following significant change) service users unless clear indication that reablement could not benefit,
Home Care Managers commission any on-going care packages to independent sector via broker.
9. 9 Implementation:
All teams across the county have been restructured to ‘specialist’ areas of work:-
HART (37%)
Dementia Teams (45%)
Child Care Teams (14%)
Awaiting Transfer (4%)
(April 2007)
10. 10
11. 11 Financial Benefits:
In 2005/6, 1836 people received HART service
49.7% required no further home care support (gross saving £61k/week)
28.5% ended up with a 30% reduction in on-going support needs (gross saving £13k/week)
Taking account of the cost of HART, average break-even point is approximately 23 weeks
12. 12 And finally……..Top Tips:-
Trusting relationship between commissioners and providers
Pro-active management of staff to work in ‘new’ way
Clear, consistent message to service users
Eliminate delays/bottle necks
Effective communication with all stakeholders
13. 13 For further information, contact
01664 503900