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M.D. Goodyear MSc MIOSH RSP. So what are these risks ?. The risks to the health and safety of the individual or other personsLoss, harm, or damage to the research facilities or equipment, research findings and The risk of enforcement actionThe risk of litigation (criminal and civil)The risk of
1. M.D. Goodyear MSc MIOSH RSP Assessing H&S Risks in Research Activity
2. M.D. Goodyear MSc MIOSH RSP So what are these risks ? The risks to the health and safety of the individual or other persons
Loss, harm, or damage to the research facilities or equipment, research findings and
The risk of enforcement action
The risk of litigation (criminal and civil)
The risk of personal liability
The risk to the reputation of yourself, the course, the School or the University
3. M.D. Goodyear MSc MIOSH RSP
4. M.D. Goodyear MSc MIOSH RSP The Legislative demands upon us 1974 Health and Safety at Work Act
1992 The ‘six pack’ covering - Workplace, DSE, PPE, Manual handling, Work Equipment and H&S Management
Recent changes include Management Regs, PUWER, GM/biological/chemical safety, lone workers, pregnant workers and the Woolf reforms for civil proceedings
5. M.D. Goodyear MSc MIOSH RSP Case Law .. an increasing threat? A powerful shaper of ‘custom and practice’ and risk control measures in the workplace
Impacts upon employers financially, disrupts business and damages reputation
“Where there is blame - there’s a claim !”
“Had an accident at work ? Then ring ….”
“There’s no such thing as an accident”
6. M.D. Goodyear MSc MIOSH RSP But this doesn’t happen in Universities... Imperial - level3 containment failure - Ł20K
Cambridge - loss of radioactive source - Ł15K
UEA - gas cylinder rupture - Ł20K
Glasgow & UCL - major fires
U of Birmingham - failure to comply with COSHH Regs - Ł17K
Edinburgh - fatality (lone working) - Ł20K
7. M.D. Goodyear MSc MIOSH RSP
8. M.D. Goodyear MSc MIOSH RSP What are we trying to achieve ? Awareness
Compliance (and the records to demonstrate this)
Responsibility/ ownership
Integration of H&S into what you do
“Health and safety considerations are not some sort of optional extra, but an integral part of the proper management of all workplace activities”
9. M.D. Goodyear MSc MIOSH RSP Don’t take this collective view
10. M.D. Goodyear MSc MIOSH RSP What do we need to do ? The basis of all current legislation, and the cornerstone of the majority of civil claims -
Risk Assessments
Do you do yours ??
11. M.D. Goodyear MSc MIOSH RSP Risk Assessment It is a statutory requirement i.e. - must do !
All new, revised and consolidated legislation since 1974 has required two things:-
“the provision and maintenance of adequate information, instruction, training and supervision” and
“suitable and sufficient assessment of the risks to the H,S & W of persons who may be affected”
12. M.D. Goodyear MSc MIOSH RSP Cont’d ... Undertaken by ‘competent persons’
consider all foreseeable risks
plan effective control of the work activities (who, what, when, where and how ?)
need to be recorded in a retrievable form, communicated and acted upon
need to be reviewed when there is evidence of the need to do so
13. M.D. Goodyear MSc MIOSH RSP Cont’d ... Controls need to be commensurate with the risk
must consider those at ‘special risk’
(e.g. the young and immature, inexperienced, those with specific disabilities or health problems, pregnant women, …)
14. M.D. Goodyear MSc MIOSH RSP What sort of activities do I need to do this for ? Computer/literature based research - generic risk assessment
Workshop / Laboratory based work - specific risk assessment(s), subject to regular review
Off-site / public interaction research - specific risk assessment(s), subject to regular review
15. M.D. Goodyear MSc MIOSH RSP The Principle ... Risk Assessment is not about preventing work being undertaken - its fundamental purpose is to ensure that the work is :-
safe for you
safe for others
reduces the risk as far as reasonably practical
16. M.D. Goodyear MSc MIOSH RSP The assessment process Identify hazards (the potential to cause harm)
Assess risk (likelihood of harm, consequences of harm, number affected)
Identify controls in place (are they sufficient - is there more that could reasonably be done to minimise risk)
Implement controls
Monitor and review
Record and communicate the outcomes
17. M.D. Goodyear MSc MIOSH RSP Cont’d ... The purpose of a risk assessment process - is to develop a ‘safe system of work’ , which is :-
defined, recorded and communicated
in place and adequately controls the risks
monitored and
amended if required
18. M.D. Goodyear MSc MIOSH RSP So how is this done ? This is a collaborative process with your supervisor and team:-
Team consideration, brainstorm, project planning processes
What is it that you plan to do? Be clear about:-
who, what, when, where, how, how often, ...
Know the standards, best practice and legislative requirements governing the proposed work
19. M.D. Goodyear MSc MIOSH RSP Controls Need to be commensurate with the risk
Factors for consideration might include :-
age and experience
task or activity
nature of work (standard or innovative)
hazards and likely consequences
duration and/or frequency of exposure
existing controls and other reasonable measures
20. M.D. Goodyear MSc MIOSH RSP Proper controls avoid this …
21. M.D. Goodyear MSc MIOSH RSP … and this !
22. M.D. Goodyear MSc MIOSH RSP Cont’d ... Use the hierarchy of controls
Separation (time, distance or exposure)
Information, instruction, training, supervision
Remember - the control of certain hazards are already defined in legislative standards - make sure you know what they are !!
23. M.D. Goodyear MSc MIOSH RSP Recording and Communicating Having agreed the standard/nature of controls required - the outcomes need to be recorded and communicated to all those who undertake the work - e.g.
specific instructions or procedures to be followed (standard and/or emergency)
project brief / project guidelines / logbooks
notes of tutorials
24. M.D. Goodyear MSc MIOSH RSP Cont’d ... Establish a simple system to demonstrate user knowledge and awareness of safe system of work (e.g. copies of standards, best practice guides and legislative requirements; initialling logbooks, records of information, instruction or training, records of amendments to procedures, processes and controls, records of monitoring and supervision, records of changes in planned activity with accompanying amendments to the risk assessment)
25. M.D. Goodyear MSc MIOSH RSP Supervision Legal requirement - it’s not an option !
commensurate with the risk e.g. :-
continuous personal supervision
periodic personal supervision
…… < spectrum > …..
Periodic review of progress (tutorial)
Whatever is agreed - it must be recorded and communicated
26. M.D. Goodyear MSc MIOSH RSP Monitoring and review Once SSW has been agreed and implemented, there is a need to undertake periodic monitoring and review
Records should be maintained - particularly in respect of any agreed changes (e.g. simple initialling and dating of project logbooks or other suitable means)
27. M.D. Goodyear MSc MIOSH RSP Integration ... The preferred model, is one in which these legislative requirements are embedded into existing systems - and not seen as some additional, onerous duty.
The effective management of this process should sit alongside the academic, financial and resource management of research projects.