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MSRC: (M)icropayment (S)cheme with Ability to (R)eturn (C)hanges

MSRC: (M)icropayment (S)cheme with Ability to (R)eturn (C)hanges. Source: Journal of Information Science and Engineering in review Presenter: Tsuei-Hung Sun ( 孫翠鴻 ) Date: 2010/11/ 26. Outline. Introduction M otivation Scheme Security analysis Comparison Advantage vs. weakness

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MSRC: (M)icropayment (S)cheme with Ability to (R)eturn (C)hanges

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  1. MSRC: (M)icropayment (S)cheme with Ability to (R)eturn (C)hanges Source: Journal of Information Science and Engineering in review Presenter: Tsuei-Hung Sun (孫翠鴻) Date: 2010/11/26

  2. Outline • Introduction • Motivation • Scheme • Security analysis • Comparison • Advantage vs. weakness • Comment

  3. R. Rivest, A. Shamir, 1996, “PayWord and MicroMint:two simple micropayment schemes,” Proceedings of theInternational Workshop on Security Protocols, LNCS Vol. 1189, pp. 69-87. Introduction • Payword • Credit-based • Chains of hash values • Ex. A=(a0,a1,…,an)where ai = h(ai+1), i = n-1, n-2, …, 0. • Every chain has a face value d. • a0 is used as an anchor for verification. • PayWord Certificate

  4. Introduction • Micropayment Scheme Using Single-PayWord Chain (MSSC) • Only one denomination. • Micropayment Scheme Using Multi-PayWord Chains (MSMC) • Multiple denomination. • Combining several single-payword chains with different denomination values. • Using to reduce the length of hash chain and the hash operations of verification.

  5. Micropayment Scheme Using Single-Payword Chain(MSSC) Vendor(PKV, PVV,IDV) Customer(PKC, PVC,IDC) Broker(PKB, PVB,IDB) PSR = {IDC , n, IDV} GeneratesA=(a0, a1, …, an) satisfies ai = h(ai+1), i= n-1, n-2, …, 0 total money = n x dA Pay (am, m) Replace anchor a0 by am. Verifies am is legal or not. If legal, deposits (m x dA) to Vendor’s account and store am, If not, reject transaction. PSR: Payment-chain service request. PK: Public key. PV: Private key. ID: Identity. n: Payord chain of length. dA: Face value. a0: An initially anchors used to verify A-chain.

  6. Pay (bM, M) (am, m) Micropayment Scheme Using Multi-Payword Chains(MSMC) Vendor(PKV, PVV,IDV) Customer(PKC, PVC,IDC) Broker(PKB, PVB,IDB) PSR = {IDC,n,IDV} dA < dB A=(a0, a1, …, an), satisfies ai = h(ai+1), i = n-1, n-2, …, 0 B = (b0, b1, …, bn), satisfies bj = h(bj+1), j = n-1, n-2, …, 0 Chain A total money = n x dA Chain B total money = n x dB replace anchor a0 by am, b0 by bM. Verifies am, bM are legal or not. If legal, deposits (M x dB + m x dA) to Vendor’s account and store am, bM. If not, reject transaction.

  7. Motivation • Problems of MSMC • Find the minimum hash chain in a payment. • Equally spend every single chain. • This paper propose three approaches to handle above two problems and supporting the ability of returning changes.

  8. Scheme • Three approaches methods • MSRC-I: counter-mode encryption. • MSRC-II: hashing function. • MSRC-III: keyed hashing function.

  9. PSR = {IDC,n,r,IDV} ,ai = h(ai+1), i = n-1, n-2, …, 0 ,bj = h(bj+1), j = n-1, n-2, …, 0 MSRC-I: Counter-Mode Encryption(1/2) Vendor(PKV, PVV,IDV) Customer(PKC, PVC,IDC) Broker(PKB, PVB,IDB) EK: Counter-mode encryption using a secret key K. M x dB: Customer pay total money. n: Length of payment chain. r: Length of return-change chain. m x dA: Vendor return money.

  10. MSRC-I: Counter-Mode Encryption(2/2) Vendor(PKV, PVV,IDV) Customer(PKC, PVC,IDC) Broker(PKB, PVB,IDB) Pay (bM, M) Replace anchor b0 by bM. Return Than can get chain (an+1,…an+m) and worth (m x dA) dollars. Verifies a’n+m, bM are legal or not. If legal, deposits (M x dB + m x dA) to Vendor’ account and store a’n+m, bM. If not, reject transaction.

  11. PSR = {IDC,n,r,IDV} MSRC-II: Hash Function(1/2) Vendor(PKV, PVV,IDV) Customer(PKC, PVC,IDC) Broker(PKB, PVB,IDB)

  12. MSRC-II: Hash Function(2/2) Vendor(PKV, PVV,IDV) Customer(PKC, PVC,IDC) Broker(PKB, PVB,IDB) Pay (bM, M) Replace anchor b0 by bM. Return Than can get chain (an+1,a’n+1),…,(an+m,a’n+m) and worth (m x dA) dollars. Verifies a’n+m, bM are legal or not. If legal, deposits (M x dB + m x dA) to Vendor’ account and store . If not, reject transaction. K: secret key for keyed hash function

  13. MSRC-III: Keyed Hash Function(1/2) Vendor(PKV, PVV,IDV) Customer(PKC, PVC,IDC) Broker(PKB, PVB,IDB) PSR = {IDC,n,r,IDV} , ai = hK(ai+1), i = n+r-1, n+r-2, …, 0 ,ai = hK(ai+1), i = n+r-1, n+r-2, …, 0 ,bj = h(bj+1), j = n-1, n-2, …, 0

  14. MSRC-III: Keyed Hash Function(2/2) Vendor(PKV, PVV,IDV) Customer(PKC, PVC,IDC) Broker(PKB, PVB,IDB) Pay (bM, M) Replace anchor b0 by bM. Return Than can get chain (an+1,…an+m) and worth (m x dA) dollars. Verifies a’n+m+1, bM are legal or not. If legal, deposits (M x dB) to Vendor’ account and store . If not, reject transaction.

  15. Security analysis • Counterfeit attack • Attacker: Returned change a'n+i and an+i. • Customer: Changea'n+i and an+i. • Reuse attack • Customer: Double spending and over-spending. • Vendor: Double returning and over-returning. • Redemption attack • Vendor: Anchor ai and (ai,a’i).

  16. Comparison Fig. The chains of returned changes for our MSRC.

  17. Comparison Table. Comparison of micropayment schemes H: The operation of a hash function h(.). H’: Operation of a keyed hash function hK(.). D:Counter-mode decryption. d: Denomination. M: Vendorverifying the payment (bj,M). m: Customer verifying and obtaining the returned changes.

  18. Advantage vs. weakness • Advantage • It can be implemented on mobile devices feasibly. • The return change is useful for avoid some special pay word chain be exhausted. • All three mode are well protect, and the overhead of these mode are not very heavy, so Customer can choose one is better for him or her. • Weakness • Customer may need to maintain many kind of pay word chains.

  19. Comment • If the kind of face value of e-coin are many, that will be come a burden of Customer, Broker, and Vendor. • This is very inconvenient to trade only once, because Customer and Vendor need to redeem them cash after transaction. • Customer still using return changes after it expired that may incur collusion attack. • The largest denomination may incur some attack, because it didn’t have any protect.

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