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Explore the strategic plan for the PMO, focusing on national security & development, with goals, strategies, and action plans for combating crimes and managing crises.
INTRODUCTION • The Strategic Plan was completed in july 2004 • The plan was intended to cover a period of ten years, 2005-2014 • The proposed strategies should be reviewed and amended when necessary to adapt the changing environment • The Plan is focused solely at the ministry-level
PMO’S STRATEGIC PLANNING FRAMEWORK Operational Short Term Direction Long Term Direction STRATEGIC DIRECTION STRATEGY MAP IMPLEMENTATION ACTION PLAN COMPENSATION S T R A T E G Y Performance Management System (PMS) BALANCE SCORECARD Objectives Measures Target Initiatives S TRATEGIC THEMES Mission Value Vision • 3
Objectives of the PMO’s Strategic Plan • To formulate a corporate-wide strategy for PMO as a ‘ministry’ so as: • To ensure PMO strategies are aligned to the National Development goals and objectives. • To provide a framework for all Departments under the PMO to align their respectives strategic plans with those of PMO • To provide a venue for PMO staff to learn how to think and plan strategically; an essential skill for effective management
VISION Excellent leadership and good governance for national and stability VISI Kepimpinan yang cemerlangsertakepemerintahan yang baikkearahkestabilandankemakmurannasional
MISSION To enhance the effectiveness of executive decision making by the Government of His Majesty in the pursuit of excellent leadership and good governance for national security and sustainable development and to uphold the national philosophy of Malay Muslim Monarchy MISI MempertingkatkankeberkesananpembuatankeputusaneksekutifbagikerajaanKebawaDuli Yang MahaMuliaPaduka Seri Baginda Sultan Dan Yang Di-Pertuan Negara Brunei Darussalam Kearahkepimpinan yang cemerlangdankepemerintahan yang baikuntukkeselamatannasionalsertapembangunan yang kekalberpanjangan, danmendokongfalsafahMelayu Islam Beraja
MAJOR ROLES AND FUNCTIONSFUNGSI & PERANAN UTAMA To achieve our mission, we will provide DalammencapaiMisi, JabatanPerdanaMenteriakanmemberikan: • Professional and competent policy inputs to the process of policy-making (inputs yang profesionaldankompetendalamprosespembentukandasar) • Effective administrative leadership to all ministries and departments (KepimipnanPentadbiran yang efektifkepadaseluruhkementeriandanjabatan) • Effective coordination and ficilatation between agencies throughout the Civil Service and with the private sector and the community (Koordinasidanfasilitasiantaraagensi-agensidalamPerkhidmatanAwam, sektorswastadanmasyarakat) • Quality information and professional services to key stakeholders in the Prime Minister’s Office (Informasi yang berkualitidanperkhidmatan yang profesionalkepadasemua stakeholders JabatanPerdanaMenteri)
In the Strategic Plan, there are seven thematic goals as follows: • Enhancing the quality of policy-making (Mempertingkatkan kualiti pembentukan dasar) • Setting policy direction and framework for national economic development (Menetapkan halatuju dan rangka dasar bagi pembangunan ekonomi negara) • Modernisation of the Civil Service (Memodenkan Perkhidmatan Awam)
Adherence and upholding the rule of law and to enhance the administration of justice (MeneguhkandanMendokongperuntukanundang-undangdanmempertingkatkanpelaksanaankeadilan) • Promoting the image of effective and caring government (Mempromosikanimejkerajaan yang efektifdanprihatin) • Strengthening the national capabilities to combat crimes’ and (Mengukuhkankeupayaannegaradalammencegahjenayah) • Strengthening the national capabilities to manage national crisis and the non traditional security concerns (Mengukuhkankeupayaannegaradalammenanganisebarangkrisisdanisu-isukeselamatanbukan-tradisional)
STRATEGIESENFORCEMENT AND DEFENCE DIVISION • Strengthen the National Capabilities to Combat Crimes (Strategic Theme 6) • Strengthen the National Capabilities to Manage National Crisis and Non-Traditional Security Concerns (Strategic Theme 7)
Strengthen the National Capabilities to Combat Crimes • What are the targets? • Providing a safe and peaceful environment • Improvement of information and intelligence gathering and analysis • Enhancing logistical capabilities and infrastructure • Reviewing and acquiring legal authority • Developing effective partnership with key stakeholders • Developing a strategic Plan and Research Coordinating Body
Strengthen the National Capabilities to Combat Crimes • How to achieve these targets? • Continually upgrading skills and competencies of enforcement agencies • Acquire new technical and professional staff • Enhancing the capabilities of the police workforce through new human resources management • Establishing an Integrated Intelligence Gathering System • Enhancing the capabilities of the Command Centre
Strengthen the National Capabilities to Manage National Crisis and Non-Traditional Security Concerns • What are National Crisis and Non-Traditional Security Concerns? • National Crisis arises from man-made disaster such act of terrorism and national disasters such as flood, landslide, fire, tsunami, earthquake, etc • Non-Traditional security concerns comprise of terrorism, religious extremism, cyber crime, etc.
Strengthen the National Capabilities to Manage National Crisis and Non-Traditional Security Concerns • What are the targets? • Setting up of a National Body on national disasters and emerging Non-Traditional issues • Providing and sharing of information and advice of Non-traditional issues • Coordinating and providing necessary support to National Committiees
Strengthen the National Capabilities to Manage National Crisis and Non-Traditional Security Concerns • How to achieve these targets? • Develop a Database Centre to disseminate information to relevant agencies • Establish a Standard Operating Procedure • Develop simulation exercises and early warning system for managing disaster at national level
Vision: Excellent Leadership and good Governance for National Prosperity and Stability PMO’S Strategic Themes Enhancing the quality of policy-making Setting policy direction and framework for national economic development Modernisation of the Civil Service Adherence and upholding the rule of law and to enhance the administration of justice Promoting the image of an effective and caring government Prime Minister Office Strengthening the national capabilities to combat crimes Effective coordination and facilitation between agencies throughout the Civil Service and with the private sector and the community Professional and competent Policy inputs to the processes of policy making Effective administrative leadership to all ministries and departments Quality information and Professional services to key Prime Minister’s office stakeholders Strengthening the national capabilities to manage national crisis and the non-traditional security concerns Adat Istiadat Development and Economic Planning Petroleum Unit PMO’s Roles Audit Government Printing Public Service Commission Attorney General Chambers Information Public Service Department Anti-Corruption Bureau Internal Security Radio Television Brunei Civil Service Institute PMO’s Agencies Royal Brunei Police Force State Judiciary Councils of States Management Services State Mufti Narcotic Control Bureau Mission & Vision Mission: To enhance the effectiveness of executive decision-making by the Government of His Majesty in the pursuit of excellent leadership and good governance for national security and sustainable development and to uphhold the national philosophy of Malay Muslim Monarchy (MIB) E-Government National Centre
COMMITTEE JAWATANKUASA PANDU PERANCANGAN STRATEGIK JABATAN PERDANA MENTERI DAN JABATAN-JABATAN DIBAWAHNYA TIMBALAN MENTERI Setiausaha (Bahagian Media, e-Governmant & Research Theme 3 To Modernise The Civill Service Theme 4 To Promote The Image of An Effective & Caring Government Theme 2 Policy Direction & Framework for Effective Economic Development Theme 1 Enhancing The Quality of Policy Making Jabatan-Jabatan*: a) Hal EhwalPerkhidmatan Awam b) Jabatan Perkhidmatan Awam c) Suruhanjaya Perkhidmatan Awam d) Jabtan Perkhidmatan Pengurusan e) Institut Perkhidmatan Awam f) Jabatan Audit g) Jabatan Adat Istiadat Jabatan-Jabatan: a) Bahagian Media, e-Government & Research b) RTB c) Jabatan Penerangan d) Jabtan Percetakan Jabatan-Jabatan*: a) Bahagian Media, e-Government & Research b) Majlis-Majlis Mesyuarat / Unit Kabinet c) Jabatan Mufti Kerajaan Jabatan-Jabatan*: a) Hal Ehwal Ekonomi & Kewangan, JPM b) Jabatan Perancangan & Perkembangan Ekonomi c) Unit Petroleum Theme 6 Strengthen The National Capabilities to Combat Crimes Theme 5 The Adhere & Upholding The Rule of Law & Enhancement of Justice Theme 7 Strengthen The National Capabilities to Manage Crisis & Non-Traditional Security Concerns Jabatan-Jabatan*: a) ) Hal Ehwal Penguatkuasaan & Pertahanan b) Pasukan Polis Di Raja Brunei c) BKN d) BMR e) Jabatan Peguam Negara f) KDN Jabatan-Jabatan*: a) Hal Ehwal Penguatkuasaan & Pertahanan b) Jabatan Peguam Negara c) Jabatan Kehakiman Negara d) Pasukan Polis Di Raja Brunei e) BKN f) BMR Jabatan-Jabatan*: a) Hal Ehwal Penguatkuasaan & Pertahanan b) BKN c) BMR e) KDN f) Pasukan Polis Di Raja Brunei Perancangan Strategik Jabatan-Jabatan di Bawah Jabatan Perdana Menteri
Moving ForwardKey Performance Indicator 3 Areas of Leadership Excellent Public Governance Home Security Assurance Sound Economic Development Policy Less Bureaucracy - Ease of Doing Business (on-line licensing business & TPOR {Client Charter}) - Customer Satisfaction Survey - Lowest Number of Complaints Public Safety - Lower Crime Rate - Confidence, Perception on Enforcement Personnel Corruption Index FDI Confidence Index