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Presentation 15 SOAP on the Microsoft Platform (.NET). Outline. You have already been introduced to SOAP, WSDL & UDDI on the JAVA platform using AXIS Now we will take a look at the MS . NET platforms SOAP capabilities
Outline • You have already been introduced to SOAP, WSDL & UDDI on the JAVA platform using AXIS • Now we will take a look at the MS . NET platforms SOAP capabilities • Luckily – SOAP & WSDL are well standardized – so we do not need to look at these again • Instead we will: • Show the counterpart of the AXIS project in .NET - IIS • Show the alternatives to JAVA development – using the tools from .NET framework & Microsoft Visual Studio .NET
Apache Tomcat vs. Microsoft Internet Information Server • Apache Tomcat with AXIS & J2SE Java SDK • Works on: • Windows, UNIX, LINUX • Open source Can be compiled to any platform (with some work) • Server listening for events: • HTTP on port 80 (test http 8080 at startup) • Executes Servlets/JSP and JavaBeans • AXIS is an embedded project within the Tomcat environment but works with most J2EE compliant AS • Microsoft Internet Information Server with the .NET Framework SDK (ASP.NET) • Works on: • Only Windows platforms (Windows NT, 2000, XP) • Server listening for events: • HTTP on port 80 (optional) • Executes Web resources – ASP.NET, Web services, Web forms (resulting in client side HTML ), .NET code • Tightly integrated with the Visual Studio .NET – for easy deployment & debugging Common code base – but only MS! Web Server MS Internet Information Server & the .NET Framework SDK (ASP.NET) (vs. Apache Tomcat, with AXIS & J2SE SDK) SOAP Client Java, C++, C#, Delphi, VB Application Web Forms C++ unman. SOAP over HTTP Web Service Managed code
Web service enabling Windows • You need to: • Install .NET Framework SDK • Download from Microsoft (130 MB) • Comes standard with Visual Studio 2003 .NET • Install Internet Information Server • Enabled via the Control Panel • Remember to shut down after using!!! • Visual Studio .NET • Already installed (7 or 7.1) • More detailed instructions will follow for the LAB exercise
Not a Windows ASP.NET course • You will NOT be required to be an expert on .NET • You will be required to be knowledgeable about it • ASP.NET is a framework for Web enabling Windows code • Traditional HTML & DHTML – and Web services • Complete architecture
What is the .NET Framework? Developer Tools Client applications (Windows forms) ASP.NET Web Applications Databases XML Web Services User Experiences .NET Framework A complete Framwork: like J2EE
Message Queuing COM+ (Transactions, Partitions, Object Pooling) IIS WMI The .NET Framework Components Any language conforming to the Common Language Specification (CLS) may be used. 3 types of user interfaces: Web forms, Windows forms (Win32), Command Console Visual Basic C++ C# Perl JScript … XML Web Services User Interface ASP.NET ActiveX Data Objects For inter-process communications ADO.NET and XML CLR:execution environment. Equals JVM of Java. Microsoft Intermediate Language (MSIL) equals Java ByteCode A collection of class libraries .NET Framework Class Library Common Language Runtime Application services. E.g. IIS, Message Queuing etc. Win32 Operating system primitives – the WIN32 API using Windows XP, 2000, CE
MFC/ATL .NET Framework Windows API Visual Basic ASP 1990’s 2000’s 1980’s Benefits of Using the .NET Framework • Based on Web standards and practices • Functionality of .NET classes is universally available • Code is organized into hierarchical namespaces and classes • Language independent
Visual Studio .NET: The Tool for .NET Development Web Forms Tools Windows Forms Tools Visual Studio .NET Multiple Languages Error Handling Web Services Tools Data Access Design Develop Debug Deploy
Multiple Language Support • The .NET Framework is designed to support many languages • More than 20 languages currently supported • Microsoft provides Visual Basic .NET, C#, Visual J# .NET, and JScript .NET (backwards compatible with JScript) – others: Delphi (object pascal) • Benefits of multiple-language support • Code modules are reusable • API access is the same for all languages • The right language is used for the right task • Performance is roughly equal between all languages (which was not the case in ASP)
The Common Language Runtime • One runtime for all . NET-Based Languages • Manages threads and memory • Garbage collection • Enforces code security • Eliminates DLL versioning problems • Multiple versions of a DLL can run simultaneously • Applications can specify a version of a DLL to use • Reminds one of the Java Virtual Machine
Which language? A Basic .NETcompiler MSIL C#compiler JITcompiler Runtime Compilation and Execution Web form (default.aspx) or Web service (default.asmx) C# code Visual Basic .NET code HTML / SOAP Runtime Nativecode
Ressources for learning more • Feel free to learn more about ASP.NET: • Getting started with the .NET framework • http://msdn.microsoft.com/library/default.asp?url=/library/en-us/cpguide/html/cpcongettingstartedwithnetframework.asp • Link can be found at the course site • Books on the subject • Beginning .NET Web Services using C# by Joseph Bustos and Karli Watsom (WROK forlag) • More will be listed on the course site
Making the HelloWorld application • Using Notepad ! • Using Microsoft Visual Studio .NET • First: • Install .NET Framework • Install IIS • Then: • Produce code • Manually for Notepad • Wizard for Visual Studio • Deploy in the IIS folder • \inetpub\wwwroot\ • As an .asmx file • Test the Web service • Using the build in functionality • Write the Client – and all is well
C# Notepad HelloWorld WebService processing directivefor the ASP.NET environment, e.g. class & language info Name(missing): identifies localname of service Namespace: the default namespace for the service Description: a purely descriptive text information WebMethodAttribute: indicates that the following method is to be exposed as a Web Service method (only public methods are allowed of course). Allowed properties: -BufferResponse, CacheDuration, Description, EnableSession, MessageName, TransactionOption WebServiceAttribute, for configuration “behind the scenes” programming
Using Visual Studio (managed C++) Wizards Available: for Managed C++ (see below example VB and C# Code-behind: generates .asmx file and code behind (e.g. .cpp in C++ or .cs in C#)
Deploy & Test – access via browser IIS test : supports viewing WSDL & code testing via browser WSDL: using ?WSDL SOAP request & test: small test program generated
Developing the Client application • Support for using Web services in an Visual Studio application • Stubs are automatically compiled by Visual Studio using the “Add Web Reference” function OR • You may simply use command line tools Note on command line usage: If you do not wish to use Visual Studio IDE you may use the tool via the command line: wsdl "http://localhost/hello.asmx" /out:hello.cs This will produce the hello.cs file which must be compiled as a DLL (using the C# .NET compiler) csc hello.cs /t:library /out:hello.dll /r:System.Web.Service.dll /r:System.Xml.dll See example at: http://www.csharpfriends.com/Articles/getArticle.aspx?articleID=35
New Application & Add Web Reference Add Web Reference: Visual Studio support for generating a proxy using WSDL document
Discover & bind the Web service Add Web Reference: Just enter the Web service endpoint address
Visual Studio produces a Proxy DLL Performed by Visual Studio tool: a DLL is generated (Web Service Proxy Generator), and a header file and a WSDL support document is made available
Proxy class DLL • DLL is generated by Visual Studio • The generated Proxy class derives from System.Web.Service.Protocols.SoapHttpClientProtocol • It contains the following properties • ClientCertificates allows clients to pass Authenticode X.509 v.3 certificates • CookieContainer for handling state • Credentials for authentication purposes • PreAuthenticate saves the roundtrip by sending credentials first • Proxy use this property if you need to pass a proxy • Timeout default 100.000 milisseconds – may be set for infinite • Url from the location attribut of the service used
The Proxy code generated by the WSDL Proxy generator using System.Diagnostics; using System.Xml.Serialization; using System; using System.Web.Services.Protocols; using System.ComponentModel; using System.Web.Services; /// <remarks/> [System.Diagnostics.DebuggerStepThroughAttribute()] [System.ComponentModel.DesignerCategoryAttribute("code")] [System.Web.Services.WebServiceBindingAttribute(Name="HelloWorldSoap", Namespace="http://www.wagner.dk/webservices")] public class HelloWorld : System.Web.Services.Protocols.SoapHttpClientProtocol { public HelloWorld() { this.Url = ""; } [System.Web.Services.Protocols.SoapDocumentMethodAttribute("http://www.wagner.dk/webservices/Hello", RequestNamespace="http://www.wagner.dk/webservices", ResponseNamespace="http://www.wagner.dk/webservices", Use=System.Web.Services.Description.SoapBindingUse.Literal, ParameterStyle=System.Web.Services.Protocols.SoapParameterStyle.Wrapped)] public string Hello(string myName) { object[] results = this.Invoke("Hello", new object[] { myName}); return ((string)(results[0])); } public System.IAsyncResult BeginHello(string myName, System.AsyncCallback callback, object asyncState) { return this.BeginInvoke("Hello", new object[] { myName}, callback, asyncState); } public string EndHello(System.IAsyncResult asyncResult) { object[] results = this.EndInvoke(asyncResult); return ((string)(results[0])); } }
Try it out Not that much fun with command line … lets make a proper Windows solution
Piece of Cake – Now C# Simple C# Windows Form Application:No point in producing another command line app Add Web Reference: Again we use the Web service endpoint address with the “Add Web Reference” feature We add a button, a text field and a label. Clicking the button gives access to the event handler “OnClick” of the button
C# - coding the connection Using the Proxy DLL: We recognize the connection between the WSDL, the DLL and the C# client code
Heterogeneous system C# to Java C# to Java Lets change it to our Axis Web service // Hello World.Java public class HelloWorld { public HelloWorld() { } public String getHelloWorldMessage(String name) { return "Hello World to "+name; } } private void button1_Click(object sender, System.EventArgs e) { localhost.HelloWorldService hello = new localhost.HelloWorldService(); textBox1.Text = hello.getHelloWorldMessage("Stefan"); } Proxy DLL stub generated by VS Proxy skeleton class generated by AXIS Add Web Reference: We need to generate a new Proxy DLL Proxy: if we are not using .JWS deployment, we need to generate the skeleton classes in AXIS as well Other way around: and of course it also works the other way around
Try it with C++ • WARNING: In VS7 there seems to be a bug! • Problem with port 8080 • Need to manually paste the WSDL file and compile the proxy stub DLL • This works fine in C# • No problem in VS7.1
Object Implementation Client Implementation Skeletons Object Adapter Dynamic Invocation ORB Interface Client Stubs ORB Core One standardised interface One interface per object operation One interface per object adapter ORB-dependent interface Hvad ser vi her?