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Scoil na Mainistreach Enrolment Evening 2012/2013

Scoil na Mainistreach Enrolment Evening 2012/2013. Fáilte Romhaibh go Scoil na Mainistreach. History of Building. Built in 1960 occupied in 1962. School Jubilee this September.

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Scoil na Mainistreach Enrolment Evening 2012/2013

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  1. Scoil na Mainistreach Enrolment Evening 2012/2013 Fáilte Romhaibh go Scoil na Mainistreach.

  2. History of Building • Built in 1960 occupied in 1962. School Jubilee this September. • School takes its name from Quin Abbey. We are proud of our links to the Abbey and the tradition of excellence in learning. • The School was extended in the early 80’s to include infant room and GP room. • 70% increase in enrolments in last 6 years. Current Enrolment is 259 projected to rise to 274 by Sept 2011. • The Department has approved an eight classroom extension to the school. Extension is moving to planning phase. .

  3. Staff of Scoil na Mainistreach • Administrative Principal –Anne Fitzpatrick • Class Teachers-(9) Eleanor Gallagher (Deputy Principal), Theresa Reddan,Crea Phillips, Fergal Lynch, Michael Clune, Lorna O’Donovan, Deirdre Costelloe. Norah Power and Sinéad O’Rourke • Learning Support (3) Cáit Bn. Uí Shiocháin, Sheelagh Daffy and Katríona O’Confhaola. • Special Needs Assistants(2) Anne Murray and Aoife Rice-Quinn • School Administration:. Kathy McNamara • School Hygiene: Kathleen Cullinan The School is eligible to make a new teaching appointment this September

  4. School Philosophy - Vision • Values – Respect and Tolerance • Inclusive- Equal opportunity • Standards – Learning and discipline • Improving – Learning and conditions • Open and tolerant • Nurturing - Each child and member of staff is important

  5. Mission Statement • Co-Educational Catholic Primary School • Ethos is Catholic and Christian • Respect and Tolerance for other Faiths • Enable and inspire each individual, through positive learning experiences to achieve his/her potential, face life confidently, find fulfillment and be respectful in an ever changing world. • Motto – We do our best we show respect

  6. School Day • Juniors and Senior Infants – 9.00 a.m. – 1.40 p.m. (First two weeks – 9.00 a.m. – 12 noon) • 1st to 6th Classes – 9.00 a.m. – 2.40 p.m. • Break – 11.00 a.m. – 11.10 a.m. • Lunch – 12.30 p.m. – 1.00 p.m. • The Board of Management cannot accept responsibility for children before 8.45 am and after 2.40 pm.

  7. Supervision • Supervision is in place 15 minutes in advance of opening time. • On child safety grounds and to benefit your child’s development we request that you leave your child on the grounds after a brief farewell. Free powerpoint template: www.brainybetty.com

  8. School Uniform • Navy Trousers / Pinafore and suitable shoes • Navy Jumper/Cardigan, Crested • Blue Shirt/Blouse • Navy School Tracksuit, blue polo shirt and runners - to be worn only on P.E. days. • Crested items are available from Annette’s Boutique, Clarecastle.

  9. Healthy Eating Policy • The School would request that you adhere to the healthy eating policy. • The 4 C’s are not permitted coke, chocolate, crisps and candy • Popcorn is not allowed also as children were not adhering to the healthy variety

  10. Curricular Subjects • 1999 Revised Curriculum was introduced by the Dept. of Education and Science (D.E.S) • 6 Curricular Areas divided into 11 subjects • Language – Irish and English • Mathematics • Social, Environmental and Scientific Education (S.E.S.E..) – History, Geography and Science • Physical Education • Arts Education – Music, Visual Arts and Drama • Social, Personal and Health Education (S.P.H.E) Religious Education is also provided in Scoil na Mainistreach. Children of non-Catholic families will have their rights respected Parent’s will be accommodated, where resources allow, to absent their child/ren from formal religious class. Prayers, however, are recited during the school day and it is not possible to absent children from this aspect of the religious curriculum.

  11. Extra Curricular Activities • Sports activities include: Hurling, Gaelic Football, Basketball, Cross Country Running, Swimming, Tag Rugby and Volleyball. (On a cyclical basis) • School band and school choir • I.T instruction is provided using the school laptops and interactive White boards • Green School Committee.. Representatives from 1st to 6th classes. Scoil na Mainistreach has two green flags and is currently applying for a third for water conservation. • Chess, quizzes and engineeringchallenges • French Language Instruction at Senior Class level • A Student Council which has representatives from 3rd to 6th classes. • The Reporting Team – task is to publish Scoil na Mainistreach times on a monthly basis with the support of Ms. O’Donovan • Experts in the Community - Set dancing, hip hop dancing, baking, environmental awareness and quilting.

  12. Absences and Sickness • Regular attendance is required by school policy • If child is absent - a written explanation is required • The Education Welfare Act obligates school to report absences greater than 20 days • If a child is unwell please keep him/her at home • Please inform school of any specific health problems. • Teachers are not allowed to administer medication unless indemnified by the BOM

  13. Code of Behaviour • We agree to treat all members of our school community with respect and courtesy. • We agree to show respect for all school property and to keep our school clean and litter free. • We agree to bring healthy lunches and snacks to school. • We agree to be well groomed and in school uniform. • We agree to have all required materials and to be on time for school. • We will obey our teachers and we will do our best. • We agree not to carry mobile phones or any electronic gadgets to school unless written permission is sought from the Board of Management. • We agree to attend school regularly, if absent we will bring a note to explain why.

  14. .What will happen if I do not respect the Code? • I will get a warning. • I could be moved from a game or activity for a reasonable time for the safety of other children. • I may be removed from the classroom for a short time to another classroom to allow others to work without interruption. • I could be asked to carry out a useful task in the school or to do something good for the person I have hurt. • I could have my weekend pass from homework removed. • My teacher may keep a record in his / her diary. • I could be sent to the Principal or Deputy Principal. • If my disrespectful behaviour continues my parents will be sent for. • If my behaviour is very serious or very dangerous I may be asked to leave the school for a time until I agree to improve my behavior.

  15. Homework Policy • Homework is assigned from January for Junior Infants • Homework ranges from 10 mins at Junior level up to 1 and half hours at 6th class level • Please take an interest in your child’s homework and sign each evening • If you have a problem with homework please chat to the teacher. • The Homework journal can be used for home/school communication School Booklists will be forwarded to parents in June

  16. Educational Assessment- 1 • The school operates a Policy of Early Intervention • The Early Literacy Test is administered in Junior Infants • MIST test given in middle of Senior Infants • 1st Class to 6th Class given Standardised tests in reading mathematics and spelling in October and June • Results will be reported at parent teaching meetings and in the annual report card • All parents have the right to access their children’s results • Other forms of assessment include; teacher observation, copies, teacher designed tests and tasks and self assessment.

  17. Educational Assessment -2 • 3 Stage Approach : Continuum of Support • Teacher testing and remediation 2. Diagnostic Testing by Learning Support teacher 3. Psychological Assessment by Educational Psychologist through the National Educational Psychological Service Consultation with Parents will take place during all three stages

  18. Board of Management • Assist the Principal in Running the School • 8 People – Elected for 4 Year Term • Chairperson – Mary Halton • 2 Parents Reps. Alison Deane and Tom Frain • 2 Community Reps. Daire O’Criodain and Sandra Reynolds • 2 Staff Reps. Anne Fitzpatrick and Fergal Lynch • 2 Patron’s Reps. Mary Halton and Fr. Collins

  19. Parent’s Association • All parent(s)/Guardian(s) – members. Our P.A. is affiliated to the National Parents Council. • Current Chairperson – Margaret Frain • Monthly meetings – New members would be most welcome • Key role in partnership in the Education process • Contribute greatly to school resources and policy

  20. Money Matters • Administration Fee – €30 per child to a maximum of €70 per family • €295,000 raised since 2007 for a school field, dressing rooms, target wall, school kitchen, astro-turf facility and school lawn mower. • Various Fund Raising Activities throughout the school year by the Parent Association. Your support is greatly appreciated.

  21. Complaints Procedure • From time to time issues may emerge. • Please do not turn up at the teachers door without and appointment as It is vital to prevent interruption to the pupils learning so please make an appointment. • 3 Stage procedure agreed by Teacher Unions and Parents Association. • Stage 1 – Relevant Staff member • Step 2 – Principal • Step 3 – Chairperson of the B.o.M

  22. First Year • Starting school is a milestone in the life of your child • All children are different and learn at their own pace • Help your child towards independence • “Mol an Oige agus Tiocfaidh Siad”

  23. Practical Tips to help your Child Settle • Motor and Co-ordination Skills • Lunches • Socialisation and turn taking • Developing Independence • Language Skills – Listening and Following Instructions • Other Practical Tips for the classroom (see handout) Free powerpoint template: www.brainybetty.com

  24. First Day • Good Breakfast • Be on time • Give a hug and reassurance • Leave classroom reasonably quickly • Short Day so small healthy lunch • Children will be tired so ensure they get to bed early

  25. Go RaibhMaithAgaibh We trust your child (ren) will have a happy and fruitful experience with us in ScoilnaMainistreach

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