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Embedding population dynamics models in inference. S.T. Buckland, K.B. Newman, L. Thomas and J Harwood (University of St Andrews) Carmen Fern á ndez (Oceanographic Institute, Vigo, Spain).
Embedding population dynamics models in inference S.T. Buckland, K.B. Newman, L. Thomas and J Harwood (University of St Andrews) Carmen Fernández (Oceanographic Institute, Vigo, Spain)
AIMA generalized methodology for defining and fitting matrix population models that accommodates process variation (demographic and environmental stochasticity), observation error and model uncertainty
Hidden process models Special case: state-space models (first-order Markov)
States We categorize animals by their state, and represent the population as numbers of animals by state. Examples of factors that determine state: age; sex; size class; genotype; sub-population (metapopulations); species (e.g. predator-prey models, community models).
States Suppose we have m states at the start of year t. Then numbers of animals by state are: NB: These numbers are unknown!
Intermediate states The process that updates nt to nt+1 can be split into ordered sub-processes. e.g. survival ageing births: This makes model definition much simpler
Survival sub-process Given nt: NB a model (involving hyperparameters) can be specified for or can be modelled as a random effect
Survival sub-process Survival
Ageing sub-process No first-year animals left! Given us,t: NB process is deterministic
Ageing sub-process Age incrementation
Birth sub-process Given ua,t: New first-year animals NB a model may be specified for
Birth sub-process Births
The BAS model where
Leslie matrix The product BAS is a Leslie projection matrix:
Other processes Growth:
Lefkovitch matrix The product BGS is a Lefkovitch projection matrix:
Sex assignment New-born Adult female Adult male
Movement e.g. two age groups in each of two locations
Observation equation e.g. metapopulation with two sub-populations, each split into adults and young, unbiased estimates of total abundance of each sub-population available:
Fitting models to time series of data • Kalman filter Normal errors, linear models or linearizations of non-linear models • Markov chain Monte Carlo • Sequential Monte Carlo methods
Elements required for Bayesian inference Prior for parameters pdf (prior) for initial state pdf for state at time t given earlier states Observation pdf
Bayesian inference Joint prior for and the : Likelihood: Posterior:
Types of inference Filtering: Smoothing: One step ahead prediction:
Generalizing the framework Model prior Prior for parameters pdf (prior) for initial state pdf for state at time t given earlier states Observation pdf
Generalizing the framework by Replace where and is a possibly random operator
British grey seals • Hard to survey outside of breeding season: 80% of time at sea, 90% of this time underwater • Aerial surveys of breeding colonies since 1960s used to estimate pup production • (Other data: intensive studies, radio tracking, genetic, counts at haul-outs) • ~6% per year overall increase in pup production
Questions • What is the future population trajectory? • What types of data will help address this question? • Biological interest in birth, survival and movement rates
Population dynamics model • Predictions constrained to be biologically realistic • Fitting to data allows inferences about population parameters • Can be used for decision support • Framework for hypothesis testing (e.g. density dependence operating on different processes)
Grey seal state model:states • 7 age classes • pups (n0) • age 1 – age 5 females (n1-n5) • age 6+ females (n6+) = breeders • 48 colonies – aggregated into 4 regions
survival age movement breeding na,c,t-1 us,a,c,t ui,a,c,t um,a,c,t na,c,t Grey seal state model: processes • a “year” starts just after the breeding season • 4 sub-processes • survival • age incrementation • movement of recruiting females • breeding
Grey seal state model: survival • density-independent adult survivalus,a,c,t ~ Binomial(na,c,t-1,φadult) a=1-6 • density-dependent pup survivalus,0,c,t ~ Binomial(n0,c,t-1, φjuv,c,t)where φjuv,c,t= φjuv.max/(1+βcn0,c,t-1)
Grey seal state model:age incrementation and sexing • ui,1,c,t ~Binomial (us,0,c,t , 0.5) • ui,a+1,c,t = us,a,c,t a=1-4 • ui,6+,c,t = us,5,c,t + us,6+,c,t
Grey seal state model:movement of recruiting females • females only move just before breeding for the first time • movement is fitness dependent • females move if expected survival of offspring is higher elsewhere • expected proportion moving proportional to • difference in juvenile survival rates • inverse of distance between colonies • inverse of site faithfulness
Grey seal state model:movement • (um,5,c→1,t, ... , um,5,c→4,t) ~ Multinomial(ui,5,c,t, ρc→1,t, ... , ρc→4,t) • ρc→i,t=θc→i,t / Σjθc→j,t • θc→i,t = • γsf when c=i • γddmax([φjuv,i,t-φjuv,c,t],0)/exp(γdistdc,i) when c≠i
Grey seal state model:breeding • density-independent • ub,0,c,t ~ Binomial(um,6+,c,t , α)
Grey seal state model: matrix formulation • E(nt|nt-1, Θ) ≈ BMtAStnt-1
Grey seal state model:matrix formulation • E(nt|nt-1, Θ) ≈ Ptnt-1
Grey seal observation model • pup production estimates normally distributed, with variance proportional to expectation: y0,c,t~ Normal(n0,c,t , ψ2n0,c,t)
Grey seal model: parameters • survival parameters: φa, φjuv.max, β1 ,..., βc • breeding parameter: α • movement parameters: γdd, γdist, γsf • observation variance parameter: ψ • total 7 + c (c is number of regions, 4 here)