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Where do we go from here? Building a policy agenda for new times. Marcus Roberts Director of Policy and Membership DrugScope. New times ….?. ‘All that is solid melts to air, all that is holy is profaned’ Marx and Engels, Communist Manifesto. Revolution in the air? ( Eg CJS Green Paper).
Where do we go from here?Building a policy agenda for new times Marcus Roberts Director of Policy and Membership DrugScope
‘All that is solid melts to air, all that is holy is profaned’ Marx and Engels, Communist Manifesto
Revolution in the air?(Eg CJS Green Paper) ‘fundamentally flawed’ ‘a fatalistic philosophy of targets, process and maintenance’ ‘poor prevention and education programmes’ ‘return power to local communities’ ‘purposeful and focused systems with rehabilitation and full recovery at their heart’
A balanced systemDrug Strategy Consultation 2010 Over 210,000 people in treatment and ‘we want to build on this’ ‘We recognise that drug addiction is a complex disorder … whilst reducing harm is an important component of treatment, promoting and supporting recovery and a drug-free lifestyle is the ultimate aim.’
‘The one thing that does not change is that at any and every time it appears that there have been “great changes”’ Marcel Proust, Remembrance of Things Past
‘The goal of all treatment is for users to achieve abstinence’ ‘Too many drug users … stay in treatment far too long before reestablishing their lives’ ‘a radical new focus on services to help drug users to re-establish their lives’ Drugs: Protecting Families and Communities (2008)
‘Rehabilitation Revolution’ ‘pay independent providers to reduce reoffending’ Ministry of Justice/Social Finance Ltd SOCIAL INVESTMENT BONDS – pay a return to investors if their investment yields reduced offending Announced by … Jack Straw … signed off by … Labour
Ch-ch-ch-ch-Changes(Turn and face the strain)Ch-ch-ChangesWhere's your shameYou've left us up to our necks in it … Oh, look out you rock 'n rollers David Bowie - Changes
Wind of change • Spending Review • Public health service • Localism • Payment by results • Big Society
Making an impact • Recovery, re-integration, cooperation • Cost-benefit. Focus on the worst off. More for less? • Balance and the evidence base • Thinking local, Big Society, VCS and voice
‘don't speak too soonFor the wheel's still in spin’ Bob Dylan, Times they are a-changin
Marcus Roberts Director of Policy and Membership DrugScope Tel: 020 7529 7556 E-mail: marcusr@drugscope.org.uk DrugScope website: www.drugscope.org.uk