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Explore control theories in criminology, focusing on why people do not commit crimes, with insights on Nye’s theory, Matza’s theory, and Self-control theory. Learn about socialization influences and the concept of egoistic self in deviance.
Control theories Nye’s theory Matza’ theory Hirschi’s theory Self-control theory
Question for extra credit • Do you believe it is “latent trait” that makes a person crime prone, or is crime is a function of environment and socialization?
Control Theories • Control theories take the opposite approach from other theories • Instead of asking what drives people to commit crime, they ask why do most people not commit crime • All human beings suffer from innate human weaknesses which make them unable to resist temptation
Control Theories: Main points • Focus on restraining or "controlling" factors that are broken or missing inside the personalities of criminals • Control theory investigate the ways in which our behavior is regulated, including the influences of family, school, morals, values, beliefs, etc. • It is this regulation that is seen as leading to conformity and compliance with the rules of society
Forerunners of Control Theory • Emile Durkheim (late 19th century) • Industrial revolution • Collapse of social solidarity, the destruction of fundamental bonds uniting individuals • Different social order-each person is forced to go alone
Forerunners of Control Theory • “collective force of society” was weakened • “relaxation of social bonds” is leading to extreme individualism • Result - Anomie and suicide
The nature of “man” (Durkheim) • Homo Duplex concept • Social self – product of socialization, a civilized member of society • Egoistic self- is comprised of animal urges not controlled by society’s rules • Proper socialization, the egoistic self could become integrated into social self • Without this integration, deviance results
Influence of Classical school • Free will (view individuals as active rather than passive agents) • Criminal behavior, like any type of behavior, is a result of rational choice • Internal controls (well-developed conscience) • External Controls (parental discipline, parental monitoring, laws)
Nye’s (1958) three main categories of social control that prevent delinquncy • Direct control, by which punishment is imposed for misconduct and compliance is rewarded • Indirect control, by which a youth refrains from delinquency because a particular act might cause pain/disappointment for parents or significant others • Internal control, by which a youth’s conscience or sense of quilt prevents him/her from engaging in delinquent acts
Nye’s theory • Family is the most important agent of socialization • The more adolescent's needs for affection, security, and recognition are met within the family, they less they will deviate (direct and indirect controls will be strong)
Sykes and Matza (1957) • Theory that explained delinquent behavior as the result of adolescents using “techniques of neutralization” • These techniques are justifications and excuses for committing delinquent acts • Delinquents believe in conventional values of society
Techniques of neutralization • Denial of responsibility (not my fault) • Denial of injury (they have a lot, they will never miss it) • Denial of victim (I steal only from “outsiders”, “rednecks”) • Condemnation of condemners (they are worse than we are, they cannot blame me) • Appeal to higher loyalties (we have to do it to protect our turf size)
Matza (1964) - Drift Theory • Proposes that techniques of neutralization are ways in which adolescents can get “episodic release” from norm restraints • Neutralization is a weakening of inner containment (breaking of the bonds to society) • Adolescents drift form conventional to delinquent behavior without strong attachment to any of the two
Self-control theory • Theory states that individuals with high self-control will be less likely at all periods of life to engage in criminal acts, while individuals with low self-control are likely to commit crimes
Self-control • Self-control develops during early socialization • Once formed in childhood, the amount of self-control remain relatively stable throughout life • The source of low self-control is ineffective socialization (childrearing) • Parents who are attached to children, supervise, monitor and punish deviant acts (family is the most important agent) • Peer groups are relatively unimportant in the development of self-control
Age-graded Theory 8-9 years 15-24 years 45-55 years
Testability of self-control theory • “analogous behavior” (smoking, drinking, drug use, illicit sex) is manifestation of low self-control • Hirschi and Gottfredson do not define “self-control” separately from propensity to toward criminal/analogous behavior • Problem of tautology: low self-control causes low self-control, or deviance causes deviance • A separate measure for low self-control must be developed
Self-control theory • Makes individualistic causal arguments • Each and every act of criminal behavior is the result of unique individual factors such as traits, which are semi-permanent enduring personality characteristics
Individuals possess three sets of traits • (1) traits composing low self-control; • (2) traits predicting involvement in crime (include low intelligence, high activity level, physical strength, and adventuresomeness) • (3) other traits that are the result of socialization (impulsivity, insensitivity, and inability to delay gratification)