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Beethoven: “Moonlight” Sonata

Discover the history and emotion behind Beethoven's iconic Sonata No. 14, known as the "Moonlight Sonata," written in 1801. Dive into the three distinct movements and the profound sentiments Beethoven expressed through this timeless composition.

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Beethoven: “Moonlight” Sonata

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  1. Beethoven: “Moonlight” Sonata https://youtu.be/oKPhGHAdqk0?t=1s

  2. “Sonata” originally meant a piece that was played, the opposite was a “cantata,” which was sung. • Beginning in the Classical period, sonatas were solo instrument pieces (usually piano, violin, or cello) with 3-4 movements. • Haydn & Mozart wrote many sonatas and helped solidify their Classical form. Beethoven wrote 32 piano sonatas that served as models for many more during the Romantic and Modern periods. Sonatas

  3. Beethoven finished “Moonlight” Sonata in 1801 and dedicated it to one of his piano students, the young Countess GiuliettaGuicciard. • It is believed Beethoven was in love with the countess when he wrote the piece: "My life is once more a little more pleasant, I'm out and about again, among people – you can hardly believe how desolate, how sad my life has been since these last two years; this change was caused by a sweet, enchanting girl, who loves me and whom I love. After two years, I am again enjoying some moments of bliss, and it is the first time that – I feel that marriage could make me happy, but unfortunately she is not of my station – and now – I certainly could not marry now." Beethoven Sonata #14, “Moonlight”

  4. The sonata has three movements. However, they do not follow the typical tempos: • Mvt. 1: Adagio sostenuto (sustained) C# minor, sonata form • Mvt. 2: Allegretto Db major, minuet/scherzo & trio form • Mvt. 3: Presto agitato (agitated) C# minor, sonata form • 5 years after Beethoven’s death, a music critic wrote that the 1st movement reminded him of moonlight on a rippling lake. The nickname stuck, even though Beethoven probably intended it to sound more like a funeral march. Beethoven Sonata #14, “Moonlight”

  5. As you listen to each movement, write a sentence that describes the feeling you think Beethoven is expressing. • Movement 1: • Movement 2: • Movement 3: Listening Assignment

  6. Movement #1 • Movement #2 • Movement #3 “Moonlight” Sonata

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