New Year´sEveNoche Vieja ItIsa worldtradition, a holidaynightwhenoneyearfinishesand anotheronebegins; There are abundance of goodintentions, wherethepeopleamusethemselvesand havefun. Thetradition in Spainistoeattwelve grapes tothe pace of twelvechimes thatmarkthebeginning of thefirstday of the new year.
ThetypicalNoche Vieja´sdinner Thetypicaldinnerfor Noche Viejabeginswithsweet Christmas specialities: marzipan, polvorones, generallymixedwithcookies, pastry, nollos, etc. Themaindishisusuallyfishorshellfish. Otherpeopleprefermeat, especiallylamb.
The moment to take the grapes whenthegreatmomenttotakethe grapes approaches, peoplegetready and impatientforthe chimes tosound. Thentheyeattheirtwelve grapes onebyone at the pace of thetwelve chimes. Be carefulnottochoke! Once youhaveenteredthenew year, champagne, ciderorwineisservedforcheers.
Weenterthenew year Whenweenterthe new year, peoplecelebratehappily at home oronthestreet. Itis a greatholiday