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Mystery shopping is a great tool to help you spot the areas of improvement by measuring the customer experience.
Mystery shopping is one great way to measure customer experience and learn brand standards are being followed. Every business works hard to create standards which deliver reliable and exceptional experiences for the customers irrespective of the locations they visit. To achieve consistency, you need to ensure that your set standards are being met across the business. While creating a mystery shopping program, it’s vital to create a program that can deliver the best possible data. The data/ should be such which could help you draw conclusions and drive improvements. So, keeping this in mind, here are the Do’s and Don’ts of mystery shopping. Do’s And Don’ts of Mystery Shopping Image CC - Channelplay 1. Do - Ask Objective Questions Gathering accurate feedback is vital and is one of the prime reasons for implementing a mystery shopping program. To do this properly, you need to ask questions which are objective; these would garner responses based on direct outcomes and facts from the shopper’s experience. Don’t - Ask Subjective Questions The purpose of mystery shopping is not to collect individual opinions. So, you should ask questions that are directly related to company standards. Remember, if you ask questions which are opinion-based, it would not lose credibility and would not provide the facts which can help you boost performance levels. 2. Do - Encourage Shopper Secrecy Always make sure you remove any situation or questions from your mystery shops which could steal their anonymity. The main goal of the program should be to keep the shoppers anonymous. This would ensure that the service and feedback they receive is genuine. Don’t - Create Requirements That Identify Shoppers
Never put down questions or requirements that can steal the identity of your mystery shoppers. Shoppers need to anonymous in all circumstances as this would help you collect the most accurate feedback. Image CC - BVA Mystery Shopping 3. Do – Use It To Encourage Employees This program should be a positive experience for all (employees, managers, and operators). Its main aim is to keep the employees excited and passionate about their work and encourage to follow the company standards. Don’t –Don’t Use mystery shopping to catch employees When you use mystery shopping as a tool to catch employees it starts impacting them negatively. This can impact your customer experience even more. The idea is to create a team and not put culprits on the opposing side. 4. Do: Consider High Scores As An Opportunity To Measure Things If your mystery shopping program is giving you high scores, it’s a reason to celebrate. But again, it’s time to change what you’re measuring. In case you see lower scores, consider them as areas to improve upon. Don’t: Make High Scores A Goal Of Your Program The main purpose of mystery shopping is not to get a high score, but to drive improvements and spot the pain points. When you aim high scores, you would not be able to measure the possible weak points in your customer experience.
Mystery shopping is a great tool to help you spot the areas of improvement by measuring the customer experience. Create programs which ask the right questions and at the same time hides the identity of your shoppers to provide you with the most informative and unbiased feedback. Take it as an opportunity to encourage and engage employees and drive progress and performance. It’s time toNail down on possible mistakes and maximizes program with iSN Global Solutions. We offer excellent Mystery Shopping Services. thebenefitsof your mystery shopping