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Creatine. What is creatine ?. Creatine is a supplement that is natural produced in the human body. It can also be created in laboratories. Creatine is mainly found in the muscles of the body. Creatine offers both good and bad side effects. (www.webmd.com). The good effects of creatine.

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  1. Creatine

  2. What is creatine? • Creatine is a supplement that is natural produced in the human body. It can also be created in laboratories. Creatine is mainly found in the muscles of the body. Creatine offers both good and bad side effects. (www.webmd.com)

  3. The good effects of creatine • The good effects of creatine include increase muscle gain and increasing power during exercise and explosive sports such as sprinting and base ball. Creatine also helps people that are suffering from cretin diseases. People in the early stages of Parkenson’s disease often take creatine supplements to help with the conditions. Creatine has also been credited with helping with muscle diseases like muscular dystrophy. It can also help with loss of sights for patients suffering from gyrate atrophy. (www.webmd.com)

  4. The bad effects of creatine • Creatine also has negative effects. Creatine can cause stomach pain, nausea, muscle cramps, and weight gain. It causes weight gain because it causes the muscles to hold water, therefore causing water weight. Although not proven, creatine has been accused of causing kidney problems when consumed in over recommended amounts. (www.webmd.com)

  5. Why do people use creatine? • Many athletes are known for using creatine during workouts and before games. Creatine is not a steroid so it is not known for being over used. Athletics are using creatine to help obtain more muscle strength and performance. (www.webmd.com)

  6. Energy Drinks

  7. What are energy drinks? • Energy drinks are an item that has grown in popularity over the years. Energy drinks have become appealing especially to younger people. Energy drinks are like soda pop in a since, they both contain caffeine and sugar. The only difference is that energy drinks contain as much as double the amount of caffeine as soda does, and in one case, six times the amount as soda. (www.associatedcontent.com)

  8. What effects do energy drinks come with? • Energy drinks do not really have a positive effect on humans other than a boost of energy. Although they provide a boost of energy, a down time occurs after the sugar high wears off. This down time is referred to as a crash. A crash leaves the person feeling worst than they did before the energy drink, sometimes leaving they with a sugar craving. (www.associatedcontent.com)

  9. Do energy drinks come with side effects? • Energy drinks have many bad side effects. One of which is dehydration. Dehydration is caused by the sugar and caffeine in the drink. They can also make the person sweat, burning off extra energy. Energy drinks can also affect the heart rate and blood pressure of the person consuming it. The heart of the person consuming the drink can become so accelerated that it causes an irregular or quickened heartbeat. There have been cases of people drinking energy drinks then exercising and dying. There is no proof that energy drinks were directly related to the deaths but there is speculation. (www.associatedcontent.com)

  10. Who uses energy drinks and why? • Energy drinks are being used by students as well as athletes. People are abusing energy drinks by drinking too many to close together and drinking more than one at a time. The reasons for the over use of energy drinks are to obtain and sustain energy levels, maintain stamina, and to stay focus. The results of the abuse of energy drinks are resulting in heart problems and dehydration. (www.associatedcontent.com)

  11. Suggestions

  12. Is it important to know what supplement to take? • Each supplement is made to target a cretin area. When taking supplements it is very important to know what area is being targeted, for example, the heart or muscles. It is even more important to know what the uses of that supplement are and to not over use it. Overdose of a supplement can cause long term health issues if not death. (www.sportsinjuries.suite101.com)

  13. Muscle power • When an athlete is looking to increase muscle power, he should use creatine. Creatine helps produce energy for muscle tissue therefore helping build muscle. Creatine is also used for muscle recovery in athletes. Not only does creatine help with powering the muscles, it is also used for cretin medical conditions which were mentioned before. (www.sportsinjuries.suite101.com)

  14. Performance • A supplement that would be good for increasing performance during exercise is coenzyme Q10. Coenzyme Q10 is a supplement that is found throughout the human body. Coenzyme Q10 is produces energy throughout the body, especially in the heart. Q10 is recommended to improve exercise performance in healthy athletes. (www.sportsinjuries.suite101.com)

  15. Fat burning • If an athlete is looking to burn fat and gain energy, he should use L-Carnitine. L-Carnitine is an amino acid that can be found in animal protein. Athletes believe that by taking supplements with L-Carnitine in them the cells are added to fat cells, therefore creating more energy and increasing performance. L-Carnitine is also credited for helping with improving heart function in people suffering from heart disease. (www.sportsinjuries.suite101.com)

  16. Energy • Magnesium can be used to help produce energy in athletes. Magnesium is a very important mineral in the human body, second to potassium. It is a supplement that reacts with calcium and creates adenosine triphosphate. A magnesium supplement is recommended for everyone, not just athletes, because some people can be magnesium deficient. (www.sportsinjuries.suite101.com)

  17. Heart • Omega 3 is suggested for a healthy heart. Omega 3 is a fatty acid that helps heart health. Omega 3 also helps with inflammation throughout the body. Athletes take omega 3 to help recover from workouts. It is also credited with helping prevent vision problems associated with age, and even some types of cancer. Omega 3 is by far the best supplement for long term health goals. (www.sportsinjuries.suite101.com)

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