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Osho Dhara (a lively stream of Osho). Presents Samadhi Pragya. Before we enter the subject of ‘Samadhi Pragya’ it would be useful to understand the word ‘Yoga’ & it’s origin…. What is Yoga? Why Yoga?.
Osho Dhara(a lively stream of Osho) Presents Samadhi Pragya
Before we enter the subject of ‘Samadhi Pragya’ it would be useful to understand the word ‘Yoga’ & it’s origin…
The word ‘Yoga’ means ‘unity’ or ‘oneness’. It is derived from the word ‘yuj’, means ‘to join’… Merger of Individual Consciousness with Universal Consciousness !
Why this Unification ? Have we gone far away from our Source ? Religion : Returning to Source Remember : Re – Member Yoga : Unification, to Re – Join (not mentally but existentially)
What is Self ? Self is also known as ‘I’… What is this I ?
Body Mind Heart Consciousness The Structure Of Self
# Personality # Individuality # Divinity * Instinct * Intellect * Intuition
It is a journey from : # Ignorance to Wisdom # Unconscious to Super Conscious # Instinct to Intuition # Seed to Flower # Human to Buddha hood # Darkness to Light # Death to Deathlessness
Truth # Objective # Subjective
Journey Inwards Outwards Subjective Science Objective Science
Scientists View Point “ Science cannot solve the ultimate mystery of nature, that is because, in the last analysis, we ourselves are part of nature & therefore, part of mystery that we are trying to solve.” - Max Planck – (Quantum Theory)
Yoga can be divided into 4 main branches : # Pipilika Yoga : Related to 6 Chakras # Sankhya Yoga : Yoga of Pure (Kapila yoga) Consciousness # Sahaja Yoga : Yoga of Spontaneity
Consciousness & Chakras Consciousness express itself through Seven Chakras : # Muladhara – Body – Karma (action) # Swadhishthana – Senses– Bhoga (sensual enjoyment) # Manipura – Prana – Breath Contd..
# Anahata – Heart - Love # Vishuddhi – Mind - Thoughts # Agyna – Am-ness - Meditation # Sahastrara – Soul - Samadhi The humanistic psychologist AbrahamMaslow proposed the theory of hierarchy of human needs as per the growth of the individual. Contd..
Hierarchy of Needs: Maslow‘s Theory # Biological needs # Safety needs # Affiliation, Love needs # Self-Esteem, Sense of worth needs # Cognitive, knowledge needs # Aesthetic, needs for order, beauty # Self – Actualization need
Pipilika Yoga It is of Six types & are related to Six Chakras : i) Karma Yoga : Muladhar Chakra ii) Tantra Yoga : Swadhishthan Chakra iii) Hatha Yoga : Manipur Chakra
Pipilika Yoga iv) Bhakti Yoga : Anahata Chakra v) Gyana Yoga : Vishuddhi Chakra vi) Dhyan Yoga : Angya Chakra vi) Sankhya Yoga : Sahstrar Chakra
Karma Yoga
The journey of Consciousness from the lowest chakra (muladhara) to the highest chakra (sahastrara)through karma (action) is called ‘Karma Yoga’…. Consciousness express itself through ‘Action’……karma.. This path is suitable for people who are very much ‘action oriented’… Through this they can scale higher states of consciousness…
Human needs, Motivation & Work Man cannot live without action, his needs motivate him to work. Work leads him to desires. Desires may or may not be fulfilled… This createsmisery…. If the desires are fulfilled then there may be a possibility of the ‘Ego’ to flourish… which also may brings misery..
Karma Yoga is the way to get rid of all misery & live aharmonious, fulfilled & fruitful life…
How our day to day actions (karma) can become Divine or Yogic (karma yoga) ?Rx.
# Act with Self-Awareness # Act as a witness without the notion of the Doer or Ego # Act surrendering to the Divine Existence or God # Act with love & gratefulness & accept the resultant fruit (negative orpositive) with grace & thankfulness.
Wisdom from the Scripture Geeta “ The human right is for action only, never for the resultant fruit of action. Do not be desirous of the fruit for thy action, neither allow thyself attachment to inaction” Ch. 2 # 47
The three aspects of Karma
# Goal # Action # Result FuturePresentFuture(Past) Karma Yoga says Goal should be there, the Action should be total but as per action the result should be there, this expectation should not be there….
Work : Joy : Worship “If you work without love you are working like a slave. Your work is your joy, your work is your dance. Your work is your poetry, and when you work with love you bind yourself to yourself, to another & to God.” --OSHO--
Work based on Love Novelist John Irving, who would work 12hrs. a day on a book for days, said : “the unspoken factor is Love. The reason I work so hard at my writing is that it is not work for me”….
Q. You have been working at least 15 hrs. a day, every day, for the last 50 years. Don’t you think it is about time you took vacation ? Ans. ‘I am always on vacation’… --Mahatma Gandhi--
The Great Sage Patanjali has called Karma Yoga as Kriya Yoga….. The Stages of it :
i) Tapah (great effort) (tarikat) ii) Swadhyaya (self-study) (shariyet) iii) Iswarpranidhana ( act dedicated to God (tasya vachaka pranava)
Pragya Geet Karmsthal ban jaye mandir, ghar ko aashram ban jane do.. Har saans bodh ke saath chale, Har baat bhajan ban jane do..
Tantra Yoga (The Path Sensual Awareness)
Tantra Yoga The journey of Consciousness from the ‘Swadhishtana Chakra’ (2nd Chakra) to Sahastrara Chakra is the path of Tantra Yoga….. Consciousness express itself through ‘indulgence’ (bhoga)…. It is most suitable for people who are very much ‘sensuous’…
How our sensuousness or indulgence with the senses can become Divine or Yogic ?Rx.
# Indulgence with Self-Awareness # Awareness of sensual experiences (touch, smell, taste, balance, sight & hearing) & Awareness of the one who is experiencing it….
It is called ‘Vigyan Bhairav Tantra’….It consists of adialogue between ‘Shiva and his female consort Devi Parvati’ or ‘Shakti’, the active aspect of the ultimate Principle.
In this Scripture, Vigyan BhairavTantra Maha Yogi Lord Shiva imparts 112 techniques of Meditation to his consort Devi Parvati for Salvation.
* Darshana Yoga : Enjoying beautiful sights with Self - Awareness * Shravan Yoga : Enjoying music with Self – Awareness * Gandha Yoga : Enjoying fragrance with Self – Awareness * Sparsha Yoga : Enjoying a touch or Sex with Self – Awareness
* Swad Yoga : Enjoying a taste with Self -Awareness * Madir Yoga : Enjoying imbalance with Self – Awareness (Tantrikas) * Aghore Yoga : Enjoying horrible situations with Self – Awareness * Vibhuti Yoga : Enjoying Yogic powers with Self – Awareness
Pragya Geet Saaki rakh gayee bhari botal hai jaam saja mere aage Sab rind jama ho pooch rahe Jo aaya bhoge ya tyage..
Hatha Yoga The Journey of Consciousness from the Manipuri Chakra (3rd Chakra) to the 7th Chakra(Sahastara) is path of Hatha Yoga… Consciousness express itself through breathing (prana)…