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Systematic and critical information search. Roskilde Universitetsbibliotek 10. februar 2014. Systematic and critical information search. Roskilde University Library February 6, 2014. 1. What …?. 2. Starting a place. 3. Get the overview. 4. More strategies.
Systematic and critical information search Roskilde Universitetsbibliotek10. februar 2014
Systematic and critical information search Roskilde University LibraryFebruary 6, 2014 1. What…? 2. Starting a place 3. Get the overview 4. More strategies 5. Whereare policy papers 7. Reference manager 8. Use the library… 6. Citations What, why and how? • What? • Academic study is based on a mix og differentusuallytext genres. Theseare the the source on whichyoubuild a foundation for yourassignments and projectwork. • This course is abouthow to thinkmethodologically and reflexiveabout information and literaturesearch in relation to research literature and policy documents. • Why? • Ensuresthatyou finde the most relevant material • Gives you an overview of the field of study • Increasesyour arguments and persuasiveness • Is the foundation of informedinclusion and exclusiondiscissions • Enables you to treat a subject in a scholarlymanner • How? • The answer is ahead! Case: CSR ‘Corporate Social Responsibility’
Systematic and critical information search Roskilde University LibraryFebruary 6, 2014 1. What…? 2. Starting a place 3. Get the overview 4. More strategies 5. Whereare policy papers 7. Reference manager 8. Use the library… 6. Citations Starting a place… Use the information youalready have… • Own experiences and knowledge is obviously the first stepping stone.CASEA TED-talkabout corporate social responsibility or have seen a documentary on the matter – are these valid and citable academic sources?Your supervisor tells you that its also termed CSR.Moving to the searching…. • Google is often useful in the beginning. It is never sufficient to stop with Google. Texts at Google are not quality checked and therefore deemed to undergo you critical scrutiny before application in the project.CASEGoogling ‘CSR’ Wikipediapops up. In a Wikipediaarticle you find links the different sources. Are these OK to use? • http://www.unglobalcompact.org/COP/ • "McDonald's Corporation CSR information". Mcdonalds.com. • McWilliams, Abagail; Siegel, Donald; Wright, Patrick M. (March 2006). Corporate Social Responsibility: International Perspectives (PDF). Working Papers (0604). Troy, New York: Department of Economics, Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute.
Systematic and critical information search Roskilde University LibraryFebruary 6, 2014 1. What…? 2. Starting a place 3. Get the overview 4. More strategies 5. Whereare policy papers 7. Reference manager 8. Use the library … 6. Citations Get the overview… Find central terms, define and find a case • Look up topicsin a library reference work ( or external database) and get a sound academic definition and references for furtherreading.CASECSR is ie. Foundin Blackwell Encyclopedia of Sociologyand ”Corporate Social Responsibility” in Blackwell Encyclopedia of Management • Find news- and journal articlesin Infomedia (danish) , Bibliotek.dk (danish) og international news at PressDisplay.Gives you an easy-readoverview.CASECSR has lots of differentnames. So try to spot otherrelated real-life-terms in articles. • Find student projectsfrom former years. The cantellyou a bit abouthow to do a project and whatsourcestheyused for investigatingtheir problem.CASESearching for ”CSR” at the library and youwill find the projectThe Institutionalization of CSR”CSR i forbrugernes øjne”. They have a goodreading list at the bottomtellingyouaboutie. Novo Nordisk whichcouldbe a case…
Systematic and critical information search Roskilde University LibraryFebruary 6, 2014 1. What…? 2. Starting a place 3. Get the overview 4. More strategies 5. Whereare policy papers 7. Reference managers 8. Use the library … 6. Citations Search strategies… Subjectsearchis obviouslyused for tieingyoursearch to the relevant keywords with in yourproject problem description and otherinterrestingtopicsyouencounteredalong the waywhenscreatingan overview of the field (slide 3). Remember to combineseveralkeywords to cover cross-disciplinarytopics and alsoboth English and Danish terms.CASEIf youareinterested in a specific part of an issueyoucansearchlikethis”CSR AND global*” at quicksearch at rub.ruc.dk. Youwould in example find ”Corporate social responsibility : readings and cases in a global context” Chain searchcanhelpyou find texts with point of departure in alreadyknownmaterial or just a topic. CASEwhensearching for a book or topicyoucan jump to SUMMON and use the filters on differentsubjects to narrowyouresults: In example ”sociology” AND ”journal article”. Citation check enables you to use a text and find out who has usedthislater on. The is the opposit of look at the reference liste whereyou look backwards in time.Google Scholar and someexternal databases as Web of knowledgearegood for this.CASE The former booktitle is really central to the project. On Google scholaryoucanseeitsbeencited5 times in otherpublications. Book reviews in academic journals areoftenuseful in terms of givingperspective to a certainwork and varyyour arguments in general.CASEThe book Organizing America: Wealth, Power, and the Origins of Corporate Capitalism is maybe deemed relevant to the project. Instead of reading it all you can assess it first. Itsavaliable asebook or printed bookand in SUMMON thereareheaps of book reviews
Systematic and critical information search Roskilde University LibraryFebruary 6, 2014 1. What…? 2. Starting a place 3. Get the overview 4. More strategies 5. Whereare policy papers 7. Reference manager 8. Use the library… 6. Citations Policy papers Source documents from public bodies, private companies or civil society • In regard to public bodiesit mightbeuseful to look at some of theselevels • Folketinget (Parliament) • Ministerier (ministeries) • Styrelser (Authorities) • Regioner (Regions) • Kommuner, (Municipalities) • In regard to NGOs and international organizationsit mightbeuseful to look at some of these • WTO - World Trade Organization • WHO (World Health Organization) • International Monetary Fund (IMF) • Danida Publications • OECD iLibrary • ECLAS • ESO (European Sources Online) • Youwillneed the primarysourcesfrom public authorities or corporations – not just descriptionsabout or interpretations. Also Google is fine for locatingthese institutions and organisations – but the documents must beretrieved on the official sites to make sure yougot the most recent • CASE • News paperarticleswill for examplerevealthatUN has recommendations the corporate social responsibilityand thatthere is lawdictatingcompanies to report on theirannual CSR effort in Denmark. This meansthatyoucould look at the UN library for furthertexts from thisparticular agent. • If youhadn’tread the articleyoumight not have considered UN at all in this matter …
Systematic and critical information search Roskilde University LibraryFebruary 6, 2014 1. What…? 2. Starting a place 3. Get the overview 4. More strategies 5. Whereare policy papers 7. Reference manager 8. Use the library … 6. Citations Citations, literature lists and plagiarism • Citeyoursourcescorrectly • https://app.secure.griffith.edu.au/reference_tool/index-core.php • Academic must.do – making the literature list… • http://studiemetro.au.dk/en/standardsforacademicpapers/moreaboutstandardsforacademicpapers/ • http://vip.iva.dk/tutorials/referencer/liste.htm • Plagiarism is cheating... • http://www.en.stopplagiat.nu/ Examplename-yearmethod (APA) Book Roeder, K. et al. (1987). Public relations. Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press. Chapter in a book Bøgh Andersen, P. (1986). Semiotics and informatics: Computers and media. I: P. Ingwersen, L. Kajberg & A. Mark Pejtersen (Eds.), Information technology and information use: Towards a unifiedview of information and information technology (s. 34-47). London: Taylor Graham Website DynamiteAssociates. (1998, 1. april). Blow it up! [Hjemmeside for DynamiteAssociates]. Lokaliseret den 1. maj 1998 på http://www.dynamite.com
Systematic and critical information search Roskilde University LibraryFebruary 6, 2014 1. What…? 2. Starting a place 3. Get the overview 4. More strategies 5. Whereare policy papers 8. Use the library… 6. Citations 7. Reference manager Reference managers • Collectsources • Organizetexts and literature • Write– Do citations automatically • Sharein youprojectgroup • Try Mendeley which is free • Try RefWorkswhichwe have subscription for Why? • Time saver!!!!! • 1:1 relation betweeen in-text citations and yourliterature list • Overview of the projecttexts • Work systematicallywith yoursources • Recycle and reusetexts for nextprojects
Systematic and critical information search Roskilde University LibraryFebruary 6, 2014 1. What…? 2. Starting a place 3. Get the overview 4. More strategies 5. Whereare policy papers 6. Citations 8. Use the library … 7. Reference manager Use the library • Study at the library. We have bothgroup and individualworkspaces AND hammocks! • Ask a librarianabouthelp for findingmaterial for the project or assignment – Meetus at the librarymonday – friday from 9.00 – 17.30 (open til midnight with access-card) • Getadvice and information Mailus (rub-vejl@ruc.dk) • Fast responses for minorquestions - Chat or writeus on Facebook
Thanks! Roskilde Universitetsbibliotek10. februar 2014