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Unit 7 Wonderland

Unit 7 Wonderland. Class Two, Grade Five. t e rr i ble. ['t e r ə bl]. 糟糕的 , 可怕的. The weather is terrible. [br ai t]. br i ght. 明亮的 , 聪明的. How bright our classroom is!. clever. What a bright classroom it is!. [sp e nd]. sp e nd. 花费,度过. spend — spent.

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Unit 7 Wonderland

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  1. Unit 7 Wonderland Class Two, Grade Five

  2. terrible ['terəbl] 糟糕的,可怕的 The weather is terrible.

  3. [brait] bright 明亮的,聪明的 How bright our classroom is! clever What a bright classroom it is!

  4. [spend] spend 花费,度过 spend—spent Alice and Sue will spend 3 days in Hangzhou spend time on sth. spend time (in) doing sth.

  5. I spent two hours on TV yestrday. I spent two hours (in ) watching TV yesterday.

  6. forecast ['fɔ:kɑ:st] 预报 report The students are listening to the weather forecast in the classroom.

  7. wait 等待 [weit] They are waiting for the bus. wait—waited—waiting

  8. [məust] most 大多数 Most girls like colourful skirts. colour (n.)— colourful (adj.)

  9. piece [pi:s] 片,张 Let’s cut the cake into six pieces. a piece of bread two pieces of paper cut— cut—cutting

  10. [məust] [pi:s] [weit] ['fɔ:kɑ:st] [brait] [spend] ['terəbl]

  11. Fill in the blanks: pieces 1.Please ___the apple into three _____. cut kites 2. Look. There are many ______ in the sky. They are _________. colourful terrible 3. It’s rainy today. It’s a _______ day. bright 4. We are in the _______ classroom. We are happy. spent reading 5 We _____ two hours _______ books last Sunday.

  12. terrible bright spend forecast colourful wait piece most cut

  13. Yesterday I listened to the weather_________. I know today is fine and______. ______people like to go outing on Sunny days. I am going to Shanghai this afternoon. I shall _____two days in Shanghai. I’ll visit the Oriental Pearl TV Tower, the Bund, Yu Garden and New Century Park. I think there are many beautiful flowers in the park. They are______. forecast bright Most spend colourful

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